Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 910: The new life in the willow (two

The return of the great sage Liu Wuhai caused heated discussions in the Jinlin tribe.

But soon, an even more shocking news came out, shaking all the people of the Jinlin tribe.

"There is a super giant who has surpassed the realm of Dacheng King to preach. The Great Sage will select three hundred members of the Jinlin tribe to participate."

"Clan members who are willing to participate, please register with the high priest as soon as possible."

"The clansmen who signed up have cultivated the lowest star-level Tianmen."

Many people thought that this news was false, but when someone went to verify the Great Sage Liu Wuhai in person, they learned that the news was indeed correct, which immediately caused an uproar.

The Jinlin tribe is a powerful force in the top ten tribes of kings. It has a long history of inheritance. Many masters of the older generation of Tianmen in the later stage of the star class are sleeping because their longevity is dry and unable to break through.

Hearing the news at this moment, these older generations woke up with their eyes open and hurriedly asked the high priest to sign up.

Three hundred places were filled quickly.

Many tribesmen who were still hesitating panicked.

"Don't worry, wait and see first, who knows if they can break through when they listen to the sermon."

"Yes, if you can't make a breakthrough and your life is wasted in vain, then the gain is not worth the loss."

The clansmen who did not report comforted each other.

at the same time.

Liu Wuhai returned to his Taikoo Fengshenshan Taoist Temple.

In the dojo, there are still many tribesmen practicing at the foot of the mountain. Seeing Liu Wuhai, they saluted in awe and excitement.

The ten disciples Liu Wuhai accepted even rushed out of the gate.

They are all geniuses of the Diamond-level Tianmen, who are expected to be promoted to the Star-level Tianmen within ten thousand years, with outstanding talent and extraordinary strength.

However, at this moment they were very excited, their shoes ran away, and they ran all the way down the foot of the mountain to welcome the return of Master Liu Wuhai.

"Meet Master."

The ten disciples saluted and looked respectful and enthusiastic.

There are many people in the Jinling tribe. They can be regarded by Liu Wuhai and accepted as disciples. They practiced in the dojo of Liu Wuhai, the great sage of the heavens. Their status and status have quickly risen, and they have become a respectable existence in the tribe.

They respect Liu Wuhai very much.

"Be prepared, and go to a good place to practice as a teacher in a few days."

Liu Wuhai said, touching the heads of ten apprentices in turn.

This is what he learned from his ancestors, and found this movement very comfortable.


The ten apprentices all squinted happily, and responded in unison: "Yes! Follow Master's order."

Liu Wuhai raised his head and looked at the mountain.

A long distance away, he saw a purple-golden Buffalo Monster, sitting on the top of the mountain like a person, practicing with closed eyes.

That is Yang Shouan practicing.

He was given this treatment because of the special explanation given by Liu Wuhai, the Great Sage of Heaven.

"Shou'an, how are you doing?" Liu Wuhai stepped out to the top of the mountain.

Yang Shouan woke up from enlightenment, saw Liu Wuhai, hurriedly got up, and said in fear and respect: "Fifth elders forgive me. Enlightenment did not come to greet you just now."

His voice came out of his mouth instead of relying on scales to transmit the sound in the past.

When Liu Wuhai saw this, there was no surprise: "Shou'an, you can speak, congratulations, hahaha."

While speaking, he carefully perceives Yang Shouan's cultivation realm and realizes that he can't see through.

"What are you doing now?!" Liu Wuhai asked curiously, very directly.

If it were Liu Liuhai or Liu Tao and others, they would certainly not ask so directly.

Because most people are very taboo to ask about their cultivation level.

Yang Shouan was wary of others, but not Liu Wuhai. Hearing this, he replied: "I just broke through to the late diamond level Tianmen."

Liu Wuhai was shocked and his eyes widened.

"Niubi, Shouan, if I hadn't taken a shortcut to reincarnate, and practiced in order, I was afraid that you would be left behind!"

"Hey! The ancestors always said that your potential is the biggest of us. I still don't believe it, I believe it today."

Yang Shouan's eyes were full of modesty, saying: "Thanks to the blessing of the ancestors, and thanks to the magic medicine rewarded by the five elders, I can cultivate so fast."

Liu Wuhai couldn't help being relieved when he heard this.

Turning his head and looking around, he found that no one was paying attention to this place. The light flashed in his hand immediately, and he gave Yang Shou'an three town clan-level magic drugs.

"Ah...Fifth elder, Shou'an thank you, but you have already given me three plants before. I can't ask for it anymore, leave it to the ancestors!"

Yang Shouan hurriedly declined.

Liu Wuhai stared, "Just hold it for you, or not a man...Oh no, it's not a bull anymore, just hold it if it's a bull."

"There is no need for you to worry about the old ancestor."

