Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 898: Old ancestors vs. Lord Huang

And this time.

Old Silver Ghost glanced contemptuously at Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai, and said with a smile: "Master Huang, don't be fooled by the Great Sage and the Second Sage, they are the second fools, the second ball!"

"Where do they know how terrible the emperor is?"

"Under the world, looking at the long river of eternal years, the human race Liu Changsheng was the first emperor. He ruled the heavens and all realms, dominated the great wilderness and the longevity realm, and was also respected by the Tianwu realm."

"After Liu Changsheng fell, there is no emperor in the world. Now, Master Huang, you have cultivated a half-step emperor. This is truly invincible!"

The old silver ghost became more excited as he spoke.

He gave a deep left wing to Lord Huang, and respectfully said: "Touching your heart to say a word of conscience, your old man is just the tip of the tongue!"

"Not some guy with a big tail wolf there."

While speaking, he glanced at Liu Fan, obviously meaning something.

Liu Fan continued to drink tea, as if he hadn't heard the insults of Old Yin Gui, but he just raised his head and glanced at the two descendants of Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai.

The old ancestor was humiliated, you two should act.


Liu Liuhai was taken aback, did not understand Liu Fan's meaning, hurried over, he smiled and said, "Old ancestor, did you let me add tea to you?"

Liu Fan was so angry that he slapped him under the table and told him to eat farts.

Liu Wuhai wanted to comb his ancestor's head, but seeing Liu Liuhai's tragic situation, he suddenly reacted.

He rolled his eyes, looked at the old silver ghost, and asked loudly, "Are you the supreme priest of the silver scale tribe offering sacrifices to the old silver ghost?!"

The old silver ghost raised his head and said, "What?! Don't you know the old man?!"

Liu Wuhai's voice was louder and angrily rebuked: "You old scumbag, you can't even beat my brother Ersheng, who gave you the courage to shout in front of my ancestors?!"

"You, you..." Old Silver Ghost stared with anger.

Liu Wuhai sneered and said, "You, you, what, believe it or not, I slapped you to death, how dare you bark in front of my ancestors, and quickly kowtow to admit your mistakes."

The old silver ghost was so angry that his eyes were red and his body was full of furious anger, but he did not rush to make a move. Instead, he glanced at Lord Huang. Lord Huang gave him a bold look, and the old silver ghost suddenly flashed a fierce light in his eyes. Palm out.

"Great Sage, die!"

The silver old ghost roared, the terrifying aura of the Dacheng King erupted, and the silver scales swept the terrible light, as if an ancient **** of war had revived and bombarded Liu Wuhai.

Liu Wuhai hurriedly challenged, his whole body glowing and brazenly confronted.

The old ancestor is watching this here, he can't shame the old ancestor, he will do his best to fight without any reservation.


The hall exploded in the void.

"You kind of go to Tianyu for a decisive battle!" Old Yin Gui shouted sharply, turning into a stream of light and rushing out of the hall.

"Why don't you dare!" Liu Wuhai responded and rushed out.


In the sky above the Tiandi City, the wind and clouds changed color, thunder and lightning rolled, all kinds of terrible divine lights were intertwined, laws and order bombed, mushroom clouds continued to sky.

The world of longevity was shaken.

Countless masters raised their heads in horror, staring at the Emperor City, not knowing what happened.

In the Palace of the Emperor of Heaven.

Master Huang looked at Liu Fan with a faint gaze, and said, "Friends, since you know that the old man is a half-step emperor, then you should know how terrible the old man is."

"Give you a chance, let your children and grandchildren stay in the longevity world obediently and don't get involved in the great famine."

"And you, follow the old man to the Wild God Mountain to stand up and serve the old man, how about?"

Liu Fan drank tea and ignored it.

Master Huang's eyes grew colder, and the air was filled with murderous air.

Tong Lao Dao of the Tonglin tribe stood up and shouted sharply: "Friends, Master Huang will talk to you again, don't be shameless!"

Several other kings also surrounded Liu Fan and said in a deep voice: "Friends, we have no grievances against you, but Master Huang said, you have a wolf ambition and you can't help but guard against it. Therefore, you still obediently obey and follow Huang. Master, go to practice Gou Dao!"

"Otherwise, don't blame us for being impolite."

Liu Fan put down the tea cup and glanced at Liu Liuhai.

He intends to give this offspring another chance.

Liu Liuhai was excited and understood the meaning of the ancestor.

He stepped forward and cursed: "Old Tong, you have a green onion in your nose, what to pretend?!"

"And you, who were beaten by me like a dog in the water, dare to shout in front of my ancestors."

After speaking, he shot directly, slapped a horrible light, and enveloped the eight kings including Tong Lao Dao.

"So courageous!"

"court death!"

"I didn't want to fight you to death that day, otherwise I will wait for anyone to sublimate in the extreme realm, and you will be able to make you a half-step king!"

Tong Lao Dao waited for the eight kings to sneer, and then quickly responded.

Liu Liuhai did not have the power of Liu Wuhai to dominate the Dacheng King. He directly used the last opportunity of the upper body of the ancestor, and in an instant, a terrifying wave of air erupted.

He rolled up eight kings and rushed into the sky outside the Heavenly Emperor Hall.

In the void outside the Palace of the Emperor of Heaven, a fierce collision erupted, and the void was completely annihilated. You couldn't see the figures, and you could only see the nine terrifying divine lights fighting each other, and the mighty power of the endless heavenly gates.

In the world of longevity, the great ancient families and big forces were shaking, and many sleeping old antiques were awakened, opened their vicissitudes of life, and stared at the void above the Heavenly Emperor Hall.

And in the Palace of the Emperor of Heaven.

It's very quiet, but there are amazing auras intertwined.

Lord Huang and Liu Fan one stood and the other sat, and they didn't move, but the void between the two silently turned into a black hole.

This is a terrifying air strike.

Master Huang said with faint eyes: "The old man is very curious, what secret method did you use to see the realm of the old man?"

"Let's talk about it, say it, the old man should act lightly and promise not to hurt you."

He smiled and rubbed his fingers.

Liu Fan replied: "If you don't tell me, I won't tell you, I'll tell you, I'm afraid to scare you to death!"

Upon hearing this, Master Huang laughed, "To borrow a saying that Renzu Liu Changsheng loves to say at the time: Daoists who tell lies will be beaten!"

Liu Fan got up in surprise, "Do you want to learn from Liu Changsheng and hit my ass?!"

Master Huang twisted his neck and said, "Why, you can't beat your ass?"

"You are plotting a great wasteland, and you are very ambitious. The old man cultivates the ancient way of thinking. You have deceived others, but you can't fool the old man!"

"Today, stop talking about gossip, either you defeat the old man or you are suppressed by the old man!"


With an explosion, Master Huang had already made a move, raising his hand was a terrifying divine light, directly smashing at Liu Fan.

Liu Fan got up and laughed: "It should have been this way, see the real chapter under your fist, why be so hypocritical!"

While speaking, he greeted him with a punch.

This blow was a tentative attack, but the Heavenly Emperor Hall that was hit collapsed.

Lord Huang roared, and the purple scales all over his body burned with a raging purple-gold divine flame, reflecting the change of color in the sky, as if a round of purple-gold gods exploded, and the endless and majestic half-step emperor's breath erupted without any reservation.

At this moment, his aura was countless times more terrifying than when he fought Liu Liuhai before.

"Today, let you know how powerful the Half-Step Emperor is!"


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