Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 815: Ancient rhino hide

     In the main hall, Liu Fan's voice fell, shaking the eardrums of the Heavenless Doppelganger.

   He stared at the deity blankly, unable to recover for a while.

   I had a good talk just now, but the atmosphere suddenly changed.

   Liu Fan looked down at Wutian avatar and said loudly: "Xiaotian, don't come to take the decree of my ancestor yet! Or do you want to hit the ass?!"

   Wutian clone shouted: "My deity, first speak clearly, what do you want me to do? Go to the restricted area of ​​life?!"

   Liu Fan nodded and smiled: "That's right!"

"You are the favorite clone of this ancestor. There is no one. Your cultivation base, your strength, and your temperament are second only to me. Therefore, this glorious task is entrusted to you! Don't look at Ben like that. My ancestor, my ancestor will be asshole!"

   Wutian avatar is a jealous spirit, stepped back a few steps, and said in surprise: "You said baa?! What do you say about this deity?! What are you talking about?!"

   "Let me go to the restricted area of ​​life, deity, do you want to murder me?!"

   Wutian Clone's anxious forehead sweats, staring at Liu Fan vigilantly, and tears in his eyes.

  枉 He thought that the deity's father was so kind to him, drinking tea, chatting, and taking a bite for a little day, calling it that affectionate, but...

   Wutian who knows the truth, his eyes are streaming out!

   Liu Fan stared and said: "Why cry, cry! This ancestor is not all for your own good!"

   was talking and poked Wutian's forehead with his finger.

   "Look at you, after practicing for so many years, you still live for a long time in half a step. It's not ashamed to lose it, and you don't have much experience!"

   "And, didn't you say before that you had a drink with the bosses in the restricted zone of life, so this matter, you must!"

   Wutian avatar heard this, and suddenly opened his mouth, his face full of incredible.



   He drew a big mouth with tears in his eyes, and cried out miserably: "My deity father, forgive me!"

"Xiaotian, let me tell you the truth. I saw you pretending to be better every day... Oh no, you are so awesome. My jealous lips are black, my envious eyes are red, and my jealous chicken is purple. , So I deliberately pretended to say something!"

"Actually, I stole the pair of cave sky stone boots that I wore on my feet. I left the restricted area of ​​life. They were also chased out. Dad, you let me go to the restricted area of ​​life. Don’t you want my life? Oooooo..."

   Wutian burst into tears and snot, crying.

   Liu Fan shot him a chestnut.

   "Be an honest clone in the future, don't run the train all day long, beep!"

   After pondering, Liu Fan said again: "Then you have taken away a big brother and you are in Nirvana. It's fake too?!"

   Wutian was suddenly shocked, and said anxiously: "This is true, it is estimated that there will be another month..."

   But as soon as he said the words, he immediately woke up and hurriedly changed his words: "Yes, the deity's father is too wise, and that is also false. Where can I be taken away from the house by a big boss, unless the sky falls..."

   hadn't finished speaking, there was a bang on the top of the head, and a piece of pie fell in front of my eyes.

Wutian avatar was stunned, looked at the top of his head, restrained the gleaming light, then looked at the pies on the ground, the chicken stuffed, still steaming, and finally looked up at the deity, and found that the deity also looked at this stuffing with surprise. cake.

   No sky suddenly speechless.

   This deity is really shameless!

   sighed, Godless knows that he can't resist it, so he said sadly: "Hey! I'm so fate, nothing more, I'll go!"

   Liu Fan smiled with satisfaction, and when he was about to incarnate the Hongyun ancestor and the three white-boned wolves, he told me in detail, and let Wutian act as the messenger of the Hongyun ancestor.

Finally, Liu Fan pointed to the red imperial edict full of ominous power and said: "I will give this thing to you, and leave three thousand magical attacks on it. Unless the strength of the cultivation base exceeds me, you can come and go. freely!"

   Wutian clone gave Liu Fan a white look, "You still have a conscience!"

   Seeing Liu Fan's admonishment, his expression was serious, Wutian's eyes rolled, and he said: "What about defense?! The deity's father will give me some more defense treasures!"

   Liu Fan pondered for a moment, and said: "The defensive treasure has no original ancestor, but it can give you a defensive magical power. Would you like it?!"

   "But let's talk about it first, this defensive supernatural power was just cultivated by the ancestor, and the specific defensive power is not clear to the ancestor."

   Wutian nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and said excitedly: "Yes! I want it! I want it! Give it to me!"


   The deity's father is too underestimated on my godless demon!

   I don’t understand the deity father. The more humble and low-key he is, the more he says he doesn’t know the power of this defensive supernatural power. Isn’t the purpose of suppressing first and then boosting, to gain a higher level of force?

   I am not stupid!

   Liu Fan smiled, "Okay, this ancestor will satisfy you!"

   After that, with a wave of his hand, a brilliant divine light shot out and fell on Wutian.

  In a flash.

   Wutian’s body had an extra layer of tattoo-like patterns. He looked curiously left and right, and finally exclaimed: "Rhino hide?! Rhino hide tattoo?!"

   Liu Fan flicked his fingers again, and a message bounced into Wutian's forehead.

   Wutian was stunned, and when I felt it carefully, I found that this message was an explanation of the rhino hide in my body...

   "This rhino hide is the skin of the ancient rhinoceros. The ancient rhino is one of the ten most defensive beasts in ancient times!"

