Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 899: Taking a photo with the ancestors, it’s too much face (4,400 words...

In the sky above the Palace of Heavenly Emperor.

Liu Wuhai fought alone against the old silver ghost of the Yinlin tribe. With half a step of the Heavenly Cultivation as strength, he did not lose sight of the Dacheng King.

This is his own combat power, it cannot be said that it is not strong.

the other side.

Liu Liuhai performed the magic of his ancestor's upper body, and the battle against the eight kings such as Tong Lao Dao became more intense.

The masters of the star-level heavenly gates of several other big tribes watched the battle in the sky, their eyes shining brightly.

Fighting against king-level masters is rare. They hope to snoop into the secrets of the advancement king's Tianmen, and take a step further.

At this moment.

The ancestor Liu Fan and Lord Huang suddenly appeared in Tianyu. The two slapped each other, and Tianyu exploded and turned into a black hole.

In the void, the few great kings who were fighting were all affected, vomiting blood and flying upside down, looking shocked.

At this time, Lord Huang completely released his half-step emperor's heavenly power, and the terrifying divine light reflected on the sky, beyond their imagination.

"Take Gou as the way, draw heaven and earth, kill!"

"Jumping off the cliff to survive the soul shocked, wiped out!"

"God's ring comes to the world, grandfather is in despair!"

Master Huang roared, his voice shook the sky.

With so many big moves, the world of longevity has changed color, lightning and thunder have continued.

The silver old ghost and other kings saw that Lord Huang was so terrifying, they glanced at Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai proudly, and laughed: "Great Sage, Second Sage, prepare to collect the corpses for your ancestors!"

Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai were furious, and made big moves at the same time.

At this time, Liu Fan also shot several palms in a row, without any power from the Heavenly Gate, the pure physical power smashed out, shattering Lord Huang's magical powers.

Master Huang's pupils shrank, without words, he continued to attack fiercely.

This time, he used all the power of the heavenly gate and roared: "The Phoenix spreads its wings and strength, kills the soul with five labors and seven injuries, and shoots the big eagle with the left bow and the right arrow!"

These magical powers are the magical powers of a few giant kings in the void, but they don't know that this is taught by Lord Huang.

At this moment, Master Huang performed it personally, and the terrifying heavenly might erupted, beyond imagination.

In the sky, Lord Huang turned into a phoenix, with purple-gold scales burning with raging flames, performing five labors and seven wounds to kill the soul, one arm turned into a crossbow, and the other turned into a stone arrow.

"call out!"

Bend the bow and shoot an arrow.


The whole Tianyu was twitching, spinning, and sinking in, as if to be sucked out of all energy by this arrow.

Liu Wuhai, Liu Liuhai, Yin Laogui, Tong Lao Dao and other kingly giants screamed in horror, because they could not control their figure and felt that they were going to be sucked by this arrow.

And the masters of the star-level heavenly gates have already screamed at the gods, their bodies are collapsing, and the flesh and blood are stripped of their bodies.

This is a terrifying picture.

"Master Huang, don't!"

"Ancestor, help!"

Everyone shouted in horror.

Opposite, Liu Fan's eyes flashed with two terrifying beams, and he shouted: "You deserve to be a half-step emperor, really strong!"

"But this is not enough!"

"Look at the trick, lightning five consecutive whips!"

Liu Fan yelled, rubbing his palms, the sky fell down the endless avenue and merged into the palm of his hand, and the three thousand laws of the heavenly universe were wrapped around the fingers and merged with each other.

"Boom Rumble"

The avenue and the law are intertwined, forming a magic whip, the light of lightning and thunder is permeated, and the aura of destruction is mighty.

With a whip pulled out, Tianyu completely exploded, the rules and order were chaotic, everything returned to the original, as if back to the era of destruction.

At the same time, Liu Fan mobilized his Heavenly Gate power.

This is the true Shimen power, that is, the true "emperor" power.

