Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 629: Old ancestors, not small

Adidas was too shocked, too angry, and asked on the spot, full of anger.

The rest of the people were in an uproar upon hearing this.

Known as the first beauty of the Shura tribe, and even the saint woman of the Shura tribe, Ajidole is the goddess of countless men of the Shura tribe.


Today, Aguidole is pregnant!

Liu Wuhai was even more startled when he heard the words, his jaw dropped to the ground.

"Whose child is this child?...A hundred years ago, I witnessed her and her ancestors both leave. They haven't returned for a hundred years, but now they have children!"

"Could it be that this child belongs to the ancestor?!"

"Do I want more little ancestors again?!"

"Oh my God! Yeah!"

Liu Wuhai's eyes widened, and he used a mute technique to make himself speechless.

Otherwise, he was really worried that he could not help but scream.

Facing the questions from everyone, Aguidole smiled calmly and said, "This is not a child, this is a magical skill I am practicing, so it looks like I have a child!"

Everyone was surprised when they heard the words.

Because Aguidole was too calm.

Adidas was taken aback for a moment, the golden eyes became deep and hazy, apparently operating a pupil technique, like doing a B-scan, immediately gave Aguidole a perspective.

Immediately, he saw it.

In Ajidole's belly, there was a round thing that was beating constantly, like a heart, with each beating, it would exude a pure emptiness.

"What is this...?!"

Adidas was surprised that he couldn't see through.

Ajidole shook his head, glanced at Liu Wuhai, and said, "This is a magical skill given to me by the ancestor of the Fourth Pharaoh. After I practiced, this thing appeared in my stomach. I don't know what it is!"

Adidas glanced at Liu Wuhai, and was surprised. It seems that Liu Wuhai's ancestor is not small!

"This thing is extremely weird, I suggest destroying it!"

Ajidole's expression changed, and he hurriedly said, "No!"

Adidas' eyes flashed, "Why not?"

Ajiduo said anxiously: "This thing is the core of that cultivation technique, which allows me to cultivate to the immortal state."

Adidas changed his eyes and said, "What is the name of this technique?!"

Aguidole glanced at the others in the pyramid and said, "Go down!"

A group of people were not reconciled, but did not violate them, bowed and retired.

"Abuna, you can avoid it too!" Aguidole said.

Abuna was taken aback, nodded immediately, waved to Liu Wuhai, and asked him to leave.

However, Ajidole said: "The fourth pharaoh stay!"

Abu Na grinned sadly and left in embarrassment.

Adidas waved, set up a shielding formation, and looked at Aguidole.

Ajidole's complexion became serious and said, "The ancestor of the fourth pharaoh is my old friend. Now, he is the emperor of the emperor city!"

"Back then, when I cut my own cultivation base and went to Jiutian Universe, I had a cause and effect with him, but now when I reunited, he wanted to lose the cause and effect."

"Therefore, he gave me a practice, which is called "Birth Embracing Magic"."

"Cultivation of exercises is like pregnant, and looks like a fetus, but in fact, what you hold is your own yin and yang essence, and what you condense is the power of Taixu, which allows me to advance from the false Taixu state to the real Taixu state!"

Adidas' complexion changed when he heard the words, and his golden eyes became excited, but he was also suspicious.

"This exercise can be practiced by both men and women?..."

Ajidole pursed his mouth and said, "It seems that you still don't believe me!"

Immediately, as soon as he pointed it out, he gave Adidas the information of the exercises.

Adidas closed his eyes and realized it. After a while, he opened his eyes, and his eyes were filled with wonder and incredible color.

"The person who created this technique, I am afraid that the yin and yang way has been cultivated to the ultimate state of perfection!"

Ajidole nodded, looked at Liu Wuhai next to him, and said, "That person is the Emperor of Heaven and the ancestor of the Fourth Pharaoh!"

Liu Wuhai raised his head proudly when he heard the words.

Adidas took a deep look at Liu Wuhai, smiled slightly, and said, "When I have time, I also beg the Fourth Pharaoh to recommend him and let me visit your ancestors."

"No problem!" Liu Wuhai readily agreed.

Several people chatted a few more times, seeing Adidas holding up the teacup several times, Liu Wuhai and Aguidole left.

As soon as the two left, Adidas immediately closed the pyramid and opened all shielding formations and prohibitions.

Then, I sat down and took a deep breath, the golden eyes were full of light

""Baby Ability"? Can you practice directly to the longevity realm?! Haha~"

"Why don't I believe it!"

Adidas had an indifferent expression, he was extremely deep in the city, and he did not fully believe Aguidole's explanation.

"Clone, come out!"

He fell, and his body immediately split into a clone, and his body also exuded the majestic Void Realm pressure.

No one knew that the first pharaoh of the Asura clan actually had a clone of the Supreme Void Realm.