Yang Shouan was extremely moved when he heard the words. He accepted it and vowed in his heart that he would repay Liu Wuhai's kindness in the future.

Liu Wuhai saw that Yang Shouan had accepted the magical medicine, and he was happy for a while, and said, "Work hard, and strive to break through the diamond-level Tianmen within a thousand years and be promoted to the star!"

"Yes, Shouan will work hard to live up to the high hopes of the five elders and the expectations of the ancestors."

Yang Shouan saluted and asked whether his ancestors were healthy, saying that he missed the ancestors very much.

Liu Wuhai was very pleased to hear that and told Yang Shouan that everything was fine.

"The ancestors also asked me to give you a message, so that you can return to the longevity world after a while."

"We have opened the Tiandi Academy in Tiandi City. The old ancestor serves as the principal, and we have to teach it in person. You can also come and listen to the ancestor's class at that time. It may be helpful to you."

Yang Shouan was surprised and delighted when he heard this.

Immediately he said: "Fifth elders, I want to go down the mountain, go to the Great Wilderness, and then return to the world of longevity."

Liu Wuhai said, "Well, go ahead."

"If you're in trouble, just show this token."

While speaking, he gave Yang Shouan a gilded palm-sized token with a sacred willow pattern on the background, with the words "Golden Scales" engraved on one side and the words "Qiantian Great Sage" on the other side.

This token represents the authority of this Jinlin tribe, and it also represents the authority of the great saint Liu Wuhai.

In the Great Wilderness, the Great Sage of Monkey King and the Second Sage of Tongtian of the Jinlin tribe are all around the world. No one knows that Yang Shouan has this token, which will be much more convenient.

Yang Shouan knew Liu Wuhai's feelings, bowed with gratitude, and left the mountain.

Liu Wuhai didn't spend much time on the Fengshenshan dojo, turned around and came to the palace at the bottom of Shenliu.

He found the Taishang sacrifice Jin Wentian and told him to go to the longevity world to listen to the preaching of the ancestor.

"The Taishang sacrifice, let's go together." Liu Wuhai sincerely invited.

Jin Wentian hesitated for a while, did not immediately agree, only said that he would consider consideration before making a decision.

Liu Wuhai sighed and didn't force it.

Back in the main hall of the Jinlin tribe, sacrifices from other tribes around came to visit and wanted to ask Liu Wuhai for some places, hoping to listen to the ancestor's class.

Among them, there was the old village head of the Qinglin tribe who had gone and returned.

"Great Sage, I haven't seen you for many days, your style is more elegant!"

The old village head flattered with a flattering smile.

Because of the news that the old ancestor was an emperor in the nine king tribes and several other big tribes, he couldn't sit still anymore and came in haste.

To him, the Dacheng Kings were all big shots, let alone a more powerful emperor than the Dacheng Kings.

They can't imagine how majestic such a strong man is.

Liu Wuhai recognized the old village chief and knew his intentions, and immediately agreed that he could go and listen to the sermon.

The other small tribes, each with ten people, were very grateful, and hurriedly returned to their tribes to screen their tribes.

A few days later.

The surrounding tribes came to Jinling City one by one with the selected tribesmen.

And the nine king tribes and several other big tribes have also appeared one after another. Unlike those small tribes, their descendants are all masters of the older generation.

At first glance, the restaurants in Jinlin City are full of horrible old men with bald hair.

The other monks around did not dare to be disrespectful, they were all scared and quietly retreated.

Because they recognized a few of them, the legend has long since fallen, but they did not expect to reappear today, like a ghost.

These elder masters, with their longevity depleted, have just walked out of the fountain of life, and their bodies are still filled with decay and death, and their eyes are muddy and vicissitudes of life.

"I hope that I can listen to the sermons so that I can make breakthroughs later, otherwise, we will lose a lot!"

"Yes, although there is a spring of life soaking in it, and the juice of the willow is nourished, but every time we wake up, we will lose a lot of life."

The second floor.

The old silver ghost and other nine kings gathered together, sitting in the center with Lord Huang.

"Master Huang, do you want to listen to the emperor's preaching too? The emperor is afraid that he can't preach the preaching..." Old Yin ghost whispered.

Master Huang twisted his beard and smiled, and said, "The Great Avenues of the World have the same goal by different routes.

Yin Laogui and others heard this, if they realized it.

At this moment.

Hearing the discussion downstairs, Master Huang smiled and said warmly:

"Don't worry, the preacher is a real emperor. He is no less than the ancestor Liu Changsheng of the year. We will definitely gain something..."

The older generation of masters downstairs heard the words, and their eyes immediately radiated a fascinating brilliance, full of expectation and excitement.

Not long after, Liu Wuhai came.

To his side, followed by Chen Beixuan and the high priest, followed by three hundred senior masters of the Jinlin tribe, with gray hair and old people.