As soon as this force came out, the longevity world rang out with the sound of the magnificent avenue, as if the Taoist bell had been struck, and the dojos of countless great forces in the longevity world were all following.

Countless creatures were panicked, and all races trembled.

"This is... the emperor's power!"

Master Tianyu Zhonghuang exclaimed, his eyes protruding.

"You are not the king, you are the emperor, and your heavenly gate is the real stone gate!!!"

Master Huang shouted in shock, unable to believe it.

In the distance, the old silver ghost and other nine giant kings also heard the exclamation of Master Huang, and they were all startled.

"What?! The emperor! He turned out to be the emperor?!"

"The ancient stone gate, the gate leading to the immortal realm, was actually cultivated by him?!"

"The physical Tianmen is a Shimen. This is the second person who has cultivated a complete Shimen in countless years since the ancestor Liu Changsheng."

"Could it be that you are the reincarnation of Liu Changsheng?!"

Yin Laogui and others exclaimed.

The divine light in the hands of the copper old ghost of the Tonglin tribe flashed, and a strange mini willow tree appeared, nine inches high, emitting a green divine light, enveloping the universe, and sensing Liu Fan.

"As long as he is Liu Changsheng's reincarnation, then the sacred willow in my hand will definitely change." Tong Old Ghost said loudly.


The sacred willow in his hand radiated green light and fell on Liu Fan's body. The sacred willow did not change and was calm.

"Huh?! Not Liu Changsheng's reincarnation!"

Old Ghost Tong frowned, but the others breathed a sigh of relief.

Liu Changsheng's majesty was terrible.

Moreover, most of them are veteran soldiers under the hand of the ancestor Liu Changsheng. If Liu Changsheng returns, where will they go.

Do you want to follow Liu Changsheng to attack the cage world again? ! Isn't that looking for death? !

But at this time, Liu Fan's five lightning strikes had already arrived.

Master Huang hurriedly confronted, but was still blasted into the void by a whip, his body turned into a rain of blood, and part of his flesh and blood splashed on the body of a star-level master.

The star-level master suddenly let out a scream, as if being touched by sulfuric acid poison, his body melted in the void, and even the scales disappeared.

In the end, his whole person was completely annihilated and perished.

A peerless master of the late stage of the Star Yao-class Tianmen, just like this, died here in a daze.

The road wailed, the blood rain fell to the world, and various visions appeared.

In the Great Wilderness, in the master tribe, the sacred willows also withered, and the tall idols collapsed. The tribesmen stayed for a while, and then they cried overwhelmingly.

In the sky above the Heavenly Emperor Hall.

Master Huang struggled to reorganize his body, but found that his flesh and blood were hindered by a strange force, unable to regenerate from flesh and blood.

He tried many times and used all kinds of secret methods, but he couldn't get his wish, and this was frightened.

"You...what kind of power is this?! Why can't the old man reorganize his body?"

Master Huang yelled in fear, and the crushed flesh turned into a huge glowing flesh ball, floating in the sky.

In the distance, several kings and giants changed their colors, and were afraid to fight Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai again, and those masters in the late stage of the Star-level Heavenly Sect were hiding far, their faces pale.

They saw the miserable end of the hapless fellow Taoist just now, and didn't want to repeat the same mistakes.

Liu Fan smashed Lord Huang with a whip, and the lightning five consecutive whips matched his current cultivation base, and the combat power was unimaginable.

"Who else can be my opponent in this world?!"

Liu Fanyang let out a long sigh, and suddenly felt a sense of invincible loneliness.

Upon seeing this, Master Huang scolded his mother angrily, but he couldn't reorganize his body, his strength dropped by half, and he was no longer Liu Fan's opponent.

"Friends of Taoism, neither of us has deep hatred, everything is a misunderstanding, let me go!"

Master Huang sighed.

Liu Fan smiled, the "sacred power" born after taking the ten-color divine fruit, first appeared hideous, so that the half-step emperor could not be reborn in flesh and blood, greatly enhancing his own lethality.

