Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 805: The ancient bronze palace in the restricted area of ​​life, the emperor

   In the Ninth Academy of the Great Xia Shen Kingdom, Wu Mathematicians saw this battle in the void, excited and excited.

   On weekdays, they are used to watching the gorgeous magical secret methods of fighting, like today's primitive and brutal battles, they rarely see them in their lives, and they watch them extremely passionately.

   In the void, a group of Changshengtian was shocked and shocked, and at the same time very confused.

   "This old man with red hair and red eyebrows, who is it?! Has anyone seen it before?!"

   "I haven't seen it, this seat has overlooked the longevity world for many years, and I have never seen this person!"

   "This person is terrifying in flesh, reaching an incredible level. He is not an ancient ancestor, but he can compete with monsters. Is it an old senior who cultivates the same line?!"

   "Impossible! The lineage of Ti Xiu has long been cut off, and the ancestor of Ti Xiu was taken away for banning in ancient times!"

   "This person has a weird breath and makes people very uncomfortable. I don't know what kind of cultivation way..."

  All the eternal life talked, eyes shining brightly, looking at Liu Fan, Liu Fan has not yet used the ominous way to converge all his breath, and outsiders cannot perceive it.

  Furthermore, Liu Fan had already cultivated a physical heavenly gate and became a perfect and sacred existence, a non-human existence.

   The physical changes are even more so that no one can see through.

   In the depths of the academy, a few tyrannical divine thoughts were scanning, sometimes scanning Liu Fan, obviously those elders were observing, and he could not confirm Liu Fan's identity.

at this time.

   Liu Fan suddenly let out a long howl, and let out an old roar: "Ominous power, troubled times!"

   Suddenly, he used the ominous way he had cultivated. His palm was red and radiant, and the ominous air filled his body. The Void Avenue reverberated, and suddenly, it rained red.

   "Ah——! Rewind, it's ominous!"

   "Oh my God! This man actually practiced such a taboo way!"

   "The ominous way has actually reappeared in the world!"

   All around, there was a loud noise, everyone retreated in fear, and at the same time the eyes were angry and disgusted, but in an instant, all of them were red hair, and they could not help but scream in horror.

   Several beautiful female students, on their beautiful faces, began to grow red hair, and they couldn't help screaming.

   This is Liu Fan’s ominous way, which is a passive effect!

  Whoever is hostile to me will have red hair, regardless of whether you are a woman or not.

Gao Changsheng waited for a few longevity days, and couldn't help but shake his whole body. The divine light in his eyes suddenly became deep and bright, and his body became cold. He glanced at his arm. The red hair was densely packed, and his divine power was surging, suppressed. It cannot be eradicated.

   Obviously, the ominous ways of the ancestors go far beyond a few people.

   "Really an ominous way... this kind of way shouldn't exist!"

  Sen Leng's killing intent flashed in the eyes of several Changshengtians, but they were all very jealous.

   After all, Liu Fan was fighting with the monster just now, and they were definitely not opponents.

   And this time.

  In the depths of the academy, the spiritual thoughts of those elders suddenly became fierce countless times. At the same time, there was a hoarse and old roar...

   "The ominous way, which harms the common people, should be destroyed!!"

  In the distance, Elder Xia trembled all over, his eyes widened, and his face was full of incredible color.

   "How is it possible?! Seniors actually practiced the ominous way!"

   "The ominous way was listed as a taboo way as early as the ancient times. Why did the seniors practice this way!"

   Elder Xia was heartbroken and uncomfortable. Looking at the red drizzle in the sky, he did not avoid it, letting the red drizzle fall on his body, and then the whole body grew fine red hair.

   "No matter what the predecessors are, they are their own saviors."

   Elder Xia's eyes gradually became firm.

   However, other people looked at Liu Fan with indifference and fear...

   In the realm of longevity, there are some unwritten agreements that are known to all living beings.

   For example, the rule of "one family, one longevity", and this "bad way!"

   If the rule of one family and one longevity is scolded by some people, the ominous way is pointed out by thousands of people, and all souls are jealous.

  Because of this way, it is too weird, and very evil, it is difficult to guard against.

In the void, Liu Fan noticed the abnormal expressions of the people and countless hostile gazes. He was puzzled and then furious, "What about the ominous way?! Three thousand avenues, who stipulated that the ominous way cannot be practiced, is Liu Changsheng Is that guy?!"

   Liu Fan subconsciously thought that it was Liu Changsheng who did a good job again!

   However, everyone shook their heads coldly.

   In the void, Gao Changsheng said directly: "There is no rule. As we all know, those who practice the ominous way are the enemies of our longevity world!"

   "During the Primordial Age and the ancient time, two people practiced ominous ways, which caused chaos in the longevity world and were expelled to the restricted life zone in the depths of the wild, do you know?!"

   Liu Fan was taken aback, I really don’t know!

