Just now, these little guys tortured a fairy land to death.

Yes, tortured to death. From the other side's point of view, there is nothing to be afraid of. But torture to death, or that kind of torture, is simply not what people are willing to bear.

Seeing the flame spreading, the immortal state retreated again and again. But the dragon's body was too big. No matter how to withdraw, the huge tail stopped his steps.

"Little tree, entangle him and devour his Qi. Without Qi, I can roast him!" little fire shouted.

I'm shocked at the immortal state of war. This torture method is no better than before!

The reason why immortal territory can resist the flame of small fire is that the real Qi in his body will be burned alive if there is no real Qi to protect himself.

The time of burning to death is not long, but listen to the meaning of this sentence. The other party doesn't want him to die quickly. He should burn to death bit by bit!

"Wei Yuqiu, come and help me. If I die, you can't live."

"Fool, can't you see who is the leader here? As long as you kill Yunfan, the others are local chickens and dogs."

Wei Yu was so angry that he shouted. Originally, he thought that so many immortal people could be tired to death.

I didn't expect so many people to come out as soon as I came up. I thought there was no fairy land here. Others can easily kill it.

But now, none of the other party is dead. Instead, a fairy land has been tortured to death.

"Of course I know that Yunfan is the leader, but you can't kill him now. It's better to kill these local chickens and dogs first, and then we work together to deal with him."

Looking at the flames all over the sky, I was more and more frightened to fight against the immortal realm.

Before he took the initiative to attack, now he is in a hurry to defend. He knew very well that as long as there was an oversight, the consequences would be terrible.

Wei Yuqiu was silent for a moment. Finally, he lifted the array and asked an immortal nearby to support him.

However, at this time, Yunliang laughed and said, "old three, do you see? Although you gave me the skill, I got it first."

A knife hurt an immortal. Yunliang was about to mend the knife when he saw Yunxin wielding a knife and splitting it.

The other party was already injured. Where would you expect Yunxin to sneak attack and be directly cut into two sections.

"Second brother, you hurt this man, but he died in my hand. We are tied." Yunxin smiled.

"Old three, do you want to be shameless? You have the ability to kill one yourself. What's killing my side?"

Yunliang was so angry that he drank heavily. Yundao fiercely cleaved towards the immortal territory over Yunxin.

Yunxin laughed and said, "second brother, you can't say that. Look, I killed another one!"

As he spoke, Yunxin retreated violently. The immortal territory attacked by Yunliang has just made a move to resist, and Yunxin's blade is chopped down with all his strength.

Both of them have fifty younger brothers behind them. One-on-one can contain three immortals, let alone work together. The other party was shocked to death before he could dodge.

This seems like a quarrel between the two, but it's actually their joint killing move, ice and fire.

At the beginning, in Jingtian sword sect, they could fight with Chu Hong, not to mention that the other party was a double immortal state.

Two of the six died at once, and the remaining four panicked.

"Wei Yuqiu, don't separate, join hands!"

"Fool, don't you know to separate and kill the boys in the heaven robbery area behind them? Without the support of those boys, can they be so strong?"

Wei Yu's eyes were burning with hatred. These guys stayed at zongmen for too long and didn't know how to fight.

He should remind him of such an obvious thing. If you were sure to kill the two before, you can forget it, but now, you still want to work together.

"Yes, kill the people behind them first!"

An immortal's eyes brightened, his body retreated, jumped out of the battle regiment, and quickly rushed to 50 younger brothers from one side.

"Shit, it's too bullying. Second brother, you hold on first!"

As soon as the blood came forward, the little brother behind him put all the blood gas into his back, waved the cloud knife and fiercely chopped at the other party.


The swords and mans hit each other, and the immortal's footsteps were fierce. He looked at Xueyi and others in disbelief.

He did not expect that without Yunliang, these joint forces would be equally powerful.

You are the highest, but what else. I don't believe so many people have no breakthrough.

The immortal rushed to one side and cut it out with a knife. At this time, the blood retreated and retreated into the crowd.

Facing the immortal state, a little brother took one step and shouted, "come on, I'm waiting for you!"


The footsteps of immortal state were forced to stop again and changed several directions again. He suddenly found that these people seemed to be one in front of him.

No matter which direction he attacks from, anyone on the other side can integrate everyone's true Qi and give the strongest blow.

Don't talk about him. Wei Yuqiu, who has been paying attention to Yu Guang, was stunned. He never imagined that so many people could be like one person in battle.

"Old three, they really treat us as soft persimmons. Fuck them!"

Yunliang roared and chopped out with a knife.

The fighting immortal territory quickly waved a knife to block. He really didn't care about Yunliang's combat power.

It's just nine times of heaven's robbery. Any move can stop it, but at this time, Yunxin waved a knife and split it.

What puzzled him most was that Yunxin's blade was not aimed at him, but at Yunliang.

Stupid? Isn't that helping me?

Well, take this opportunity to feel this guy first.

He was overjoyed. Seeing that the two swords were about to hit each other, he suddenly changed his moves and rushed towards Yun Liang.

At this time, the two blades hit each other. The two blades that should have collided strangely merged into a huge light knife and cut down.

"How is this possible?"

With a cry of surprise, the whole person was blown into meat foam by the huge light knife as soon as the long knife in his hand was cut out.

"Second brother, next!" said Yunxin, waving a knife to another immortal.

Seeing the tragic death of the previous immortal state, the other side dared to connect hard. Almost at the same time, the two immortal states fighting with Yunxin retreated violently.

Seeing that Yunliang didn't pursue, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh. They were not sure to catch the joint attack.

However, at this time, Yunliang suddenly waved a knife and cut into the immortal realm where he fought with Xueyi.

"Go back!"

The two immortals couldn't help shouting when they saw that the knife awn issued by Yunliang and the knife awn issued by Xueyi wanted to fight together.

The immortal state of the war was terrified, accelerated and retreated quickly.

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