Although Yunyu didn't speak, he could feel Yunyu's sadness. It was very strange.

"Forever barren wood, how could this happen!" Jue Tian suddenly exclaimed.

"Elder, what is the eternal barren wood?" Yun fan asked.

"This... It's too troublesome to explain. Let's talk about it later. These bastards destroyed the ancient barren tree. Boy, get this little tree in quickly." Jue Tian said eagerly.

Yunfan knows Jue Tian's meaning without asking. His strength must be too weak now.

Walking forward, he waved to Yunyu, but saw Yunyu fall on his shoulder and gently rub his face with his head.

"Mom, take her with you. I feel she's close to me!"

Yunfan nodded and said softly, "OK, you go in first. I'll get her in now."

Walking forward, I saw array lines twinkling around the small tree. I took out Lingyun sword and chopped it down towards the lines next to me.


With a loud noise, Yunfan flew thousands of miles upside down and spewed out a mouthful of blood before falling.

"What a strong array, white ball and black ball, can you destroy it?" Yun fan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

The two little guys played again and again, and then walked up with their chests patted at the same time.

At the same time, open your mouth and the array lines fly rapidly towards the white ball's mouth. The rocks around the little tree quickly flew towards the mouth of the black ball.

An hour later, a small tree inlaid with boulders emerged.

Yunfan just took the small tree into the dragon field, the whole space shook violently, and the entrance of the void channel collapsed instantly.

The huge vibration rapidly extended towards the battlefield, as if the whole battlefield was shaking. Countless people looked at the void in horror and crushed the void stone without hesitation.

Xiazhan Dao, Ning Zhongdao looked at the concussion space and couldn't help turning his head to Yang Chengxu and Feng Xiaoxiao.

Since Yun fan left, the three people carefully looked for some hunting with not too high level difference, and were sent to Xiazhan Dao together.

The three entered the blood moon battlefield for the first time. If they can have such a record, even if they go back, they will be proud.

Therefore, the three did not immediately enter the battle path, but chose to watch.

No one thought that such a thing would happen at this time. Although I don't know what happened, the blood moon battlefield is obviously unstable.

The three looked at each other and then crushed the void stone together.

At the same time, Xia Qiu opened her eyes before zhongzhan road. As soon as he felt almost recovered, he was awakened by the space vibration.

"Asshole, what's going on?"

Xia Qiu roared and struggled for ten years before entering zhongzhan Dao. It's too unwilling to leave now.

He rushed to the single Battle Road, but the blood demons on both sides had already run away, and no one paid attention to him.

"Come back..."

"Are you fucking crazy? It's like this, and you fart. Who knows what will happen next. Come back next time!"

A blood demon emperor opened his mouth, and the blood demon emperors on the two roads rushed in one direction.

The blood demon emperor did not leave the void stone. They could only gather towards one position. Even if there was a major event, they could deal with it together.

"Asshole, let me know who did it. I have to kill him!"

Xia Qiu angrily crushed the void stone and appeared in the empty city of Jiyue.

At this time, the empty city of Jiyue was full of people, and almost everyone in the blood moon battlefield came back. Xia Qiu glanced coldly and shouted angrily, "who is it, stand up for me!"

The crowd cast their eyes one by one and began to talk.

"Who, cowhide!"

"You don't even know him. I really don't know if you're from Jiyue star. He's summer and autumn, the fourth on the peak stone."

"What does he mean? Let who stand up?"

"Who knows, it's not normal anyway. Looking at his anger, he probably wants to hit the top three this time!"

The surrounding voices made Xia Qiu more angry and shouted angrily, "shut up. Why does the blood moon battlefield vibrate? Who did it? Stand up for me.

If this is not the case, I have been fighting in zhongzhan Dao and ruined my only chance for so many years. I will not let you go. "

People were shocked, zhongzhan Dao, that was a million achievements!

If you really fight, you may have a chance to surpass the top three. If such a chance is gone, everyone will be angry.

Everyone immediately closed their mouth. At this time, they really couldn't live with themselves.

"All right, stop arguing."

Ling Miaomiao and Feng Yi appeared next to the peak stone, looked at Xia Qiu coldly and said, "don't investigate if something happens.

I think the space of the blood moon battlefield will be restored in less than a day. Then where are you and where will you be after you go in? "

"Is that true?"

Xia Qiu took a deep look at them. Naturally, he knew who was in front of him. Although he was arrogant, he really couldn't be proud in front of the two.

"Not exactly. Those who enter the war path will return to the original place, but those who do not enter the war path are still random.

If you don't enter the battle path, it doesn't matter where you are at random. Speaking of it, it's just a waste of your day. "Ling Miaomiao said.

"That's good. Although I'm not sure to surpass you, I'm likely to surpass Qin Ruoshui." Xia Qiu breathed a sigh of relief.

Ling Miaomiao ignored Xia Qiu, glanced at the crowd and said in a deep voice, "since they all came out, there's just something to confirm.

Before you came back, the peak stone was shining. Although it disappeared and the ranking on the peak stone did not change, this has never happened.

In order to confirm the conjecture in my heart, you come here one by one, reach out and press on the peak stone and input a trace of true Qi. "

"Input true Qi? Check the record?"

"It should be. This is the most accurate way of investigation. Even if you don't enter the top 500, you will clearly show your achievements."

"This is good. Let me see how many achievements I have made."

A young man came forward and put his hand on the peak stone. Suddenly several numbers appeared on it.

"The record of 34213 is good. Look at me!"

Another young man reached forward and pressed it. The number appeared again on the peak stone, but the highest one in front did not exceed 100000.

Think about it, it's amazing to be able to achieve tens of thousands of achievements in this month. If you can persist for one year, you can enter the next battle.

"Five hundred thousand achievements, my God, how did you do it?"

With a cry of surprise, all eyes turned to Ningzhong road. Ning Zhongdao didn't speak, but nodded at Yang Chengxu and Feng.

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