
Chapter 142 is “Baitman”! Chapter 142 is “Baitman”!

Chapter 142 is “Baitman”!

Chapter 17

“What?” Diana asked curiously.

“Isabel Maru, a radical doctor of chemistry, was hired by the German army to develop poisonous gas biological weapons for them.

She and her camp are both radicals, and they don’t seem to be so willing to end the war,

even when they become more desperate He became more and more crazy, trying to use biological and chemical weapons to reverse the situation of the war, at least both sides would be harmed.”

Peter said:

“The reason why Steve was chased and mistakenly entered Paradise Island before was because he stole the doctor’s notes.”

He was mixed up in the war. After a while, Diana was no longer completely like a blank sheet of paper. At least, she understood the destructive power of things like “poison gas” and “biochemical weapons.”

“No, we must stop them. We have finally reached this point, how can we let them turn against us and kill more people?” she said immediately.

Peter nodded, took out a few sets of clothes he bought in London before, and said, “So, you choose one.”


Peter explained: “Next we are not going to the battlefield, but to the enemy’s rear area. You need a set of clothes to cover up.”

So that’s it. Diana nodded, and after Peter left, she looked at these clothes and tried them on.

The first set is an OL costume.

The hip-covering skirt and tight waist set off her amazing waist and hip curves. The upper body is covered with a wide and clean shirt. Between the plump bust and the thin willow-like waist, there is a cliff like a chasm.

Diana frowned, does Black Superman like this? But for her, the restraints on her hips and legs were too big for exercise.

After that, there is a low-cut dress, which fully shows off the fullness of the bust.

For Diana, although her waist and hips were free of restraints, her upper body was also loosened and easily swayed when she moved, making it unsuitable for strenuous exercise.

She had an even worse headache, it was always like this.

She could only continue to read. The next few items also had their own characteristics.

She now gradually understands that these clothes can well show her charm as a woman. Black Superman’s original vision was good.

This made her feel a little happy but also hesitant.

In the end, Diana chose a dress with a hat and a veil.

Mainly because after these few days, her face is no longer a secret to a certain extent. There may be a photo or portrait of her across the street, and the veil can hide it to a certain extent.

After finishing packing, Diana glanced at the pantyhose beside the bed before leaving. After hesitating, she took them on.

German High Command.

It is not only an important military location, but also a large number of civilians living here.

Peter brought Diana here and landed here. Of course, this time it was rare that he had the conscience to throw Diana directly into the center without any fanfare.

He pointed to a location and said,

“They are already discussing how to release poison gas. Your goal is to stop them and destroy the poison gas and information stored so far.”

“Aren’t we together?” Diana asked doubtfully.

“It’s just you this time, Diana. Your performance during this period has been good enough.” Peter said.

He is not Diana’s nanny. He has led her all the way, and it is time for the other party to hand over an answer sheet.

Another reason is that he has almost reached 1 million points. If he swipes harder, he can buy the anchor point of the Marvel Universe.

Although having an anchor point does not mean that you can go back immediately, it is still one step closer.

When Diana heard Peter’s words, she was also a little excited, “I won’t let you down!”

The two separated. Diana followed the street and walked all the way to the building pointed by Peter. On the way, she met patrolling soldiers. I will try my best to avoid it.

After this period of training, she is already very familiar with things like sneak assassination, and she has some experience.

Soon, she arrived at the outside of the target building. Because there were soldiers guarding the main entrance, she could not get close, so she could only look for opportunities on the flanks or the rear.

Fortunately, she found an opportunity by the window on the second floor. After quickly knocking the soldier on guard unconscious, she dragged the soldier into a utility room.

She was about to come out and start searching for Dr. Maru’s location, but she didn’t expect that a soldier came to change the guard.

In desperation, she could only knock him unconscious and drag him into the utility room.

She quickly searched around the second floor, but couldn’t find any trace of the target, but she did find a map bitmap.

(Go to read the novel on the site: Novels Knights)

Dr. Maru’s laboratory should be in the basement of his home.

What? You mean the other soldiers or clerks on the second floor?

Every one of them was thrown into the utility room by Diana.

Diana sneaked down the stairs into the basement. Fortunately, she didn’t run into any soldiers who happened to be on patrol this time.


If you say it was all done by her, she won’t accept it.

When we came to the basement, the light here became obviously much dimmer. At the same time, there was only one passage, and there was no detour or room for escape.

Fortunately, there are no soldiers left here.

Diana quickly walked outside the room at the end of the passage. Through the window, she could see a busy figure in the room.

After looking around for a moment, Diana finally confirmed that she had found the right person when the man turned half around and looked at the disfigured side face.

But at this moment, footsteps suddenly came from behind.

Diana knew she couldn’t wait any longer, so she rushed forward without any hesitation.

Now her physical fitness has improved a lot compared to when she first left Paradise Island.

Dr. Maru, a frail ordinary person, didn’t react at all. When she came over, she was already held hostage, and

at the same time, the Broken Sword God-Killing Sword was also pressed against her neck.

“Who are you!?” After a slight panic, Dr. Maru quickly calmed down and said.

Diana did not answer, but looked out of the passage.

A middle-aged man in military uniform walked in. He seemed to have noticed something unusual inside, and shouted:

“Guard! Guard!”

Dr. Maru also saw the person coming, with hope bursting in his eyes, and he quickly called for help: “General, hurry up Help me!”

The person coming was General Rudolf, the leader of the radical faction.

As a radical general, this war has always been what he expected.

He hopes to gain more benefits through war and climb to a higher position.

Originally, the situation had been going as smoothly as he had hoped.

He was going to win this war.

Who knows, during this period, a guy named “Baitman” suddenly appeared from nowhere, completely interrupting his strategy.

According to the survivors, the opponent, a man and a woman, could always accurately pass through countless scouts and sentry points, and descend from the sky to attack various camps.

Or a very provocative frontal approach.

But what’s even more outrageous is that they can’t beat him!

No matter where the camp is, no matter how defensive it is, if the troops are increased, the opponent seems to be able to defeat them one by one.

It’s not like they haven’t tried to fight back, but the problem is,

they can’t catch him!

You come and go without a trace, you can’t even find anyone, what are you doing?

Even if it is equipped with a brand new special forces air force, it has no ability to fight against it.

Even the other side did not kill anyone,

which not only made them lose face, but also aggravated the pressure on their medical system and the collapse of morale.

It was only through some information that they learned that Bateman had appeared in London and had personally created a shocking spectacle.

General Rudolf didn’t see the spectacle with his own eyes, so he didn’t know if it was true, but his colleagues were all frightened one by one and decided to surrender, which made him particularly unwilling.

Almost! It’s obviously just a little bit off.

Moreover, if he surrendered now, the losses would be extremely huge, and he couldn’t bear it, otherwise his next life would be over.

At least it would hurt both sides so that he would have room for maneuver.

The only way is to use a secret weapon that has been secretly researched before, biochemical poison gas.

As long as it is dropped properly, it can cause huge damage to the enemy.

Today he came to see Dr. Maru to discuss and decide how to release this batch of poison gas.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived, he found that Dr. Maru was actually being held hostage.

This made him frightened and angry. Dr. Maru was his only hope for a comeback! Who is it, who dares to do this to him!

Then, he saw a familiar face,

from the portraits or photos left by survivors on the battlefield,

it was “Baitman”!

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