He was in a good mood, and with a wave of his hand, the power of killing Lord Huang disappeared.

Lord Huang was surging in flesh and blood, quickly reorganizing his human form, looking at Liu Fan's eyes, there was fear, helplessness, and a trace of awe and convincing.

He arched his hand and said: "The old man is cultivating Gou Dao. If he loses today, the old man will return to the deserted mountain and retreat."

"Unless the old man is promoted to the real imperial state, otherwise, the old man will never leave."

After speaking, he added silently in his heart, "Or when you die, the old man can leave the customs again."

Liu Fan glanced at Lord Huang with a smile, seeming to see through his mind, but didn't say anything.

Master Huang was guilty, gritted his teeth and waved to send Liu Fan a storage ring.

This storage ring was much larger than the one given to Liu Liuhai that day, and it was full of the town clan-level magical medicine.

"Today, I disturbed fellow daoists, these things are considered compensation." Master Huang said distressedly, clutching his heart.

Liu Fan glanced at the storage ring and accepted it with satisfaction.

Then, his eyes glowed like electricity, and he scanned the nine kings including the old silver ghost in the void.

Yin Laogui and the others were watched by Liu Fan's eyes, their backs felt cold, and they hurriedly offered treasures to save their lives.

Those few masters in the later stage of the star-level heavenly gate, without Liu Fan's eyes, took the initiative to send the treasure.

Liu Fan received the things with a cordial and joyful smile. Today's battle was not in vain.

"Come and come, fellow daoists, everyone is good friends, let's sit in the hall for everything!" Liu Fan warmly invited everyone.

Everyone was trembling, they wanted to leave soon, and hurriedly declined.

Liu Fan's complexion sank, and he coldly snorted, "Why?! Don't give face?"

Void momentary time interweaves the air of terror.

The crowd trembled with fright, and said in unison: "Give it, how can we not give the face of senior!"

Master Huang also echoed: "Yes, being invited by the emperor is an opportunity that we can't cultivate in eight lifetimes. We must cherish it. I suggest that we take a group photo together!"

The silver old ghost and others' eyes lit up.

That's right, although the defeat today was a mess, everyone did not complain. If we can make a good relationship with this powerful emperor, in the future, if Liu Changsheng returns, we also have a way of relying on it.

Everyone's eyes were ticking, and they were all moved.

Immediately, someone proposed to take a photo in the void, then go to the gate of the Heavenly Emperor Hall, and finally, go to the gate of the Heavenly Emperor City to take a photo.

Liu Liuhai looked at the old ancestor and asked for advice: "Old ancestor, can you shoot?!"

Liu Fan smiled and nodded and said: "Yes, but I must take the most handsome picture of my ancestor!"

Liu Liuhai stared, "Isn't the ancestor the most handsome?!"

Liu Fan gave him a thump, and a mushroom cloud popped up on his forehead, smiling and cursing: "Just your skin!"

Liu Liuhai touched his forehead, he laughed, his heart was particularly sweet.

From a distance, Liu Wuhai pouted, his face full of envy.


Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai arranged arrangements and began to take photos of the big brothers.

These few people can be said to be true masters of the gods. Anyone who can be pulled out can establish a giant super power and inherit it for countless years.

The few masters of the later stage of the star-level Tianmen from the big tribe were the most excited and felt that this trip was worthwhile.

With excitement in their eyes, they plan to take photos with these kings and giants, as well as Lord Huang, and the real emperor in the future, hung on the square of their tribe to make a background wall, and they will act every day.

If anyone dared to invade their own tribe, then they would sacrifice their photos with the big brothers. Tsk tsk tsk, it is scary to think of it.

When a group of people took pictures, it naturally caused quite a stir.

Especially when taking a photo at the gate of Tiandi City, countless people saw this scene, and it was the first time that more people saw the ancestors, they all shouted excitedly, cheered...

"The Emperor of Heaven is mighty, the Emperor of Heaven is invincible, the Emperor of Heaven is the most impressive!"

