Xia Qingyu's face has changed. Others say it's OK. Do you also say it?

What's the bullshit? You're cheap, you're all cheap!

How did I meet a group of rotten people!

"Yun fan, I tell you, I'm a disciple of Shenxing Shenxu hall. I just came for the jade pendant and didn't want anything else. I......"

"Don't explain, wait until you get down!"

"You won't be scared to pee your pants. Look at his nervousness."

"Don't worry, it'll be over soon. There's no pain."

"We are very experienced. We promise to make you lie down comfortably!"

Listening to the disdainful voices of several people, Xia Qingyu angrily shouted: "shut up, I..."

A sword light fell, and Xia Qingyu quickly stopped, and his mental strength was output with all his strength.

The sword that should have been blocked now split the mental power and came directly to him.

At the same time, a bucket of thunder and lightning hit the spirit hard. Xia Qingyu only feels his head confused and his body flies out, sprinkling blood all over the sky.

How is that possible? How could it be so strong?

Before, the attack power from the triple immortal realm to the quintuple immortal realm was frightening enough. Now it has six attacks comparable to the immortal realm!

The most shameless thing is that I was struck by thunder at the critical time.

The mental strength is lax, the defense strength is weakened, and the sword is seriously damaged.

Although it is said that the attack power of spiritual cultivators has little to do with the body, the attack power of lightning has left indelible wounds.

Don't say attack at the moment, but if you don't attack, your head hurts.

"Stop fighting. I'm really a disciple of Shenxing Shenxu hall. I really didn't do your wife's business."

Seeing that Yunxin's cloud knife is about to split, Xia Qingyu quickly opens his mouth.

"What about lying to ghosts? You didn't do it. You'll know where people are? You didn't do it. Mo Qiong will be with you?"

"At this time, you still have a hard mouth. Believe it or not, I'll beat down your front teeth now? It has nothing to do with you. You come from ancient stars to inferior stars to play!"

Xia Qingyu watched Yunliang and Yunxin approach fiercely, and hurriedly said, "I never thought you would come to Yinji star, and naturally I wouldn't want any jade pendant.

We came to Yinji star for waterfall Liujing ginseng. Not only the God star, but also the demon star and demon star.

Because flying waterfall and flowing crystal ginseng can improve spiritual power, all the people who come this time are spiritual power practitioners.

Originally, we were all waiting for the waterfall Liujing ginseng to mature, but the silver nine winds of the demon star couldn't stand loneliness. We had to go to see the popular Iraqi beauty.

There was an accident at first sight. I didn't expect that the Iraqi beauty was actually a blood shadow dragon Fox family. You know, Yin Jiufeng was a Nine Tailed Fox family.

So Yin Jiufeng caught people and said he was going to bring back the demon star as a concubine. But I just heard your name and remembered the information of Shenxu hall. I knew the jade pendant. "

Listening to the other party finish at one breath, Yunfan understands.

The three ancient stars are all for flying waterfalls and flowing crystal ginseng. They all want to use spiritual materials to improve their spiritual power. Yin Jiufeng saw Iman Yin by mistake and took him away.

When he arrived, Xia Qingyu thought he could get the jade pendant by the way, so he calculated Yunfan.

No, if so, what's the matter with mojo?

Mo Qiong should have something to do with Iman Yin. What role does he play?

"Are you finished? You can die!" Yunfan slowly turns around, and Yunxin waves a knife and splits.

"Wait, don't you want to know where your wife is?" Xia Qingyu shouted.

"You don't have to worry about this. Since they are from the ancient star, they naturally want to leave the ancient star. I'll wait outside." Yunfan said calmly.

"No, I have other things to say." Xia Qingyu shouted. Looking at the cloud knife close to his neck, he couldn't help but burst into a cold sweat.

"Brother, don't listen to his nonsense. I haven't heard any useful news for a long time." cloud channel.

"This guy is not delaying time, brother. Cut the mess with a quick knife!" Yun Liang stretched out his palm and gestured to his neck.

Xia Qingyu is shocked. It seems that he can only say it all, or he will really die. Even if there is a treasure, it has nothing to do with me.

"Don't do it. I'll tell you a big secret, but promise me that you'll let me go after I say it." Xia Qingyu said positively.

Yunfan didn't speak. Yunxin's knife pressed down and a stream of blood flowed down his neck.

Xia Qingyu hurriedly said, "I know the location of the holy mansion. I was the first to come to Yinji star. I not only found Feibao Liujing ginseng, but also accidentally found the holy mansion.

If you want to open the holy mansion, you must have the blood power of the descendants of saints, so I went to Mo Qiong, who is the queen of saints.

I first discovered your wife's identity. I didn't want to do anything at first. Later, I learned that the demon star came from yinjiufeng. I told the other party the news.

As long as Yin Jiufeng can't help doing that, I'm sure to kill him. As for the Mozi light of the demon star, I will trap him in the holy house. "

Yunfan is relieved at this time. Xia Qingyu is manipulating all this.

It is not only for waterfall and crystal to participate in jade pendant, but also for holy mansion.

Holy mansion, the residence of saints. This is just a metaphor. All the places where saints have practiced are called holy places.

There will be no saints in Jiutian star region for ten thousand years, and saints who still walk will not easily accept disciples. The holy mansion has a great temptation for practitioners, even surpassing the jade pendant to a great extent.

Because there is only a chance to get the nine peaks of immortal realm, which needs to be cultivated to get the jade pendant, but the holy mansion doesn't have this requirement.

Not to mention being able to become a saint, even if you get the saint's martial arts and weapons, you can fight beyond your level.

"Give up resistance and I'll spare your life!" Yun Fan said in a deep voice.

He doesn't want to kill each other, but he has offended a sin star organization, and then offended a God Star organization. It's not worth it.

More importantly, even if he pressed again, it was impossible for the other party to say the location of the holy mansion.

The other party is not stupid and knows that this is the capital to protect life, so the best way is to erase the other party's memory and refine the other party into a servant.

Xia Qingyu knows that the other party will use means to control him, but he has no way. Now the most important thing is to save his life first.

Soon, Xia Qingyu felt controlled. With the disappearance of the dragon field, a previous memory also disappeared.

Yu Xiao originally wanted Xia Qingyu to kill Yunfan. Unexpectedly, Xia Qingyu respectfully stood behind Yunfan, and his heart was suddenly cold.

"My Lord, I have no eyes. Please don't remember the villains. Let me go!"

"Yes, sir, why bother with us? We..."

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