When he appeared, everyone in the restaurants on both sides of the street stood up.

"Meet the Monkey King!"

Everyone salutes.

The old silver ghost and the kings on the second floor also stood up to bow.

Liu Wuhai bowed his hand in return, waved his sleeve, opened the passage of time and space, and took the lead.

Everyone hurriedly followed, disappearing into the space-time channel.

at the same time.

In the Great Wilderness, a big wild bull monster is walking among the lofty mountains, with divine light flowing from the soles of its feet.

Some cultivators hunted in the Great Wilderness and saw the big wild bull monster incarnate by Yang Shouan, marveling at its noble purple and gold scales and dazzling appearance, and wanted to capture it as his mount, but was trampled to death by a bull's hoof.

Over time, the cultivators in the Great Wilderness saw the big purple-gold bison and avoided it.

Yang Shouan stopped and went.

At sunrise, watching Shenri enlightenment on the top of the mountain, at sunset, watching Shenyue practice.

"The Ancient Cultivator's Body Refining Techniques" is indeed a technique passed down by the ancestors. The more you practice, the more unfathomable you feel!"

On the top of the mountain, Yang Shouan sighed.

The longer he practiced this magical exercise, the more he feared his ancestors.

Swallowing the town clan-level magical medicine Liu Wuhai gave him, and running the ancient monk's magical powers, the heavenly gate in his body was shaking, and a magnificent power appeared.

This power is very terrifying, and only a trace is exposed, causing the sky to collapse into a black hole.


At the heart position, the black sly heart is beating.

This sly heart, so that the ancestors can't see through it, raises the cultivation base at the cost of devouring the lifespan.

At this moment, the strange heart is beating, and a strange black air current flows continuously.

This black airflow passed through Yang Shou's safety body and entered the diamond-level heavenly gate.

This black air current is like an accelerator for cultivation.


Tianmen shook, and there was a trace of cracks.

Seeing this scene, Yang Shouan was not surprised but rejoiced, this is Tianmen is about to advance.

He hurriedly took out the remaining two town clan-level magic drugs and swallowed them all.

The majestic energy flowed in, the Tianmen let out a roar, disintegrated and collapsed, and then, from the ruins of the Tianmen, a new Tianmen appeared.

Do not break or stand, break and then stand.

A brand new star-level heavenly gate appeared.

Yang Shouan broke through to the star-level heaven gate under the influence of sly.

Such a speed far exceeded Liu Wuhai's estimation.

For an instant.

Yang Shou'an's aura rose sharply, and at the same time it bloomed with a bright purple-golden light like a **** sun, reflecting the change of color in the sky, and the majesty of a star-level heavenly gate spread, shocking countless beasts and monsters around him to flee in panic.

And his figure rose again violently, growing to three thousand feet.

A three thousand-foot tall bison, with purple-golden scales burning with purple-golden flames, it is too visually impactful.

"Hey, I'm getting bigger and bigger, but I still can't transform into a human form!"

Yang Shouan sighed.

He didn't know if he could transform into a human and then.

With a move of mind, the sly heart works.

Yang Shouan's cultivation base fluctuated and was instantly hidden.

This is also the reason why Liu Wuhai, a half-step king, couldn't see through Yang Shouan's cultivation realm.

Yang Shouan closed his eyes and practiced in retreat on the top of the mountain to consolidate his realm.

Three months later, he continued to run through the wilderness, looking for some giants and powerful monsters to fight to improve his combat power.

He has a copper pea spell bestowed by his ancestors, which is equivalent to an immortal body, even if he encounters a monster that is stronger than himself, he dares to fight.

With such hard work, his combat power has increased again. Although he looks like a big wild bull monster, he can kill the enemy from all over his body. With one hoof and one leg, he has the power to destroy the world.

Thinking that his strength was enough, Yang Shouan went to the Qinglin tribe, looking for trouble with the old village chief.

As a result, it was empty.

The trembling villagers of Qinglin tribe informed Yang Shou'an that the old village chief followed Qitian to the world of longevity.

"Huh! Go to my base camp, you are unlucky!"

Yang Shouan sneered, planning to return to the world of longevity.

At this moment, he saw the sacred willow at the head of the Qinglin tribe, his eyes condensed.

I haven't seen it for a while, and this sacred willow has become more and more mysterious.

It was originally a willow struck by lightning, half dead.

But after being moisturized by a trace of true spirit energy of the ancestor of the sword, it grew into a towering tree. Although it was not as good as the willow of the Jinlin tribe, it had an extraordinary vision.

Especially at this moment, Yang Shouan felt a breath of life that seemed to exist on this willow.

This breath of life is definitely not Shen Liu itself, but in the middle of its roots, as if a new life is gestating.

"What is it?!"

Yang Shouan's eyes were bright, "Could it be that this sacred willow has bred a treasure?"

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