"Sorry, I don't need them. More of them, less of them, kill them!"

Before Jiao Ren finished, Yunfan spoke directly, which made a thousand people cold.

They knew that they would die here if the city Lord thought.

I didn't expect to die in the end, not on the battlefield, but in the hands of a dandy.

"We did violate the military order just now. My Lord wants to execute us. I have nothing to say.

But when the corpse army enters the city, none of us can live except the city leader. They are all dead. Please let me kill more corpses. "

A soldier straightened his chest and walked to Yunfan. Then many soldiers followed up without fear in his eyes.

"You think too much. We won't die unless you die. But I can keep your life first."

After saying this, Yunfan turned and shot his eyes at the dead army that had been close to the city gate.

Without any hesitation and pause, the corpse army rushed directly into the city. Because the enemy could not be found, all 50000 corpse armies soon entered the city.

Just then, Yunfan waved and drank coldly, "close the door!"

A black figure shot directly at the city gate with Yunfan's gesture. The devil stretched out his hand to close the city gate.

Yunfan jumped down from the wall and shouted coldly, "beat the dog!"

The Dragon split up and burst out of the army of dead bodies with a dragon cry.

The dense army of dead bodies was torn in two under the huge dragon body. When the Dragon claws were waved, more than a dozen dead bodies were turned into pieces at once.

At the same time, a hundred and ten long swords appeared in front of Yunfan, like a mountain torrent, instantly smashing dozens of dead bodies.

This is not over, the surrounding temperature suddenly rises, and the real meaning of fire spreads out.

Yunfan suddenly had a square seal in his hand. Under the perfusion of the meaning of fire, the whole square seal became fiery red.

Fang Yin smashed the fire wave, and more than a hundred dead bodies were instantly extinguished. For a time, everyone opened their mouths and their eyes were going to pop out of their eyes.

Is this guy really just separated? Why is the combat effectiveness so strong?

The reality is a heavy meaning of fire, and the brick. Is it a treasure?

What's the matter with this dragon? Was he accepted?

People feel that their heads are not enough. It's like a miracle, which can't be explained at all.

All this came too hastily, too amazing, too shocking, so that they didn't have time to react quickly.

Yunfan naturally doesn't have time to pay attention to these people. In the first World War, he found that the most lethal thing to deal with dead bodies is the meaning of fire.

In the animal seal, the rosefinch seal can increase the meaning of fire, and its lethality is stronger than Lingyun sword.

The torrent of hundred and ten long swords, a rosefinch seal full of fire and the separation of dragons killed thousands of dead bodies in a minute.

At this time, many dead bodies began to rush towards the city gate. The devil is holding a Shura magic stabbing gun, and dozens of dead bodies will be broken in one shot.

Not only that, the devil can't resist at all. All are attacks, and the speed of killing is faster.

Jiao Ren looked at everything in front of him and didn't come back for a long time.

dandy? Need someone to protect?

That's ridiculous!

Such combat power is unmatched even in the sublimation environment. He is the strongest of the visitors this time.

There are not only demons and demons, but also powerful treasure tools, which can control flying swords.

The most important thing is his tactics and calculations. It's too powerful.

Closing the door and beating the dog, he had long thought that the corpse army would attack the blue moon war City, and he had long thought of countermeasures.

No, he doesn't have to think about countermeasures at all. There is no natural disaster. I'm afraid no dead body can hurt him.

Such people still need a thousand people to protect? I think I want them to help encircle and annihilate!

Jiao Ren smiled bitterly. All this was in the other party's calculation, but he thought too much. So that a thousand people were able to participate in the war, but a thousand people disobeyed the order.

Now, even if he is not sent from above and wants these 1000 people to die, no one can stop him.

"Close the door and beat the dog. Only with his combat power, can these dead bodies be regarded as dogs!" Jiao Ren sighed slightly.

Fifty thousand dead bodies have no sublimation realm, and the strongest is Taixu realm. Obviously, the black hand who arranged everything behind the scenes already knew the details of the blue moon war city.

The four commanders went out, and even the blue sky and others left. It can be said that if it wasn't for Yunfan, the blue moon war city would really be an empty city.

These corpses are unconscious. They just fight instinctively. They can't even dodge. They have strong attack power, but they are also easy to kill.

Half an hour, Yunfan took two separate bodies to wipe out all the dead bodies. In addition to the dead bodies killed by rosefinch seal, other dead bodies left broken bodies everywhere.

People are not rookies in the battlefield on the first day. They are used to seeing dead bodies. But such a number of broken bodies scattered together, shocking, and even some people want to vomit.

"As I said, it doesn't matter whether you have it or not.

As a soldier, especially on the battlefield, no matter whether the above command is right or wrong, the only thing to do is to execute it.

What about you? Do you think you are the commander or the city Lord? With so many questions, do you need your consent and review to order? "

Yunfan's eyes swept over the city wall, and they felt like two long swords, with the blade scraping across their faces.

One by one, his head was bowed or his body was cold, as if he was not a young man, but an old general who had fought on the battlefield for a long time.

Words and eyes are full of strong iron blood, which makes people involuntarily fear.

"Although you are the city master, did you use your mind before ordering? It's not normal on the battlefield. There must be a conspiracy.

Anyone with a little battlefield experience knows this, but the elder still fell into the trap.

If no one reminds me, it can be said that the elder made a mistake. But I said at the beginning that the elder is still like this, that is, he is happy and determined to go his own way. "

Yunfan turned to look at Jiao Ren and said coldly, "if I'm not here, do you know what the consequences are?

The blue moon Battle City is lost, and the army of dead bodies invades the sky blue star. At that time, even if it takes more manpower, it can no longer be expelled.

How many people will die and how many will become members of the army of dead bodies? Even if the elder and his family apologize for their sins with death, they can't make up for it. "

Jiao Ren was sweating. He suddenly didn't dare to look directly at the young man in front of him. If it's really like what Yunfan said, he really can't afford the consequences.

Obviously, there are only six levels of separation, but it gives him a feeling that he can fight with him. The most important thing is that the boy's iron blood breath is even stronger than him.

What has he experienced and how can he have this smell? I've been in blue moon war city for so many years, can't I compare with it?

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