"I saw Yunfan kill Zuo Qiuwei with my own eyes. I don't believe that the genius of the imperial city can sublimate the realm and kill immortal people."

"Yes, what's the matter with guanwai city? Sublimation territory kills immortal territory and shakes the whole bright moon star, but it can't shake out a few."

With the voices of several people, many people walked into the Inn and talked.

The guy has a strange expression. The guy is gone and the guests are gone. The guest came as soon as he came back.

Whose is this inn?

If you don't come back, will the inn still open?

"I heard that Yunfan is being chased and killed by Pan Mingliang, the leader of the wooden hall of the five elements hall. I don't know if he can survive."

"Leave calmly in front of Pan Mingliang. Does pan Mingliang still want to kill Yunfan?"

Several people who spoke before looked at each other and asked, "brother, do you know where Yunfan is?

We are disciples of the Xingxiang palace. We have come here to recruit disciples for the palace gate. As long as Yun fan enters our Xingxiang palace, even the five elements hall dare not do anything to him. "

"Star Palace!"

The surrounding drinkers were surprised and looked at the four people in awe.

The three forces of bright moon star are well known, but there is another mysterious power that scares any sect, that is Xingxiang palace.

It is said that the astrological palace has the art of divination and can peep into the secrets of heaven. There are many top powers in it.

"Is the Xingxiang Palace Great? Don't forget, is it the king's land that leads the land? Everything about Haoyue star belongs to our Tang Dynasty."

A voice sounded, and they quickly looked at the door.

A young man, surrounded by more than a dozen guards, stepped in.

"It's Prince Yu!"

A drinker was shocked and blurted out that except for the four people in Xingxiang palace, others quickly stood up and bowed to Tang Wenyu.

The bright moon star is different from other stars. Although there are countless sects, they are all under the rule of the Tang Dynasty.

The Tang Dynasty is the master of the bright moon star and has the strongest strength. However, there was no conflict between the Tang Dynasty and various sects. Even if there was, it would be solved reasonably.

Because of this, many practitioners ignored the giant Tang Dynasty. However, there is no doubt about the first position of the Tang Dynasty.

No one outside knows how many princes there are in the Tang Dynasty, but the most popular one is Emperor Yu Tang Wenyu.

Tang Wenyu came out to do all the things with all the sects. There are really few sects who don't know Tang Wenyu.

Tang Wenyu attracted many experts, most of whom were from the sect. No one thought that he would come to a border town like guanwai city.

Looking at Tang Wenyu's golden dagger sitting down, Ding Cheng, the strongest of the four people in the Xingxiang palace, was so angry that the corners of his mouth jerked.

If haoyuexing has several sects that do not bird the Tang Dynasty, in addition to the three major forces, it is Xingxiang palace.

Even Xingyuan chamber of commerce does not want to offend the Tang Dynasty. Once there is a bad relationship, it is really difficult for Xingyuan chamber of Commerce to do business.

However, although Xingxiang palace does not bird the Tang Dynasty, Ding Cheng can only bear it when looking at the guards around Tang Wenyu.

These guards are about seven masters of Tianjie. He is just a master of Xianren. If he really wants to fight, he may not be able to return to the palace alive.

For a moment, the atmosphere of the inn became dignified. They didn't speak anymore and drank with their heads down one by one.

Just then, a guard rushed in from the outside and said in a deep voice, "Your Highness, I can't find anyone!"

"Can't find any?" Tang Wenyu put down his glass and said.

"Neither an ye nor pan Mingliang can find them, Lin Fan..."

The guard hesitated for a moment and said, "according to my subordinates, it seems that he has returned here. But he doesn't know if it is him."

The guard is really not sure. Pan Mingliang wants to kill Yunfan. He ran away from here before. No one will come back, but the news is that the other party has returned to the inn.

As Tang Wenyu's escort, he knows very well that he can't talk nonsense until things are clear.

They couldn't help looking up. The hole in the upper guest room had just been repaired. No one believed that Yunfan would be here at this time.

"Man, Yunfan is back?" Tang Wenyu asked.

"This... Just came back!" the man looked upstairs and whispered.

"Your Highness, I'll invite him down!" the guard hurried.

Seeing Tang Wenyu nodding, the guard rushed up and knocked on the door of Yunfan's room.

"Tell your highness that I have no intention to join any forces. Thank you!"

Yunfan's voice came out of the room. It didn't need to be conveyed by the guard. Everyone below heard it.

One by one, they looked at each other and looked stunned. Is that too arrogant? This is Prince Yu!

Even if you want to refuse, should you refuse face to face? Not even one side?

"Isn't the Tang Dynasty very good? It's not the same. It was rejected." Ding Cheng was very understanding.

Tang Wenyu suddenly smiled and said, "all geniuses have personality. If they can even say such words, they are not ordinary geniuses.

Yun fan, tell me, how can I serve the Tang Dynasty? As long as you offer, I can meet you. "

Tang Wenyu has seen too many geniuses, not to mention casual repair. Even the geniuses in the sect can't attract them.

In his eyes, there are only conditions that cannot be met, and there are no talents that cannot be recruited.

"Your Highness has a big voice. Aren't you afraid that you can't do it and lose your Highness's reputation?"

Song Xiangmin moved gently and walked in slowly.

After glancing at the crowd, he looked at Ding Cheng and said, "unexpectedly, the people of Xingxiang palace came to guanwai city. For the first time in the history of Haoyue star, guanwai city is so lively."

"It turned out to be Miss Song Er of Xingyuan chamber of Commerce. Ding Mou was rude." Ding Cheng got up and arched his hands.

When song Xiangmin sat down, Tang Wenyu said with a smile, "Miss Song Er is wrong. Now all forces are recruiting talents. Whoever offers good conditions can naturally make people excited.

If Miss Song Er can do the same, I think Xingyuan chamber of Commerce will attract no fewer people than the Tang Dynasty. "

"Your Highness is right, but some people don't go when conditions are good." Song Xiangmin smiled.

"Really? I really haven't seen such a person."

Tang Wenyu looked up and said, "Yunfan, please come down and see me!"


The door of the room opened and Yunfan stepped down. Not afraid of each other, but too troublesome.

Now there are three forces. It seems that each of them is aimed at him. It is impossible to avoid him.

"Your Highness, I said that if you don't join any forces, you won't join any forces. Please understand!"

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