Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 921: The old man is a labor committee member of the Tiandi preschool just after class (five

In the Palace of the Emperor of Heaven, descendants gather together.

Liu Dahai bowed and said: "Old ancestor, it has been so long, Sanhai hasn't come to the longevity world, shall we pick him up?"

When Liu Fan came across the border with the Heavenly Emperor City, Liu Sanhai, the big villain, was still the lord of Northern Xinjiang.

Now that the ancestor wants to open a small stove to improve the cultivation level of everyone, Liu Dahai and Liu Sanhai are the closest, so they admonish them to the ancestor.

Liu Fan smiled mysteriously: "Sanhai, he has already set foot in the king, but it is you, you have to work hard!"

"What? Sanhai is the king?!"

Liu Dahai was shocked and couldn't believe it.

Liu Liuhai's eyes reddened, and Liu Wuhai's eyes fell to the ground.

Liu Dongdong, Liu Xiaoxiao, Liu Yangyang, and Yang Shouan all looked incredible.

Liu Sanhai worked alone in the realm of longevity. He wanted resources but no resources, and had no exercises. Why would he set foot on the king? !

"Old ancestor, could it be that you quietly gave Sanhai a food alone?!" Liu Liuhai asked in a low voice.

Liu Fan reprimanded: "Nonsense!"

"How can the ancestors eat alone for which descendants, the ancestors of the heavens and the hundreds of millions of worlds, there is only a bowl of water from my ancestor, and the serving is the best!"

"Sanhai's cultivation base is his own luck!"

Liu Fan sighed.

The existence of Xiao Dezi was also a chance that Sanhai took out his earwax by himself.

Erhai has eaten nails for so many years, but he hasn't eaten a little Guizi or Xiaofuzi. Who is the blame? !

It's all fate!

Below the hall, Liu Dongdong glanced at Yang Shouan, his eyes faint, as if expressing something.

Yang Shouan Mingwu, stood up, bowed and said: "Old ancestor, can the old patriarch Liu Tao be released after serving his sentence? It is now three thousand years in the Taixu realm."

The words fell.

Full of gratitude and nervousness, Liu Dongdong thumped his head and said: "I beg your ancestors to show favor and let my father return to the world of longevity!"

next to.

Liu Liuhai was inexplicably complicated.

According to his many years of friendship, he hoped that Liu Tao would return, but he was worried that after Liu Tao returned, he would be a patriarch.

After all, Liu Tao's ability, he knew very well, indeed was much better than himself.

And he has been the patriarch for many years, and this feeling of power under one person and over tens of thousands of people has made him deeply enthralled, very obsessed, and unwilling to let go.

In the hall.

Liu Fan smiled and said: "In fact, Wu Hai has already told me about Liu Tao before, and I have already answered."

Liu Wuhai said, "Yes, the ancestors have already said it, but I forgot to tell."

"Now Liu Tao has another chance to leave the Heaven Punishment Realm for the time being, but as long as he leaves the barrier, he can come to the longevity realm."

After Liu Wuhai finished speaking, he bowed to his ancestor and said: "Old ancestor, is that right?!"

Liu Fan nodded, "Hmm! That's right, that's what it means."

Yang Shouan was grateful, Liu Dongdong kowtow, and the two said in unison: "Old ancestors are kind! Thank ancestors for their great kindness!"

Especially Liu Dongdong's eyes flashed with tears.

Nearby Liu Wuhai and others also saluted here, thanking the ancestors for their kindness.

Liu Liuhai felt uncomfortable, and there was an unspeakable emotion.

He looked at his shoe upper, his eyes were confused.

If Liu Tao really returns to the world of longevity, what should I do?

Nearby, Liu Xiaoxiao saw Liu Dongdong begging for Liu Tao, and he also wanted to beg for his father Liu Erquan.

The ancestor noticed his thoughts and smiled:

"Liu Tao, Sanhai, Tianhe, Erquan, their ancestors have other arrangements. You can practice with peace of mind, and they will return when the time comes."

Upon hearing this, Liu Xiaoxiao and others thanked the ancestors again.

Liu Fan did not delay any longer, stretched his palm forward, and a void vortex rose in his palm, and the power of time and space was flowing.

"The palm of the ancestor is the purgatory space, and the difficulty of the trial has been increased by the ancestor."

"Go, one year outside, ten thousand years inside."