   He explained in a hurry: "Friends of Taoism, listen to the old man!"

   "The old man is a good person. The old man blocked this monster just now and saved Elder Xia's life!"

   While talking, there was a cold in front of him, but the humanoid monster took the opportunity to attack Liu Fan, with a paw clasped on Liu Fan's chest, Liu Fan's body shook, and the ominous power erupted, and the sky was full of red drizzle.

   The monster roared, and dense red hair grew all over, but the scales on its body flashed with blue light, instantly obliterating the ominous power, and rushing towards Liu Fan.

   One person and one stranger, they fight again.

   In the void, a group of longevity heavenly eyes are miraculous, coldly, looking at the humanoid monster and Liu Fan.

   "Don't worry, neither is good, let them bite the dog!"

   "Yes, that's right, the snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman gains!"

   "Look at it, the elders of the Ninth Academy of the Great Xia Shen Kingdom will not spare him. One of them was rumored to have been injured by the ominous force in the ancient years, and this has only fallen early."

   A group of long-lived heavenly eyes and indifferent voice transmissions discovered that the large formations and restraints in the Ninth Academy of the Great Xia Kingdom were activated one by one, covering the sky and the sun, covering the sky above.

   Obviously, those elders have already begun to do it.

   However, they didn't immediately make a move. They seemed to be waiting for the end of the battle between Liu Fan and the monster in the void, and they all had the idea of ​​profiting from the fisherman.

   Liu Fanyan could not know, and he was angry and hated in his heart. This group of people did not work hard when facing monsters and hid behind them, but now they have such a nasty mind, be blamed!

   But, he is not afraid!

   Ominous power erupted all over the body, and the red ominous rain turned into a sky waterfall, which was extremely shocking. At the same time, the red chain of ominous order intertwined, and the laws roared, causing the sound of the longevity realm to echo.

   This is the power of longevity and the power of the ominous way of the ancestors.

   The ominous way derived from the old ancestor system is not an ordinary way. The old ancestor system must be a fine product.

  The law and order of the ominous way, the chain of gods, intertwined in the void, colliding with each other, making a crisp sound like the collision of chains of gods, spreading out of the sky, spreading the void, and spreading to the vast wilderness...

  The depths of the wild is a restricted area of ​​life.

  Here, there are no gods for hundreds of millions of miles, and it is a barren land, like a wasteland.

   The vegetation is withering, the evil aura is permeating, the gloomy wind is whirling, and there are sometimes Yin soldiers aisles, making the harsh sound of weapons rubbing their armor.

   The ancient bronze halls stand in the depths of the earth.

  At this time, when Liu Fan's ominous way, law, order, and the chain of gods were passed on, an ancient bronze hall suddenly shook, emitting a green glow.

   Then, a desolate voice came from the ancient bronze temple...

   "It seems that we need one more Daoist, a Daoist of the Ominous Way, ha ha ha..."

   "Come here, take this decree to bring this fellow Daoist home, who dares to stop and kill!"

   An icy "kill" word triggered the annihilation of the void, and millions of miles of clouds moved.

And following the order from the ancient bronze temple, the wasteland began to shake, and then one after another climbed out of bone creatures, especially the leading one was a bone evil wolf with three heads, three pairs of eyes glowing green. Light.

   But its eyes are extremely vicissitudes, muddy, obviously after becoming a bone creature, it doesn't know how many years he has lived.

   is an old guy!

   The three bone wolf wolves raised their heads and let out a long howl, the bone creatures behind them responded, and then rushed into the void together, disappearing...


   The Ninth Academy of the Great Xia Shen Kingdom.

   The back mountain is empty, the war is still going on.


   The monster roared, with cyan scales glowing all over, punched a chaotic fist, and rushed over again.

   It has a thick and thick skin and a powerful body. With the blessing of its scales, it is even more terrifying, as fierce as an ancient beast, and its eyes flash with blood.

   Liu Fan's eyes flashed sharply, he no longer kept his hands, and while bombarding with ominous force, the void exploded and turned into a black hole.

  In the black hole, the ominous force turns into a red waterfall, and the order law of the ominous way reverberates, like a chain of gods struggling with each other, making a crisp and vibrating sound.

   The monster roared sternly, with dense red hair growing in its ears, eyes, nose and mouth.

   The red hair is like a worm, constantly wriggling, terrifying and terrifying.

   Outside, a group of people change color.

   A group of female students even vomited at first and was very sick.

   "The **** ominous way, those who practice the ominous way, are not humans, they are monsters, and they shouldn't exist!"

   They cursed the ominous way and hated Liu Fan.

  Because their bodies were stained with red drizzle just now, they were also hit by ominous forces, and they were suppressing them.

   At this moment, they cursed Liu Fan.

   But for a moment, they screamed in horror, because their ears, eyes, and even their mouth and nostrils, like the monster, grew dense red hairs.


