Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 877: Practicing "Ancient Monk's Body Refining Technique) in the mother's wom

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Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai became a free tadpole, melted into the great medicine divine liquid, and was drunk by the Virgin Mary in the sedan chair.

They feel like they have fallen into a warm and strange space.

There is a group of strange tri-color lights all around, and there are endless and vast innate purple gas transpiring, very mysterious.

"This is where?!"

"This place, I have never been..."

Both are very confused.

If the Great Blood River was here, he would definitely tell them that this was a baby!

They couldn't see each other, and their bodies were wrapped in a layer of mucus. They were soft and comfortable. They all lost their mind and power, and they felt very suffocated.

"Wu Hai, I'm so scared, I feel like I have become a lot smaller..."

"Liu Hai, I'm so scared, where are you, where are the ancestors, why I have become so small, ah! Tintin is also small..."

The two were so scared that they couldn't hear each other's voice, but they still grumbled in their mouths.

They are insecure.

Instinctively, the two began to run the "Ancient Monk Refining Body Art" taught by their ancestors.

In an instant, the congenital purple aura around them was absorbed by strands and floated into their bodies.

"Ancient Monk Refining Body Art" is the supreme unique knowledge created by the ancestor. It was epiphany from his old man's Shimen, and the existence of the ancestor system could not be deduced.

This kind of exercise is not weak.


The two practiced, absorbing the congenital purple qi in the mother's womb on the spot.

Everyone's womb has innate aura, but the Virgin of Jinlin tribe is extraordinary, high in status, and superb cultivation base. As the little daughter of the high priest, she doesn't know how much she has taken the town's magic medicine.

In her body, it was not the ordinary congenital energy, but the congenital purple energy.


Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai were in her belly, absorbing the congenital purple energy to practice.

Their bodies began to glow, and strands of misty white aura spontaneously emerged from their bodies, endlessly.

This white breath is the breath of longevity.

The two of them practiced in the womb, and they stepped into the realm of longevity.

However, they didn't know, they were still working hard to cultivate, absorbing the innate purple aura around them.

It can be seen that Liu Wuhai absorbed more congenital purple aura, almost enveloping him into a cocoon, and his body was changing and evolving unconsciously.

And Liu Liuhai's innate energetic purple aura was less, it just covered his whole body, but his physical body was also slowly transforming, but it was much slower than Liu Wuhai's speed.

The aptitudes of the two are clearly visible at this moment.

This is the gap in the womb!


Two slight noises.

It seemed that countless years had passed, and it seemed that a moment later, the mucous membrane that wrapped them on their bodies cracked.

They opened their eyes in confusion, and then they all saw each other, their eyes widened in an instant.

"I wipe it! Wuhai, why don't you wear clothes and become so small, your Ding Ding, oh oh oh oh..." Liu Liuhai laughed, fingers under Liu Wuhai's body, and a rooster smiled from his mouth. sound.

Liu Wuhai was also laughing: "Liu Hai, you are so embarrassed to say me, you look down at your Ding Ding, he is not as big as mine, it is really shameful!"

The two of them were laughing, but their smiles suddenly solidified, and they looked at their bodies left and right, and then they all changed color and screamed.

"Why is this?!"

"We are all smaller now, we are all kiddies!"

They looked up and found that there was a hazy surrounding, with wisps of innate purple aura floating, as if they had entered a chaotic space, with no end in sight.

Just then.

In the distance, a group of tri-color lights flickered.

Then, an angry shout rang...

"Who is making noise on this seat?!"

Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai were shocked.

Why are there other people here.

They hurriedly stared, only to see the divine light getting closer and closer, and finally, it was a chubby little kid.

He braved the tri-color light all over, as if he was a god.

But at this moment, he was full of anger, staring at Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai.

"who are you?!"

Liu Liuhai asked back: "Who are you?!"

The chubby kid said proudly: "My mother is the virgin mother of the Jinlin tribe, I am the unicorn who will be born in the Jinlin tribe, and the future peerless and powerful!"

Liu Liuhai was stunned, without a reaction.

Liu Wuhai wondered: "You haven't been born yet? Then why are you here?"

The chubby kid, looking at Liu Wuhai with a wicked look, said: "This is the belly of the saint woman, the legendary womb, I have not been born yet, I am not here, where am I?!"



Both Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai yelled.

They finally understood what place this is.

It turned out to be a mother here!


"The ancestors said, "You can become a tadpole, swim, and reborn as a unicorn. That's what it means..." Liu Liuhai muttered to himself, his eyes full of surprises.

Liu Wuhai nodded his head and said, "I understand, I understand, that's how it is, that's how it is! The ancestors are too awesome."

The two of them got their heads together, whispered, and finally knelt down and kowtowed towards the vast void.

In the distance, the chubby kid saw it and frowned and said to himself: "Could it be that these are two fools?!"

Said: "You two guys, come on, where did you come from?! Why are you here?"

Liu Wuhai rolled his eyes and said loudly, "We are right here, it's weird you are asking!"

After all, he blinked at Liu Liuhai, Liu Liuhai was taken aback for a moment, and then he also said loudly: "Yes, we were here from the beginning!"

The chubby kid was stunned, his eyes were puzzled, and his heart began to ponder.

"Here in the beginning?"

"Could it be that when the virgin mother was pregnant, she was not single, but triplets?!"

"Then, they are not my brother, but my younger brother."

"But why don't they look like me?"

"They seem to be much handsomer than me!"

Thinking in my heart can't understand.

He clearly remembered that when there was a thunderbolt in this womb space on a sunny day, he appeared and spent three thousand years here.

Three thousand years ago, he was conceived by the congenital entangled purple qi, and finally, not long ago, when a flood of energy poured in, he broke the mucus membrane and was born.

After he was born, he was very curious, and waved everywhere in this womb space.

As a result, I ran into two little kids just like him.

Thinking of this, the chubby kid looked at Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai, and found that they were shaking their heads, looking around there, looking stupid, so he rolled his eyes and said: " You two should be my brothers!"

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