In Shanhu's view, at least we should sublimate the seven aspects of the environment in order to have a certain assurance of winning. But from Yunfan's mouth, it's as easy as eating tofu.

But just met, the mountain tiger didn't say much. He smiled and said, "since you think so, I'll take you to have a look. Maybe you'll change your view after reading it."

Across the main street, you can see a large martial arts training ground, which is dozens of times larger than that in blue moon city.

There are dozens of competitions in the field.

Beside the martial arts training ground, there is a stone wall, like a big wall, 100 meters long.

The names of countless people are engraved on it, which is obviously the list of rookies mentioned by Shanhu.

Countless people gathered around the martial arts training ground, even more than those on the main street. There was a lot of noise.

"Zhen Shuang? You're here too? Isn't this the rookie you're looking for? You're so new, you shouldn't rank high!"

Just stopped, a sweet voice sounded. Yunfan looked around and saw a beautiful woman Tingting coming.

Next to the woman, there are two young people, each of whom is the double of heaven and earth. They hold their heads high and look at Yunfan with disdain.

"Zhang pan, you are the same candidate as me. Is it necessary to be so mean?" Zhen Shuang said angrily.

"Hehe, I'm different from you. I'll be on the list soon. See, these two are inner disciples of Chiyue sect.

Li He, 864 in the rookie list. Lou Feng, 853 in the rookie list. With their support, how can I be like you? "

Zhang pan smiled at Yun fan and said in a sweet voice, "young master, make a friend!"

"Thanks for your love, I can't stand it. In fact, I'm not on the rookie list. I've just come from the middle star. I'm here to open my eyes." Yunfan said with a smile.

"Medium star? What bad luck!"

Zhang pan waved his sleeves and turned to one side. It seemed that if he looked at the clouds more, he would be disgusted.

"Yunfan, I'm sorry. I didn't expect to involve you." Zhen Shuang apologized.

"The hundred flowers list is more competitive than the rookie list. Although Zhen Shuang is a candidate, it also attracts envy. Yunfan, take a look yourself and I'll fight."

Shanhu just took a step. Zhen Shuang grabbed his arm.

"Mountain tiger, don't be impulsive. If you really want to challenge, you'd better wait for the breakthrough!"

"I don't know when I can break through. Three days later, a hundred flowers will bloom. I want to bet once."

Shanhu gently pushed away Zhen Shuang's hand, strode onto the martial arts training field, and said loudly: "Shanhu, sublimate the six levels of the environment, challenge 972 rookies, Liu Chuan!"

"It's a shame to challenge Liuzhong after sublimation!" said Zhang pan contemptuously.

Yunfan looked at a young man who had risen to the seventh level and stepped onto the martial arts training ground. He said curiously, "if you want to challenge, challenge? Are the rookies on standby at any time?

Also, what is the relationship between the rookie list and the hundred flowers list? The mountain tiger challenge is to make you on the hundred flowers list? "

"Naturally, it's not always on standby. Because flowers bloom in three days, most of the rookies come.

At other times, it will take at least a day after the challenge.

The hundred flowers list comes out together with the rookie list. If you want to go on the hundred flowers list, you not only need to look good, but also have strength.

If your own strength is not good, you need to rely on external force, which is the rookie on the rookie list. On the one hand, it is the strength of rookies, on the other hand, it is the popularity of rookies.

Sometimes a rookie ranking at the top can easily change the hundred flowers list. If the hundred flowers list does not change once a year, it will change all the time.

The rookie list changes every three days. Except for the top 100, there will be no small changes every time, "Zhen Shuang explained.

"But what's the point? What can I do if I'm on the list?"

Yunfan doesn't understand. If it's for name, it's really unnecessary. After all, it's a rookie. It's nothing in Haoyue star.

If it is for profit, who pays this part of the money? Who has nothing to eat and support, spend this kind of wronged money.

"People on the rookie list will not only become famous, but also become disciples of the sect.

The same is true of the hundred flower list, and the top three of the two lists can also participate in the same stage. Once they win, they will be directly received by those large doors.

Guanwai city is at the edge of the bright moon star. It's the only chance for anyone who doesn't want to enter a good sect to practice, "Zhen Shuang explained.

Yunfan is silent. Although this is the bright moon star, the aura here is similar to Ji moon star.

In other words, if you practice here, it is no different from that in the medium star.

The best way to become stronger is to enter the big sect and get rich cultivation resources. The rookie list and the hundred flowers list also come from this.

In fact, this is a means for the bright moon star to absorb talents. Otherwise, when the blood demon attacks on a large scale, it will not be far from destruction.

However, it is normal for people to have selfishness, good and bad. There must be a lot of people to meet their selfishness.

Yunfan didn't ask again. He turned his eyes to the training ground and the battle of mountain tigers.

Mountain tiger sublimation territory six fold, but the foundation is very solid. An ordinary boxing and martial arts can be displayed in your hands. Even the ordinary sublimation territory seven fold may not be able to break through.

But his opponent is not the ordinary sublimation environment Qizhong. Liu Chuan is more powerful than expected.

It's a cooked copper staff. It's maneuvering. The mountain tiger doesn't even have a chance to get close.

An inch long and an inch strong, not to mention the mountain tiger didn't even have a weapon, and soon fell into the disadvantage.

"You deserve to challenge me. Let you see my martial arts!"

Liu chuanleng drank, and the cooked copper stick was cut out continuously like a big knife. Under the surge of Qi, a row of stick awns appeared on the top of the mountain tiger.

The mountain tiger roared and hit it with his fist.


The powerful attack force smashed the mountain tiger into the air, smashed the body on the martial arts training ground, and sprayed several mouthfuls of blood.

"Mountain tiger!" Zhen Shuang rushed up anxiously and picked up the mountain tiger.

"Sorry, I'm useless!"

The mountain tiger didn't even wipe the blood on the corner of his mouth. His face was bitter.

He is not afraid to lose, but missed this time, he can no longer help Zhen Shuang.

"Hum, it's ridiculous that such a waste wants to be on the list." Zhang pan sneered.

Shanhu didn't speak. He went to Yunfan and whispered, "Yunfan, we won't accompany you. If you don't have a place to settle, you can come to Zhenzhuang.

I live alone and have an empty room, but it's very simple. "

"Thanks a lot. Let's go together. By the way, can anyone challenge?" Yun Fan said with a smile.

"Well, as long as the age is no more than 30. If you challenge someone within 100, you can't kill yourself. If you challenge someone beyond 100, you'll find yourself dead." the mountain tiger said in a deep voice.

"Well, you wait for me for a minute!"

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