   The ultimate horror!

   This is Liu Fan's ominous way. If you are hostile to me, I can make you ominous and make you grow red. You dare to scold me. Isn't this just asking for it? !

   Liu Fan glanced at the female students coldly and ignored them.

   A group of brain-disabled children, does the training break the brain training? I am here to fight monsters. Not only do you not help or shout, but instead slander and insult you, you deserve to have red hair!

   He shot sharply and bombarded the monster on the opposite side.

   The monster roared backwards and was invincible.

   Liu Fan’s ominous way of walking was so deep that it shocked and disturbed them.

   The longevity heavens hiding in the void narrowed their eyes one by one, lingering in the air.

   Once the monster is defeated, I am afraid there will be a hard fight next!

  If Liu Fan can't be killed, the ominous power they have just infected cannot be completely expelled. This is a nightmare!

   can be at this moment.

   The monster roared and suddenly transformed.

   Its body shape suddenly rises high, hula la lala suddenly grows to a million feet, standing upright, full of scales glowing, huge body shape casting a large shadow, as if the prehistoric fierce awakened.

   In an instant, its aura greatly increased and it became extremely terrifying.

   Liu Fan was shocked, he took the first shot, jumped up, and appeared at the center of the monster's eyebrows in the void of a million feet.

   His figure at the moment, compared with a monster that is one million feet in size, is as small as a mosquito.

   But Liu Fan blasted down with a palm of his hand. The moment his palm was close to the monster's eyebrows, the heavenly gate was secretly opened in his palm, and a very subtle ten-color divine light flashed.

   This is the physical heaven gate, with the power to destroy the heavens and the earth. When he first crossed the boundary, he used this power to resist the punishment of the heavens and beat a group of longevity heavens to flee.

Now, he does not want to delay any longer. Although he still wants to know the origin of this monster, he does not want to make wedding dresses for others. The group of longevity days behind him, and the old guys hiding in the depths of the college, let Liu Fan is very upset!

   Therefore, he secretly used the power of the physical heavenly gate.

   Outsiders, it is impossible to notice, because the surroundings are full of red drizzle, and the laws of ominous ways are permeating.

   However, the monster noticed it, and at the moment when the physical heaven gate appeared in Liu Fan's palm, it clearly saw the ten-color light that flashed in the depths of Liu Fan's palm.

   Suddenly, the monster was taken aback, and then let out a loud roar of surprise and excitement.

   At the moment of the moment, Liu Fan noticed the abnormality, turned his palm, and deliberately hit several hidden places in the eternal sky.


   This palm contains the power of part of Liu Fan's physical heavenly gate, how terrifying.

  , it pierced the sky and exploded the sky. The void that was hit was completely annihilated and returned to the original.


   Several longevity days screamed and exploded on the spot.

   They never expected that Liu Fan would be so insidious that he would sneak attack on them when he was fighting the monsters.

   What's more, what they didn't expect was that the power of this palm was too terrifying, too powerful, and would directly blow them up.

   They struggled to reorganize their bodies, but they were also badly injured.

   Liu Fan’s palm strength is uncomfortable!

   "Damn! Damn! Damn shit!"

   "If you don't kill that monster, you will attack us!"

   "It is extremely despicable and shameless, I said, there is no good thing for practicing the ominous way!"

   A few longevity days roared and cursed.

   Liu Fan made a gesture and raised his palm.

   A few longevity days were frightened and flew away in a hurry, but was shocked to find that Liu Fan did not make a move, but showed them a cat-and-mouse smile, full of sarcasm and contempt.

   "Just a few of you gadgets, dare to yell in front of this seat, it's really a dog thing that lives and lives!"

   This is a naked contempt It is merciless, and the sound is spread all over the world, so that countless people have heard it.

  In a short time, these Changshengtian blushes, and they are so embarrassed that they can't wait to get into the void.

   They looked at Liu Fan with gloomy and vicious eyes, gritted their teeth.

   And this time.

   Opposite Liu Fan, this huge monster, who was a thousand feet tall, shouted, gestured, and was very excited. His blood-red eyes were full of joy.

   It seemed to be saying something, spit out a large string of words in its mouth.

   Liu Fan frowned, unable to understand the meaning.

   And the monster was very anxious, scratching his ears and scratching his cheeks. Finally, he claws his mouth with his paws, pinches his tongue, and squeezes his mouth, making a difficult sound-Emperor!

   "Emperor?! You call me Emperor?!"

   Liu Fan was shocked and couldn't believe it.

  Self, why does this monster call me "emperor"? !

  Ps: 4200 words, 2 chapters in one.

   From 9 o'clock in the morning to 2 o'clock noon, I wrote more than 7,000 words in one breath, fearing that the plot is not coherent.

   I posted it once, so everyone can see it well, ask for votes, ask for support


   Please remember the domain name of this book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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