"The Emperor of Heaven, I love you, and the Emperor of Heaven accepts me as a disciple! Please!"

"No wonder the magpie kept screaming when I went out today, so I saw Lord Tiandi!"

Many people waved their arms excitedly.

Because of the need to take pictures, the ancestor revealed his true face, allowing countless people to see his handsome appearance.

As for Lord Huang and the others, they were all covered in scales, but because they were wearing clothes and the scales turned into battle armor, no one noticed anything unusual.

But at this moment, the cry of a hot ear suddenly resounded everywhere.

"Wow, it's the emperor, so handsome, I can't stand it anymore, Sanji, Sanji, where are you? Come and learn about Shuangxiu Dadao with me!"

"Senior Sister, Senior Brother Three went to explore the great wilderness outside the Great Wall, and was eaten by a fierce beast. I am the fourth oldest and the fourth younger brother..."

"Ah—Senior Brother, you are coming soon, Senior Sister is waiting for you, I can’t stand it...The Emperor is so handsome!..."


As soon as the sound fell, there was silence in all directions.

Lord Huang, Old Silver Ghost, Old Copper Dao, and several other kingly giants, and a group of masters from the later stage of the Star Yao-class Tianmen, all looked at each other.

Liu Liuhai was embarrassed for a while, but Liu Wuhai grinned and said: "There is nothing fuss about, this is the custom of our Emperor City, just get used to it!"

"That pair of elder sisters and younger brothers, who belonged to the Acacia Sect at the time, were also the most loyal fans of our ancestors.

Yin Laogui and the others nodded seemingly.

A group of people returned to the Heavenly Emperor Hall again.

Liu Fan asked everyone about Dahuang and the secrets of the cage world.

Everyone knew the same news that Liu Dahai and Murong Xiaoshi had brought him, and Liu Fan was disappointed.

Finally, Liu Fan asked Liu Changsheng.

There was a moment of silence in the hall.

Master Huang opened his mouth and said, "Liu Changsheng, in our Great Wilderness World, even in the Tianwu Great Territory, has the title of Human Ancestor. He is the first emperor in eternity."

"His cultivation base is towering, his strength is superb, I can't imagine, I played against him back then, he suppressed me with one move!"

Master Huang sighed When he said this, he looked in awe.

"It's a pity that he was too conceited. He wanted to break the cage world and prove immortality, but he was defeated and completely fallen!"

Liu Fan was shocked when he heard this, "What?! Liu Changsheng has fallen?!"

Master Huang nodded, then pointed at the old ghost Yin and others, and said, "They can also testify!"

Yin Laogui smiled embarrassingly: "Senior, it is true that I and Tong Lao Dao, Jin Wentian from the Jinlin tribe, and the two Taoist friends around us are all veterans who followed Liu Changsheng to fight the cage world. "

Tong Lao Dao and the other two kings around him nodded.

"We witnessed Liu Changsheng's death in battle, and his body and soul fell into the wilderness and turned into a willow."

Liu Fan frowned and said in a deep voice: "But, I was fighting with one person in the chaos back then. That person claimed to be Liu Changsheng. Since Liu Changsheng is dead, who is this person?!"

"Or, is Liu Changsheng reincarnation resurrected?!"

When this sentence fell, everyone was shocked.

Yin Laogui and the others turned pale with fright, and the tea cups on the table were knocked over.

Master Huang whispered: "Emperor, then with your strength, can you not deduct whether Liu Changsheng is dead or alive?!"

Yin Laogui and others hurriedly looked at Liu Fan.

Liu Fan shook his head and said, "If it can't be deduced, the secret of heaven is blurred!"

Everyone sighed.

Even if the real emperor can't deduct it, then this matter is really troublesome.

But at this moment, Liu Fan looked at the vast sky again, and said with a deep faint light: "However, even though I can't deduce Liu Changsheng, in the dark, I always feel dark, with a pair of eyes watching. I....."

As soon as the words fell, everyone was terrified, and their backs were instantly soaked with cold sweat.

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