Liu Fan said, smiling encouragingly: "I hope that in 100,000 years, when you come out, you will be the kings with the highest cultivation status, and the ancestors will have other rewards!"

When a group of descendants heard this, their eyes lit up.

The rewards of our ancestors are all good things.

"Following the ancestor's order, children and grandchildren must work hard to cultivate!"

The descendants knelt on the ground and kowtowed, then got up and stepped into the void vortex, entering the purgatory space in the palm of the ancestor.

Spider monsters, black wolf, tiger monsters, alien monsters, and Hulk monsters also entered the purgatory space.

In the hall, there was a moment of silence.

Liu Fan closed his hand and sighed faintly: "I hope that our children and grandchildren can grow up quickly."

He looked inside, looking at the heavenly gate in the depths of his body.

It was an ancient stone gate, magnificent and majestic, now 90% opened, only the last 10% left.

Through the stone gate, one can already see that behind the stone gate, a vast ancient world is taking shape, the continent is spawning, the mountains are rising from the ground, and the earth, water, wind and fire are evolving.

More distant places, like chaos and hazy, but constantly intertwined with lightning and thunder, rumbling sounds resounded, as if someone was opening the world and making the world.

Liu Fan had a strong feeling.

When his heavenly gate is completely opened, the ancient world behind the stone gate will also be fully formed.

In the words of Lord Huang, Old Ghost and others, this world is called the immortal domain.

It will connect to the world of longevity, monster world, great wilderness, and Tianwu domain.

Countless worlds will be completely merged into one big world, called the immortal domain!

"In the realm of immortality, if you can't prove eternal life, then hope lies in the 36th realm outside the cage!"

"But once I open the immortal realm, will the Thirty-sixth Realm of the Outer Heaven sit and be unable to see?!"

Liu Fan's eyes were deep, and Liu Changsheng would not attack the outer world for no reason. The years are too long, and many things are unclear.

This is what he is worried about.

That's why he preached personally, cultivated masters, and opened small kitchens for his children and grandchildren to improve cultivation and combat power.

Ten years off between classes in Tiandi preschool.

The big guys left the classroom and set up a high-end small auction in the void outside the city. After getting the treasures they needed, they left one after another.

They returned to their respective dojos to retreat and set an alarm clock for ten years to prevent missing the next class time.

Then entered a deep level of enlightenment.

The emperor's preaching is profound and profound, and they need to understand it carefully.

Dahuang, the void outside the Qinglin tribe.


A whirlpool appeared in the void, if torn apart, the power of time and space was surging.

A figure stepped out of the void vortex, the king's coercion swept across the sky and the ground, the hurricane brought lightning and thunder intertwined the sky, a scene of terrifying extinction.

In the Qinglin tribe, the tribe was shocked, thinking that there was a strong enemy coming.

The ancestor of Chonglou, Liu Changshou and other members of the Liu family, who were bragging to the tribe leader of the Qinglin tribe, were also taken aback.

They rushed out of the house one after another, looking at the empty figure.

"Old village chief! It's the old village chief!"

"The old village chief is back, hahaha"

The people of the Qinglin tribe cheered excitedly.

The figure in the void is the old village chief who has just returned from the longevity world.

He became the king when he was promoted. When he was in class, there were too many bosses, he was embarrassed to pretend to be compared, and now he returned to his own territory, he can safely pretend to be.

So as soon as he appeared in the void of the Qinglin tribe, he couldn't wait to release the coercion of his king.


The unexpected exclamation words such as "Fuck, Wo Ri" did not appear.

The cultivation level of the clansman was too low, and he didn't even notice that his strength rose sharply.

The old village chief was disappointed and pretended to fail.

"It seems that Chen Beixuan, the propaganda committee member, is right, pretending to be a technical job, I have to learn more from him!"

The old village chief sighed in his heart, landing from the void.

Suddenly discovered that there were a few strangers in the crowd.

The person in the lead turned out to be a master of the star-level heavenly gate.

The people of the Qinglin tribe hurriedly explained the origin of the Chonglou ancestor and others to the old village chief.

The old village chief was surprised: "Are they our relatives?!"

"Yes! That's right, we are relatives!" Chonglou ancestor smiled, with a respectful look, but his heart was very shocked.

Because this old village chief is not a star class as the people of the Qinglin tribe said, but a king!

