A moment later, the blood demon emperor returned with a gloomy face and said, "there is no dead body in the void channel, not even the people outside."

"Asshole, what are the six of them doing outside? Do they all want to die if they're not here at this time?"

"Go, it's meaningless to stay here. Go and ask them what they want to do. If such a good opportunity is missed, don't they know the consequences?"

The two blood demons retreated towards the void channel, and Yunfan also retreated to the void channel and directly threw out Yunxin.

The three blood demons are not Yunxin's opponents, let alone two. In addition, Yunxin has been promoted now, and there is no suspense at all.

Yunfan didn't go up, but blocked the void passage and didn't give the corpse army a chance to evacuate.

Watching the army of dead bodies decrease, the rosefinch seal in Yunfan's hand is waved more fiercely. When Yunxin comes back, the army of dead bodies has been surrounded by soldiers in the Battle City of Qin.

Yunfan ignored the rest and went directly into the Qin war city.

"Brother, I didn't see it. Your combat power is really fierce!" Duan Zhenghong, the commander of Qin Battle City, smiled.

"I can't compare with Commander Duan. By the way, help me to leave. When I see Qin Xin, please take a word and say that my affairs don't bother her." Yun fan smiled.

"OK, sure!"

Duan Zhenghong smiled. It was an opportunity to get close to Qin Xin. How could he miss it.

The start-up array here is different from that in Qincheng. The array here is stable as long as you stimulate the spirit stone.

Things are easy to happen when you come in from the outside, but the sooner you go out from here, the better. Only in this way can the Qin disciples be sent away in an emergency.

As the array light disappeared, Yunfan came to the Qin family.

After all, he killed Qin Shiyue. Although he knew that the Qin family would not take him, Yunfan was still very careful and alert.

When the body is stable and the body has no tearing force, Yunfan slowly opens his eyes and sees Qin Ruoyu standing in front of him.

Feeling each other's bland breath, Yunfan respectfully said, "younger generation, Yunfan, I've seen the elder."

"The younger generation is formidable. He solved the crisis of Qin war city by himself so quickly. No wonder he was able to kill Qin Shiyue." Qin Ruoyu was uncertain.

Yun fan was shocked and said: "if you want to investigate this, please speak clearly.

Although I am not the opponent of my predecessors, if I want to die, I will never wait to die. "

"Hehe... No wonder the three families in lanyue city sent a summons for you. This is the first time in so many years.

But your performance is really worth it. Don't worry, the elder Ji Yuexing doesn't fight the younger generation, but all the big families in the main city make the rules together.

This is also the biggest rule of Ji Yuexing. Let alone the Qin family, even if the Qin family united more than a dozen, they didn't dare to do so.

But don't leave, because when you go to Qin war City, you delay the time to go to the blood moon battlefield. "Qin Ruoyu said with a smile.


Yun fan really doesn't know what to say. It doesn't matter whether he can go to the blood moon battlefield now.

He has defeated Qin Shiyue and is the third in the monthly list. And Ling Yu has made an agreement that as long as he can participate in the hundred months competition.

But not on the blood moon battlefield, relatively speaking, it is a breach of faith to the moon family and so on.

Although Ji Yuexing itself pays attention to talents, they give Yunfan his attitude, which still makes him feel a little guilty.

"Master, even if I miss it, I'll go to blue moon city. If I can't go to the blood moon battlefield, at least I'll go to blue moon city and talk to my parents..."

"Hehe, you are very good. Not only your strength is good, your mind is good, your tactics are good, but also your work is so methodical.

They have already said hello to the moon family. I'll take you to the blood moon battlefield. But I have to wait a while. When Qin Xin comes out, you can go together. "Before Yunfan finishes, Qin Ruoyu interrupts.

"Ah, with her!"

Yunfan really doesn't want to mix up with Qin Xin. That's what Duan Zhenghong said before. Unexpectedly, he still can't hide.

The light behind him lit up and looked at Qin Xin who appeared slowly. Yunfan sighed slightly in his heart.

"Master..." Qin Xin said.

"Time is tight. Don't talk nonsense. You represent Qincheng in the battle of blood moon. The situation of blood moon battlefield is not very good. You should be more careful!"

Qin Ruoyu said, reaching out like a knife and gently chopping down, an entrance to the void appeared.

"Follow me!"

Qin Ruoyu stepped into the void, and the real Qi burst out, forming a real Qi shield around the three people.

Yunfan immediately felt a powerful force, and the three turned into a streamer and rushed into the endless void.

Clearly feel Qin Ruoyu's emptiness. Yunfan can't help but release his spiritual power and slowly close his eyes.

It is also the meaning of emptiness, but Qin Ruoyu can transform the artistic conception into power. Although the meaning of emptiness and the power of emptiness are only one word, they are actually thousands of miles away.

The meaning of the void is at most just a condensed field, but the force of the void can shuttle through the void.

However, after checking for a long time, Yunfan got nothing. Qin Ruoyu smiled. Although Yunfan didn't realize anything, this action has surpassed countless people.

Qin Xin is very good, but he won't do such a thing in this kind of thing. Seeing this, he knew that Yunfan's future achievements were by no means comparable to those of Qin Xin and others.

Soon, Qin Ruoyu split the void and entered another void.

The three men were suspended in the void, and a city appeared in front of them.

The city is suspended in the void. It looks very strange. What's more strange is that the city is actually moving.

With the chaos in the void, he kept changing his direction. Although the speed of movement was not fast, it was not generally difficult to find the city.

Qin Ruoyu saw the city when he split the void. This strength had to frighten Yunfan.

"Throw it in! If this happens again, don't send it."

A voice suddenly sounded. Before Yunfan could react, he was pushed out by Qin Ruoyu.

An invisible traction seemed to pull him and Qin Xin, flying rapidly towards the city, until his feet landed, the force disappeared.

"Don't be surprised, you can certainly achieve this strength." Jue Tian suddenly said.

"Brother, this ability is actually the ability to fool people's chicken ribs. Don't take it to heart."

It seems that they all felt the shock in Yunfan's heart, and Yunxin also said it.

Yunfan directly ignores them. These two guys don't know how many years they have lived. Although what they said was good, it would be different from his point of view.

The author Yuehuo said: thanks for the support of brothers and sisters. Another month has begun. Yuehuo asks here for collection, subscription and reward, which is an encouragement to Yuehuo. Seriously, I'm really tired at five o'clock every day, but Yuehuo has been insisting. For half a year, even if you are ill, you have never been less or broken. There is only one idea, that is, it does not affect everyone's reading. Thank you for your company along the way!

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