"This broom star is unlucky to meet him. I don't know what the elder asked him to do." Ling ye said angrily.

"Who said no, if I had known, I should have pulled him before, lest we wait here." Ling Chen said.

Looking at the leisurely figure in the distance, Ling Ye bit her lower lip and rushed over quickly.

"Can you hurry up? When you pass, everyone will go down. How can we get good results?"

"Hehe, I didn't ask you to wait for me. You can go down if you want!" Yun Fan said with a smile.

"Asshole, we're here together. With your strength, you don't know how to die alone. Stop talking nonsense and go. If you can't move, I'll pull you."

Ling Ye reaches out her hand and grabs Yunfan's arm. Yunfan dodges slightly and says with a smile, "don't pull and pull. People think there's something between us.

But will you tell me what to do next? I'm also prepared. "

"You don't have to prepare. It's no use if you prepare."

Ling Ye didn't reach out, but they were also close to the sand sea. At this time, there were less than 100 people left around.

Yunfan didn't ask again. He followed them into the sand sea. As the sand sea moves, the yellow sand quickly drowns the three people.

Entering the sand sea, Yunfan also protects his body with true Qi. He is still very cautious about the unknown.

The sand sea is like an undercurrent, sending the three into a space full of yellow sand, with visibility of no more than kilometers.

Just standing firm, a ball composed of yellow sand hit down like a shell.

Ling Chen and Ling Ye seem to have known for a long time. At the same time, they give out their swords. The sword light cleaves on the ball and makes a crisp sound. The ball turned into yellow sand again.

Ling Chen and Ling Ye looked around warily. Yunfan stepped out and another ball fell.

"Don't move around, will you? Without your help, just follow us and protect yourself." Ling Chen shouted low.

"Let me not move, at least tell me what's going on?" Yunfan stopped.

"This is the second test. The wind sand puppet beast is the local fierce beast of Huang Fengxing.

Different from the first test, I have no strength here. I don't even have a chance to quit. I was killed directly. If I want to get good results, I have to kill the sand puppet beast.

Wind sand puppet animals are different from ordinary monsters and fierce animals. Their bodies are in yellow sand, and their individuals are small. Even when they arrive, they are difficult to find.

They are good at mental power and controlling sandstorm attacks. Here, a sandstorm puppet beast sublimating the realm can kill the Tianjie realm. "

At this time, Ling Ye doesn't want to talk nonsense with Yunfan, and directly says the rules.

At this time, countless sand balls suddenly appeared around, and they were smashed down.

Yunfan struck one with his sword, and his arm shook violently. The feeling of acid and numbness rushed up in an instant.

What a powerful force. It seems that the wind sand puppet beast can not only control the wind sand, but also has the attribute of gravity.

Here, the sandstorm puppet beast takes advantage. Let alone kill it, it's good to be able to prevent it.

When Yunfan thought of this, his mental power slowly spread, and all the surrounding movements were printed in his mind.

"This guy can really hide. He's under our feet."

Yunfan's mouth showed a smile and found the sand puppet beast. He didn't do it. He came to protect Ling ye, and he also came to practice.

He would never help unless he had to. The most important reason why the wind sand puppet beast can be killed by leaps and bounds is because of its spiritual power.

Others have no way, but he is different. He has cultivated his spiritual power.

The six spiritual powers of Taixu realm are not as strong as those of sand puppet animals, but they can find each other's tracks and make effective attacks.

"Can I ask you a question? Since you know it's a wind sand puppet beast, why do you want to separate?

If they were all together, wouldn't they be able to kill more? If it's inconvenient, don't say it when I didn't ask. "

Yunfan has some doubts. Whether it's for the family or Jiyue star, in order to achieve good results, we should kill more sandstorm puppets together.

But they are separated and scattered. In this case, it's good to have individual kills successfully.

"What do you know? The result is not the number of wind sand puppet beasts, but the level.

The higher the level of wind sand puppet beast killed, the higher the ranking. This has nothing to do with the number.

It's better for you to kill a thousand sublimation beasts than for others to kill one Tianjie. It's hard to distinguish between high-level aeolian sand puppet beasts and low-level ones.

Even if they can tell, when there are more people, they won't take the initiative to attack. If they don't attack, they can't find out and how to kill them. "Ling Ye pie his mouth.

Although the visibility around is very low, tens of thousands of people come in and no one can be seen around, which shows that the wind sand puppet beast is very vigilant.

The other party is a mental attack. It becomes more difficult to kill, and it is even more difficult to kill with a high level.


Ling Chen was suddenly hit by a ball and flew out. Ling Ye quickly stepped forward to block him.

"Yunfan, pay attention to yourself. I don't have time to take care of you. It was just a tentative attack by the wind sand puppet beast before, but it really started now."

There are more and more round ball attacks around. Yunfan doesn't dare to neglect it and swings his sword out.


The powerful impact made Yunfan retreat more than ten steps in a row, and his face became dignified in an instant.

The seemingly same attack is several times more powerful than before. Not only the power and speed have increased, but also the attack has become much more strange.

Release the field and look!

Here, there is yellow sand all around, and the attack is so strange that only in the field can we control all this.

"Put away the field quickly!"

Lingye's scream came to his ears, and Yunfan was stunned.

Suddenly, the whole field seemed to be oppressed by countless mountains and became heavier and heavier. Finally, it was like the whole yellow wind star was pressed on it and would burst out at any time.

Quickly put away the field and said in horror, "how can this happen?"

"The drifting sand sea is actually the core of huangfengxing. The most powerful thing of huangfengxing is not Huangsha, but gravity.

The same is true of the most powerful wind sand puppet beasts. They have no field, so their gravity attribute can't play 30%.

But when you release the field, you provide them with a platform to give full play to the gravity. "Ling Ye angrily said.

Without a field, gravity cannot be concentrated. At most, it is attached to the ball.

But Yunfan released the field, so that all gravity can focus on the field, and its power is naturally powerful countless times.

But in this way, Yunfan can only fight by himself. At least Yunliang and Yunxin can't help.

"Wait, why are we moving?"

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