He cultivated as a star class, and he could naturally feel the pressure of the king on the old village chief.

"Our Qinglin tribe does not seem to have relatives like you!"

The old village chief frowned, his expression indifferent and unhappy in his heart.

The horns of the Qinglin tribe in the Great Wilderness, where did relatives come from.

Could it be that this guy got the news of his promotion to the king in advance, and then came to hold his thigh?

Such a person is too shameless.

The ancestor of Chonglou was secretly awe-inspiring, this old village chief seemed not as good-tempered as the people of the Qinglin tribe said!

He was about to open his mouth to explain one or two things, but from a secret room of the Qinglin tribe, there was a rumbling sound, and the sound of the avenue sounded, and the law and order were enveloped.

The old village chief stared at the secret room and said, "Who is breaking through the star-level heaven gate?!"

When everyone heard this, they were all taken aback.

In that secret room, the Wutian ancestor was in retreat, but he was only a half-step immortal cultivation base, how could he break through to the star-level heaven gate? !

Liu Changshou and others looked at the Chonglou ancestor, who was also puzzled.

But perceiving, the aura in that secret room has indeed reached the Star Yao level.

At this moment.

Qing Su walked out, saluted the old village chief, and replied respectfully: "The person in the secret room is my little cousin, Wu Tian."

"Wutian?! Your little cousin?" The old village chief wondered, where did Qingsu's little cousin come from? !

He glanced at the Chonglou Old Ancestor and others, instantly comprehending, and coldly said: "This Wutian is also theirs?"

"Yes!" Qing Su replied, noticing that the old village chief seemed to have a bad tone.


The old village chief was furious and reprimanded: "Don't misrecognize relatives. Although our Qinglin tribe has fallen, it is not easy for cats and dogs to recognize relatives!"

This is very obvious, and everyone understands the implication.

All the members of the ancient Liu family looked ugly, and Liu Changgui couldn't help but angrily said, "Old man, please pay attention to your words!"

Hearing this, the old village chief laughed loudly.

Amidst the laughter, the king's coercion and Qi machine shot out like a sharp arrow, and suddenly knocked Liu Changgui away.

"The generation of ants dare to make sense in front of the old man! Looking for death!"


At this moment.

The secret room in the distance exploded, and a figure rose into the sky, catching Liu Changgui, who was flying upside down and vomiting blood, and roared: "Who dare to deceive me a lawless person!"

The person who broke through the barrier was the avatar of Wutian.

He used the liquid medicine refined by the Qinglin tribe, plus the town clan-level magical medicine bestowed by his ancestors, to advance to the longevity heaven, and opened the physical heaven gate, which was a very high star-level heaven gate.

Wutian's aptitude is not bad, he is refined and produced by his ancestors, how vulgar.


As soon as he left the customs, he saw someone knocking off his little classmate Liu Changgui, and he was furious.

Liu Changgui heard that the ancestor Wutian said he was his own, and could not help being touched and happy. He turned around and pointed his finger at the old village chief, and said angrily: "It was him, he hit me!"

"I beg the ancestor to call the shots for me!"

The ancestor of Chonglou hurriedly said: "Wutian, don't be reckless, this person is the old village head of the Qinglin tribe, and his strength may have reached the realm of kings!"

"The king?!" Wutian's heart stunned, and his fighting spirit immediately rose to the sky. He looked directly at the old village chief and said: "What about the king?! There is no word for fear in my Wutian ancestor's dictionary!"

The old village chief laughed angrily: "Good, good, very good, I didn't expect the first battle of the old man to prove the king, it came so soon."

"Well, let the old man use your blood to dye the old man's road to the king!"

"The teacher said that the king is invincible, and I don't believe you, a star-level scum, you can turn the sky over!"


The old village chief's eyes were murderous, his breath soared, and he was annihilated with a dash of void.

He was suspended in the black hole, his cyan scales burning cyan flames, like a cyan god, roaring majesticly.

"One palm to send you back to heaven!"

The old village chief sneered, raising his hand and smashing Wutian clone with a palm.

With this palm, the old village chief used all his strength in order to establish his prestige.

The power of the king's Tianmen is surging, and the great wilderness is permeated for 100,000 miles. The branches and leaves of the **** willow in the village are all rustling, and the yellow leaves are flying all over the sky.

The palm print was enlarged in the void, like the sky like a mountain, and rumbling suppressed it.

