Blue moon war city can not be regarded as a city. To be exact, it should be a spatial node.

Because the blue moon war city is between the sky blue star and the extraterritorial void. The existence of the blue moon war city is to prevent the army of dead bodies looking up at the stars from entering the sky blue star.

As a medium star, Jiyue star is attached with hundreds of inferior stars, and sky blue star is one of them.

According to the records, I don't know when to start, the extraterritorial void opened up a void channel connecting inferior stars.

In order to prevent these corpses from entering the inferior star, the main cities of Jiyue star are responsible for supporting an inferior star, and the blue moon city is responsible for Tianlan star.

"Yueya, you too!" Yunfan said as he watched the people leave.

"I see, brother!"

Yueya was very curious. She didn't feel anything before, and the sword light fell.

She didn't understand what a game it was. It didn't mean anything.

Blue sky went to negotiate with Jiao Ren. Lang Kun looked at the shadow of the moon and whispered, "it's thanks to him to think of a game. It's so easy. It still takes a day?"

Then he hooked a disciple of the Lang family, then put one of the other's hair on the bridge of his nose and waved a gun across it.

As a triple sublimation environment, this is easy to grasp. But when the spear awn was sent out, the Lang family disciple opposite couldn't help but step back, and the spear awn failed.

"You're afraid of farting. Will I kill you?" Lang Kun shouted.

The moon shadow suddenly said, "it's no use scolding him. He's an instinctive reaction. If you don't believe it, it's the same for you."

"What instinct is fear, in exchange for you!"

Lang Kun put a hair on the bridge of his nose and nodded to the Lang family disciple.

The Lang family disciple hesitated for a moment and finally cut it with a knife.

Watching the blade fall, Lang Kun said repeatedly that he couldn't move, he couldn't move.

When his hair was broken, Lang Kun really didn't move. He couldn't help but despise him and said, "see, as long as you're not afraid, it's very simple."

The moon shadow shook his head and said, "it's not simple. Although you didn't move, you just shook the corner of your mouth."

"Well, I saw it too. But why are you so difficult to do it? I didn't feel at all at that time?" Yueya didn't understand.

Just then, the moon shadow split it with a sword and scared the moon bud to retreat quickly.

"See? You can't do anything with someone else.

I know why he wants us to do this, which makes us absolutely trust each other. As long as there is a little hesitation and doubt, we can't do it.

It may be easy for a child without practice, but we can't.

We have practiced for so many years and have an instinctive response to attack. Even if we know it's okay, we still can't be firm. "

As the leader of the younger generation of the Yuejia family, Yueying naturally has no words to say.

"This is a battlefield, not a competition alone. We can't survive without cooperation.

He is really not simple. No wonder the Presbyterian Council made such a request. We would never have thought of that. "

Lang Kun also understood and nodded again. Then everyone began the game they despised.

As soon as it got dark, there was a loud sound of fighting, and then a soldier rushed over in a hurry.

"My Lord, please go over and discuss important matters!"

"OK, we'll be there in a minute!"

The blue sky said and rushed to Yunfan's room quickly, which stunned the soldiers.

However, this kind of thing was beyond his control and left immediately.

After a while, Jiao Ren saw the blue sky, three people and Yunfan come in.

In the main hall, Jiao Ren looked dignified. Beside him were two Vice City masters Xiang Kai and Zhuang Sheng. Only Jiao Yang is in the next four sublimation areas, and the other three have obviously gone to war.

"What are you doing here? We discuss the war. Don't you think it's a mess when you're separated?" Jiao yangleng shouted.

"It's OK for me to listen to your discussion. Do you think I'm a spy?" Yun Fan said calmly.

Jiao Yang still wanted to speak, but he was stared back by Jiao Ren.

Yunfan's hat is too big. Jiao Yang's mouth is unobstructed. If it gets out, no one can save him.

Dare to doubt the people sent by the middle star, even if they don't care about it, it's hard to say whether there will be more support in the future.

They are local people of sky blue star. If Jiyue star doesn't send someone, it won't endanger Jiyue star, but what do they do?

"OK, let's discuss it. I wanted to fight the day after tomorrow. Unexpectedly, the corpse army attacked the city ahead of schedule.

The blue moon war city can't be broken. Once it is broken, the sky blue star will suffer. Now the most important thing is that the three of us can't fight.

Not only the three of us can't do it, but also the sky robbery area over the corpse army, because the space of the battlefield is unbearable.

If you force your hand, not only the sky blue star will be devastated, but the passage opened by the corpse army will also be completely closed. "

Jiao Ren looked at the blue sky and said, "that's why sublimation is the top combat power. That's why you're here.

As you can see, there are four people in the sublimation area of the blue moon war city. If you lead the team, you will be able to defeat the army of dead bodies. "

Jiao Ren looked at the three people in the blue sky and waited for their opinions. Although he is the city Lord, he can't command the blue sky and others.

But he didn't know that at the moment, the three people in the blue sky were very uncomfortable. It felt like being roasted on a fire.

This is not the worst thing. The worst thing is that you are not tied, but you still dare not come down.

"Since it's a sudden attack, you can't rush into the war. I think you can stick to it until dawn.

The four commanders defend the city. We can go out and feel it first, so that we can know something about the corpse Army... "

"Are you here to talk? Just listen and don't interrupt!"

Before Yunfan finished his words, Jiao Yang interrupted.

However, as soon as his words were spoken, he heard the blue sky say: "Yunfan's words are reasonable. Although we are in the sublimation realm, we have never felt the corpse army, and the combat strength is certainly not as good as the four commanders.

There should be no problem with four commanders guarding the city, and we may see the right intention when we go to war. "

Jiao Ren glanced at Yunfan in surprise, then nodded and said, "OK, be careful. We'll discuss the plan later in the day."

When the four left, Jiao Ren frowned slightly.

"Lao Jiao, there seems to be something wrong with the people who come this time!" he opened his mouth to Kai.

"I also think there's something wrong with the separation state called Yun fan. It always feels that their three sublimation states seem to listen to him.

The first time he said he was uncomfortable, and then the three of them wanted to rest. This time when he spoke, the three of them spoke, "Zhuang Sheng analyzed.

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