Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 812: Life restricted area shot

The void above the Sanlitun Frontier Fortress.

The big hand of the ancestor Liu Fan crossed over, covering the sky like a cloud, curling up with ten colors of light, and suddenly grabbed the golden imperial edict.

This is a shocking scene.


The sky is surging with wind and clouds, the horror is permeated, and the majestic coercion is mighty.

Countless people raised their heads in amazement, staring into the void, with their eyes full of awe and awe, the ancestors of the Liu family, horrible!

In the sky, the ancestor's ten-color spirit is in the hands.

The golden imperial edict struggled fiercely, and the golden light gleamed, hitting Liu Fan's hand, and there was a sound of beating the **** iron.

The golden imperial decree is made of some kind of divine material. It is flexible and strong, like a golden silk garment, and like gold silk and satin, smooth and noble.

It was struggling in Liu Fan's palm, Liu Fan's ten-color divine power was surging, and the chaotic divine fire broke out, and it could not be damaged.

Even if it left scars, it recovered in the blink of an eye, intact.

This imperial decree is so serious!

In the void, the leader of the patrol angel who was fleeing in the air laughed angrily: "That is a decree bestowed by the emperor. There are only three items in the entire Daxia Kingdom. This decree has been refined for millions of years. How can you Damaged! Not to mention, there is also a rune of the Emperor's Law on it..."

He was talking, but couldn't help being taken aback.

Because at this time, the golden imperial edict was gone, and the breath completely disappeared in the void.

Liu Fan couldn't help but stunned.

Because he was trying his best to suppress this golden imperial decree just now, as soon as the ancient mysterious heavenly gate in his palm was opened, the divine light flashed and swallowed the golden imperial decree like a jujube.


Liu Fan was surprised, but quickly reacted, covering the sky with ten colored lights, and chasing after the patrol angel and others who fled in the void.

The patrol angel leader was horrified and yelled in anger: "Liu family ancestors, please forgive others and forgive others!"

"We are the patrol angels of the Kingdom of Daxia. If you oppose us, you are against the Kingdom of Daxia. The consequences are not something you can bear!"

"It has angered Daxia Divine Kingdom, and your Sanlitun Liu family will all be wiped out!"

Liu Fan was furious when he heard this: "How dare to threaten my ancestor. If I don't suppress you today, my Sanlitun Liu family's face in the longevity world will be lost!"

The face is an excuse. The key is to find the place. I couldn't use it before. I was so wronged by these people who were chased and killed. The Dao heart is not transparent. Now I can only make the Dao heart transparent!

Moreover, in this battle, I don't know how many people and forces are paying attention. If I admit to being counseled, I will be a counselor in the future!

Can the old ancestors be a bullshit? !


The ancestors have always been invincible bulldozers!

"Snap your fingers, kill!"

There was a roar in Liu Fan's palm, and then the **** rubbed his thumb, and a series of snapping fingers sounded in the void.

"Papa Papa..."

The voice is crisp, but there is the light of law flickering at the fingertips, and the chain of order is entwined.

In the distance, beside the fleeing patrol angel, rumbling exploded, annihilated, and collapsed, all black holes!

A snapping finger, the sky collapsed, thousands of miles died, and returned to nothingness, this is the power of the snapping magical power.

Today, the ancestors are not only the double longevity heaven of the chaotic way and the ominous way, but also the ancient ancestor who opened the physical heaven, a perfect sacred body, non-human existence.

His snapping fingers at the moment, the terrifying universe is going to be extinct, it is the most terrifying and strange killing technique!

A snap of your fingers, the void is directly a mushroom cloud!

With a hundred snapping fingers, a hundred mushroom clouds, the void exploded continuously, the rules and order were all disordered, and the gods were like ants in the face of peerless killing power.


The screams became a film.

The patrol angels threw away their armor, and the armor on their bodies was torn apart by the explosion, and the flesh was also cracked and seriously injured.

But they are the longevity heaven after all, and they are the longevity heaven that opened the physical heaven gate, their flesh is tyrannical, and there are scaly guards in some parts, so the flesh just cracked and didn't explode like other longevity heavens.

But this is the case, and the results are amazing.

The blood-colored armor of the patrol angel leader also cracked, but at the critical moment, he ran a powerful body protection supernatural power to protect his armor.

But the other patrol angels on the side were all bombed out of their armor, revealing their true bodies, and each of them had scales in some places, which was very strange.

In the void, the face of Changshengtian was concealed. Seeing this scene, there was a horror and shock. They were obviously surprised. They never expected that the famous summer tour angels were all monsters with their bodies rising and scales. .

The clouds were rolling and the sound transmission was dense, and this news was quickly spread all over the world by those who wanted to.

This is the shrewdness of those voyeuristic longevity days, who will publish their secrets to the public, let the world know, and let countless creatures understand, then they will be safe.


A group of patrol angels noticed this scene, their faces were ugly, and even a little frightened.

The secrets of the top of Changshengtian were leaked by them.

This battle will be punished by the senior officials of the Great Xia Kingdom anyway. All of them may be imprisoned or even destroyed! !

This is the rule!

Hidden in the rules of the three transcendent forces in the Great Xia Kingdom, the Temple, and the Hall of Eternal Life!

The scales cannot be known to the outside world.


The leader of the patrol angel raised the sky and roared, his expression sad and angry, despair, confusion, fear, and all kinds of complex emotions appeared in his eyes.