Perceiving the horror of this palm, Chonglou Old Ancestor and the others changed their colors in amazement, hurriedly rolled up Liu Changshou and others to force them back, and at the same time shouted: "No sky, fast back!"

The people of the Qinglin tribe have long since retreated.

Wutian clone was full of fighting spirit, and Yang Tian let out a long scream: "Ten Thousand Buddha Yin! Kill!"

He used the Ten Thousand Buddha Seal passed on to him by his ancestors.


The void was suddenly broken, and a golden Buddha seal with the word "" was punched out of his palm and struck up.

This Buddha seal, the mighty and endless Buddha power, the golden Buddha aura permeates the wilderness of 100,000 miles, a hazy, as if to an ancient Buddha country in an instant.

There was the sound of ancient chanting, the sound of knocking on wooden fish echoed, but the sound of the magnificent law avenue was brought up.

In the void, the old village chief was shocked.

Because the power of Wutian clone's palm is not inferior to his palm.

"How is it possible! I am the king—"

He roared, but as soon as the voice came out, his palm print was shattered by the Ten Thousand Buddha Seal.


The void is annihilated, and the Buddha is mighty.

The old village chief vomited blood in the void, flew upside down 30,000 miles, smashing countless sacred mountains and mountains along the way.


The people of the Qinglin tribe screamed in horror.

Chonglou ancestors and other ancient family elders and seven elders, all shocked and sluggish, looking at Wutian ancestors with long hair flying in the void, they only feel that Wutian at this moment is so strange and terrible And domineering.

But at the same time, they were proud and excited.

Have you seen it? Have you seen it? Our ancient family, Liu Family, is not inferior to others! Not weaker than others!

At this moment.

The old village chief rushed back with a disheveled hair, full of fright, and his eyes were blood red.

"The shame of the old man today must be washed away today, junior, I don't believe in such a big move, how many times can you make it?!"

The old village chief grinds his teeth, his eyes are angry.

Opposite the void.

Wutian avatar was suspended, turning his wrists coolly, looking at the embarrassing appearance of the old village chief, he was happy and surprised.

"The supernatural powers of this deity father are really sweet, hahaha!"

He thought in his heart, and laughed involuntarily.

Upon seeing this, the old village chief was even more furious, thinking that the star-level junior opposite was insulting himself.


If this matter was known to other people, or by the big guys in the Tiandi preschool, the labor committee member himself was beaten to vomit blood by a star-class fellow, it would be really embarrassing to be lost to my grandma's house.

and also.

Teacher Tiandi just praised himself, and he lost the battle. What a thing!

The old village chief became more furious as he thought about His hair stood upright, and his whole body was like an old lion, with a low growl in his mouth.

Seeing this, Wutian avatar smiled coldly, and said: "I have only cultivated to the king state when I am old, and I am also a big parallel seller!"

"What a drop, red eyes?!"

"It's ridiculous and sad, my ancestor of the lawless, jealous only when I am envious, and the chicken turns purple when I am jealous!"

While speaking, he raised his palm again, and in his palm, the "" Buddha seal was shining, and it was about to explode.

"Remember, this seat is called Wutian Patriarch, also called Wutian Demon Venerable, and this seat comes from the Liu Family of the Longevity Realm! You will have a good baby in your next life!"

Talking, pretending enough, Wutian clone is about to blast out.

The ten thousand Buddha seal bestowed by the deity's father does not require Buddha power, blueness, and cooling time. It has its own power and can be bombarded without limit.

But at this moment.

The old village chief was shocked and surprised.


"Stop it! The little friend Wutian opposite, you just said, where are you from the longevity world?"

In Wutian's palm, the "" Buddha seal swallowed divine light, and at the same time he replied proudly: "Eternal Life Realm Liu Family, what's up?! Are you scared?!"

As soon as the words fell, the old village head suddenly laughed excitedly.

"Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding!"

"No wonder Little Wu Tian is so leathery, it turns out that your background is as big as heaven!"

"I guess you don't know the old man. The old man is a labor committee member who just finished class in the Tiandi preschool. My mentor is the Tiandi teacher!"

Opposite the void, Wutian clone was stunned when he heard the words.

The opposite, is this a disciple of the deity's father? !

However, when did the deity's father be so hungry and thirsty, he actually took such a big parallel importer as a disciple? !

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