   "This supernatural power, from the ancestor's love series, is the defensive supernatural power that the ancestors learned from the ancient rhinoceros!"

"After activating this supernatural power, you will be transformed into a roaring ancient rhino, which can travel through nothingness, wander through black holes, not invade water or fire, not be afraid of the punishment of heaven, no solution to the law, ignore the order, the bull's head will be on top, and it will rush into the wild, left and right. Assault on the eternal life..."

   Wutian looked at the analysis of supernatural powers, fascinated, trembling all over, his eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.


   Hold the grass!

   held a splendens!

   I'm a good boy, the deity's father has lost his blood this time!

   actually gave me such a supernatural defensive power, and it is also called "ancient rhino hide supernatural power", because you think I love to brag, so I deliberately gave a rhino skin supernatural power? !

   Anyway, this ancient rhino leather magical power, love, love!

   The reaction of Wutian clone made Liu Fan very happy.

   "Little god, behave well, after this mission is completed, my ancestor will have rewards!"

   "What reward?!"

   "Hmm, secret! Come back, now, my ancestor still has a mysterious gift package for you!"

   There is no heavenly expectation, but Liu Fan pointed to the back of the Heavenly Emperor Hall and let him go by himself.

   Wutian was full of curiosity, and didn't know what mysterious gift the deity had prepared for him.

   He approached the apse step by step.

   As soon as he entered, a gentle and jade-like body carried a fragrant breeze and plunged into Wutian's arms.

   "Ah, you are... Snake Girl, I..."

   "Hey, stop talking, kiss me, hurry..."

   In the back hall, the spring breeze rippling...

   Within half an hour, Wutian clone walked out happily.

   Seeing the surprised color on the deity’s face, Wutian clone explained: “It’s not what you think, I set up a time formation, an hour outside, ten years inside!”

   Liu Fan suddenly clicked like for Wutian clone.

   This avatar is not a avatar that loses his mind for the lower body, he still has a great view of the overall situation.


Liu Fan explained in detail to Wutian, including to find out how many bigwigs there are in the life forbidden zone, the distribution of forces, and the purpose of bringing him to the life forbidden zone, and where there are many treasures in the life forbidden zone... …

   In the end, he condensed a magic card of ominous laws with ominous power and handed it to Wutian, which was regarded as a token of the ancestor of Hongyun.

   Wutian put it away and left quietly.

   Liu Fan pulled out a divine hair and turned into himself, guarding the Palace of Heavenly Emperor, while he himself turned into the ancestor of Hongyun and left quietly.

   That night.

In    Heavenly Emperor City, two figures suddenly killed. The terrifying murderous intent awakened countless cultivators. At the same time, two roars shook the entire Sanlitun frontier.

   "The ancestor of the thief willow, this seat is the epic ancestor of the ancient family, Wutian Demon Venerable, pay your life..."

   "Hey hey, this seat is the ancestor of Hongyun, I specially came to borrow the sacred object of the Great Xia Kingdom to see..."

   These two voices are both very magnificent and vast, spreading all over the world, shocking countless people in the frontier of Sanlitun, looking up at the void.

I saw that a great battle broke out above the Temple of Heaven, the ten-color light of the ancestors dyed the sky, the ominous laws of the ancestors of Hongyun roared, the red drizzle was raining, and the evil spirit of the godless demon brought black clouds billowing. Thunder and lightning.

  The battle lasted only a moment, and then ended.

   The ancestor of the red cloud drove the red cloud condensed by the ominous law and went away, and the Wutian Demon Venerable walked away with the billowing black cloud. In the Heavenly Emperor City, the roar of Liu Fan came out, shattering the void, making countless people tremble and uneasy.

   The next day, when the sky was getting bright, a piece of news had spread throughout the Celestial City.

   The Palace of the Heavenly Emperor suffered a joint raid by the ominous evil thief Hongyun ancestor and the ancient family epic ancestor Wutian Mozun last night. The Heavenly Emperor and the two fought a battle. Although they were undefeated, they lost the sacred artifact of the Great Xia Kingdom.

   The news spread, but soon there were sickle army and shadow army appearing and suppressed the news.

   But the more suppressed this news spreads quickly, and soon many forces in the longevity world will know.

   In a hidden place in the world of longevity, there is a majestic sacred mountain standing tall.

  This mountain is not high enough to reach the top. The endless sea of ​​clouds is wrapped around the mountainside, and a tsunami-like waterfall is vaguely falling from the top of the mountain.

   This is the Changsheng Waterfall, which has been flowing continuously since the ancient times.

  The waterfall is like a cloud hanging down from the sky, with a shocking momentum, rumbling down, forming a huge lake at the foot of the mountain, splashing a vast amount of mist.

   The water mist floated, it turned out to be pure longevity.

  The air of eternal life is lingering, the palaces on the shore of the lake are like clouds, magnificent buildings one after another, and there are towers standing upright, guarding the golden city in the middle.

   In the city of God, there are countless people in armor standing guard, looking at the armor, very similar to the angels of the Great Summer Tour.

   On the head of the city, a golden flag was hung, and the flag was waving in the wind. You can see the two ancient characters on it-Da Xia!

  Here is the Great Xia Divine Kingdom, one of the three mysterious forces!

   At this moment, in the city of God, there was a voice that was as majestic as the sky...

   "To apprehend the escaped patrol angel, to recover the imperial decree, the personnel involved, all arrested, and to be accountable according to the law..."

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