He never imagined that such a change would occur in this mission, not only did he fail to accomplish anything, but he also pushed himself to a place where he could never recover!

To his side, a group of patrol angels looked at him, their eyes widened and their expressions complicated.

"My lord, we have no retreat!"

"My lord, the secrets of Tianmen and Scales have been leaked. We have committed a big mistake in the censorship of the sky, and it cannot be recovered. What should we do?!"

"Yes, the emperor's decree was also lost by us, and none of the enemies we wanted to capture was caught. If we go back, we will be imprisoned and imprisoned for life, but we will be sent directly to the ruined battlefield. That place, no one has ever come back alive..."

"My lord, my lord..."

A group of patrol angels asked loudly, their expressions agitated, struggling and hideous colors gradually appeared in their eyes, and at the same time they turned their heads in horror to stare into the distance.

Because there, the ten colors flickered, and the horrible breath fluctuated.

Liu Fan's ten-color fascination came to kill.

Like a bulldozer, it rumbling over.

Several patrol angels greeted them and used their supernatural powers to block them. All kinds of powerful lethal weapons were passively used, and the sky that was hit was misty.

But not long after, screams rang out one after another, blood rain fell on the void, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and the road wailed.

Obviously, some patrol angels have fallen.

"My lord, let's reverse it!"

"Escape from the world of longevity and take root in the barren land outside the frontier fortress. If you don't die, one hundred thousand years later, it will be another life restricted zone!"

"My lord, please make a quick decision! The enemy is here!"

A group of patrol angels reddened their eyes, and the brothers beside them fell one by one, bursting into the void, and the blood rain stained the sky.

The patrol angel leader was angry and hated, and gave a long whistle.

"Go, on the other hand, go outside the border fortress and enter the wilderness!"

"Going back is a dead end. Although it is dangerous to enter the wilderness, there is a ray of life!"


The leader of the patrol angel shouted, and his body was full of divine power. With a "bang", the blood armor on his body was automatically burst.

Scarlet armor has tracking and positioning rules. Since you plan to escape, the armor cannot be left.

On weekdays, the armor that everyone wears can't be shattered by themselves, but now, they are freed from being shattered by their ancestors.

In an instant, the patrol angel leader revealed his real body, and it was clearly visible that from his neck to his waist, he was covered with cold light shimmering scales, densely packed and layered, and the area was much larger than the others.

Therefore, he is stronger and convinced by everyone.

If the Qinglin monster saw the appearance of the patrol angel leader, it would be very surprised, because the patrol angel leader is no longer a low-level failure product, but an intermediate-level failure product!

This level, coupled with its own powerful cultivation base and supernatural powers, could hurt the Qinglin monster.

But in any case, when the ancestor Liu Fan was fully fired, he was still invincible, and the golden imperial edict given by the **** emperor was taken away. He knew in his heart that he was definitely not the opponent of this ancestor of the Liu family.

"The ancestors of the Liu family!!! I have written down this account!!!"

The leader of the patrol angel gritted his teeth, but did not dare to roar and roar, because this would anger the enemy and cause himself a big trouble.


With a wave of his hand, he measured the sky ruler and used it, leading a group of remaining subordinates into the black hole and fleeing away in an instant.

Liu Fan roared, and the ten-color divine light crossed the void with his big hands, chased and killed several patrol angels.

In the end, it was discovered that this group of people had escaped the world of longevity and crossed the Great Wall of Frontier Fortress into the wild land.

He was taken aback, understood instantly, and couldn't help sighing.

Since these people have fought with themselves, the secrets of scales have been completely known to the longevity world, and the mission has failed, and the imperial decree has been lost. If they return to the Great Xia Kingdom, they will definitely encounter terrible punishment, so they fled.

"The Kingdom of Great Xia is really unfathomable!"

Liu Fan came back to his senses.

With a few great magical powers, all kinds of millions of zhang Tianyu bombarded the past, bombarding and killing this group of escaped Great Xia Xun angels from a long distance.

There was a magical power that fell into the life restricted zone in the depths of the wild.


In the depths of the wild, the mountains and mountains exploded, and the mountains and rivers split apart, but in an instant, a terrifying sky-blocking divine light blew up, blocking all the auras.

Vaguely, several ancient bronze halls rose into the sky, exuding an ancient and vicissitudes of life.

At the same time, from an ancient bronze temple, a frightening green light shot out, which instantly split the void into two halves, cutting apart the laws of the great road and the order of the heavens.

This green light cut straight towards Liu Fan.

Liu Fan was shocked. This green light attack was enough to erase the entire Sanlitun Frontier Fortress, and neither the restrictions on the Great Wall of Frontier Fortress nor the great formation could stop it!

There is such a terrifying existence in the life restricted zone in the depths of the wild!


In the Palace of the Emperor of Heaven, Liu Fan's deity moved, and flashed out of the Palace of the Emperor of Heaven, rolling his palms, and matched with the power of the heavenly body of the physical body, and used the ten-color divine power to strike a billion.

This blow was Liu Fan's peak blow, and also the strongest blow. It pierced Tianyu at once, and the dazzling ten-color light met the green light.


The sky exploded, the horrible mushroom cloud appeared in the wild land, the order was disordered, the rules were broken, the rules were annihilated, and everything returned to the original.

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