Adidas looked at the clone with pride and satisfaction in his eyes.

This clone was formed by him using the original holy fetus for hundreds of thousands of years. With the qualifications to practice cultivation against the sky, any cultivation technique can be quickly cultivated and then assimilated to his deity.

The original fetus!

This is the secret of his strength, nobody knows it!

"Practicing "Baby Holding Technique"!" Adidas ordered.

He was very cautious. He neither believed in Aguidole nor in the magic of holding a baby, but he would never practice by himself, so he let the clone try.

"Yes!" The clone immediately began to practice.

Visible to the naked eye, the body of the avatar exudes a white glow.

This is the manifestation of the original holy fetus's cultivation talent. The fetal holding magical skill is in his hands, and he is gradually getting into it. A whirlpool appears in the lower abdomen of the clone.

This vortex was deep and gloomy, like a black hole, swallowing energy that attracted all directions.

Adidas' eyes condensed, and he casually cut through the space, extraditing energy from a distant place, so that the people in the ancient city of Asura would not notice.

The vast energy was extradited and injected into the lower abdomen whirlpool of the clone.

The lower abdomen vortex swelled, and then there was a sudden shock. It seemed that it had swallowed enough energy, the vortex dissipated, and the lower abdomen became calm.

"According to the description of "Birth Embracing Skill" given by Ajidole, the first level is completed!"

Adidas's golden eyes were shining, watching the changes in the abdomen of the clone.

The clone is the original holy fetus, and the cultivation speed is too fast, it is almost as if it is broken.

He played Dao Dao Yin tactics, and his whole body was mobilized, and the second layer of fetal holding magical skill was quickly completed.

In the lower abdomen of the clone, a black spot appeared.

The clone continued to practice, and soon broke through to the third level, the black spots grew stronger and turned into black balls.

Adidas didn't say anything, let the clone continue to practice.

Soon, the cultivation reached the fourth and fifth level!

"Boom boom boom..."

The black ball on the abdomen of the clone began to have a sound, like a heartbeat, very powerful, and full of rhythm.

It was generally the same as the foreign body in Ajidole's stomach, and it exuded a trace of too weak air.

Adidas was surprised.

"Is it true?" The foreign body in Ajidole's belly is not a child. It is really the result of practice?!"

"No! I can't worry, I have to continue practicing and see the final changes!"

"There is no free lunch in the world. Aguidole's expression today is too calm!"

Adidas groaned, his eyes filled with wise and shrewd light.

"Clone, continue to practice, and cultivate this technique to the realm of great achievement!"


The clone replied, closing his eyes and practicing again.

At this time, the vortex in the abdomen appeared and began to devour energy again.

Adidas cut through the space, attracting a huge and sufficient energy flow, injected into the vortex in the abdomen of the clone.

Time flies, day after day passes.


It has been half a year.

In the pyramid, Adidas stared at the clone with expectant and nervous eyes.

To be precise, staring at the lower abdomen of the clone.

Because the lower abdomen of the clone has swelled like a watermelon, as big as a pregnant woman.

From a distance, the clone is like a big belly woman with a big At this time, the clone can no longer sit and practice, and can only practice lying down.

In his abdomen, there was a heartbeat as powerful as the sound of a big drum, and it was filled with a rich, pure and extremely weak Qi.

In most of this half a year, Adidas stayed in step and witnessed the avatar's belly getting bigger day by day.

"The ninth stage of the fetal holding technique, broken!"

The avatar was lying in the pyramid with a big belly, suddenly roared, and broke through to the ninth stage of the magical technique of holding a baby.


With a loud noise, the avatar's belly exploded, and a "thing" rolled out of it.

It's the black ball.


The black ball splits.

"Wow wow wow wow..."

The crisp cry of the child came from the black ball, resounding through the pyramid.

Then, a white and tender doll got out of the black ball, walked staggeringly, blinking her shiny eyes, and babbling, "Father~ hug, hug~"

Adidas' eyes widened, eyes full of incomprehension, startled an old rabbit jump and jumped from the ground.

"You...what are you?!"

Bai Nen Xiaowawa was full of innocence and grievances, and then suddenly bit her fingers and cried...

"Wow... Daddy doesn't want me anymore, Daddy, you bully me, I'm going to find ancestors, ancestors beat you ass..."

Adidas roared and couldn't bear it. He guarded the clone for more than half a year, and practiced the Laoshizi exercise "Baby Ability". Nima actually had a baby and gave birth to a big fat boy!

"Die me!"

Adadis roared and slapped it off with a slap. The rumbling palm power went down, and the white fat little baby was beaten into a pile of meat!

I rub! Really ruthless!

ps: I took my mother to the hospital for review this afternoon, so I sent both chapters in advance

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