As the sound of dawn disappeared, Tang Yan rushed up.

"Sister manyin, stop talking. Everything the elder sister does is for brother fan. Besides, the elder sister only cares about fighting, not your other things."

"Sister-in-law, listen to the elder sister. The elder sister lost her eyes for the elder brother and paid too much." Yun Liang came up to persuade him.

"Sister-in-law, the eldest sister is very nice. If you make such a noise, the eldest brother will be sad." Xiaofeng also came up.

Iman Yin looked at the people around him and forced his anger down.

She felt that the other party had become the climate, and these people helped her. If it goes on now, it can only make Yunfan uncomfortable.

Hum, when Xinyue comes, I'll see what you can do, elder sister.

Yimanyin followed Tang Yan into the palace and chatted.

In Yinji star for such a long time, she spent most of her time practicing except talking to Ye Bai.

She knows she can't catch up with Yunfan, but she doesn't want to be a drag on Yunfan. Her mood has been depressed. Now settle down and talk more.

Yunfan naturally doesn't know this. In fact, even if he wants to see it, he can't see it, because just like a dream, dawn has closed the dragon field.

Yunfan doesn't know that his dragon realm has a rudiment of the world, and the dawn of a dream is the heavenly way of the world, and the heavenly way can naturally control the world.

"Xia Qingyu, who is he? What happened to yinjiufeng?"

Outside, moziguang is fighting with Xia Qingyu. Although he took the waterfall liujingshen, he was entangled by Xia Qingyu and couldn't leave.

He is a spiritual cultivator. Although he is determined to rob the waterfall and Liujing ginseng, he knows everything about Yunfan and yinjiufeng.

With the strength of Yin Jiufeng, he has been shrouded in the other party's field. Up to now, it has not been broken. Instead, it is the people in this sublimation realm who come out, which has explained the problem.

Whether Yin Jiufeng is dead or alive, at least Yin Jiufeng is defeated.

Yin Jiufeng is only a little weaker than him. Yin Jiufeng is defeated. He has no chance of winning for Yunfan, not to mention a Xia Qingyu.

He really didn't want to hand over the waterfall Liujing ginseng he finally got. But if they work together, he's afraid it's hard to live.

"Why? You can't see it now?" Xia Qingyu said with a smile.

"Is he Yunfan?" Mozi Guang exclaimed.

"OK, don't fight. Moziguang, this waterfall Liujing ginseng is very important to me. I hope you can give up your love.

Of course, I'm not a predator. What do you think of my opportunity to enter the holy mansion? "Yun Fan said with a smile.

He knew that if Mozi light was allowed to enter the holy mansion, the other party would not necessarily agree.

After all, if he joined hands with Xia Qingyu, no matter what moziguang got in the holy mansion, he couldn't take it away in the end.

It can be said that change is different. As long as he doesn't intervene, Mozi Guang and Xia Qingyu have the same strength. What they can get depends on their own opportunities.

"Holy mansion? Are you kidding me?" moziguang shouted coldly.

"Moziguang, why do you think this inferior star has waterfall and crystal ginseng? If there is no holy mansion, can there be waterfall and crystal ginseng here?

You just patronized to rob the waterfall and Liujing. If you don't believe it, I'll take you to have a look. "

Xia Qingyu looks at Yunfan and rushes towards the waterfall.

The three men walked through the waterfall and lay on the stone wall like apes. The stone wall is as smooth as a mirror washed by the waterfall. If the three people are not strong, it is difficult to stop.

In the middle of the smooth mirror like stone wall, there is a stone covered with a layer of crystal, with a small hole on it.

"See? The waterfall Liujing ginseng is on the crystal stone. Although the crystal stone is similar to the surrounding stones, you can find the difference by careful feeling."

With Xia Qingyu's words, moziguang came forward and put his hand on the crystal stone, suddenly showing a look of horror.

"It's really the smell of saints. It's because of the smell of saints that the stone brews waterfall and crystal ginseng." Mozi Guang said in surprise.

"You've been here for so many days, but I'm not. Do you know what I've done?

In order to open the holy mansion, the holy mansion needs the blood essence of the saint to open, and now, the person with the blood essence is Yunfan. "Xia Qingyu said in a deep voice.

As he saw with his own eyes, moziguang was silent.

Compared with the holy mansion, flying waterfall and flowing crystal ginseng are not worth mentioning.

Yunfan took this as an exchange. He really earned it. In the nine sky star region, the number of holy mansion is much less than that of Tiancai and Dibao.

"Yunfan, you mean change, that is to say, we two go in. But how can I believe that you won't join hands with him to deal with me?" moziguang was silent for a long time and finally expressed his concern.

"Because I want to make you a friend. If not, why should I tell you the holy mansion?

To tell you the truth, I just killed Yin Jiufeng. With the strength of Xia Qingyu and me, it's not difficult to kill you.

If you kill you, you can get waterfall Liujing ginseng, but I don't. If you can't believe it, I think our friend can't do it. " Yun Fan said calmly.

Xia Qingyu just wanted to speak. Yunfan stretched out his hand to stop him, and then said, "Xia Qingyu was controlled by me, but it was also to save my wife.

I really want to make friends with you. No matter what you get in it, I will never rob you.

The three of us know this, and before you go in, I will untie Xia Qingyu's prohibition and let him restore his freedom. "

Xia Qingyu looks at Yunfan in surprise. He really doesn't expect Yunfan to do so.

He is the quintuple immortal. No one would give up if he had such a powerful servant.

Now Yunfan not only gave up him, but also gave up the holy mansion, which sounds like a absurd story.

"I know you don't believe it. You give me the waterfall and crystal ginseng, and I'll go now.

I have no other requirements. I just hope you don't interfere in anything about Yinji star except the holy mansion.

Whether you get anything from the holy mansion or not, you have to leave. Because my sister is still in Yinji star, I don't want her to be disturbed. "

With that, Yunfan stretched out his hand to lift Xia Qingyu's ban, and saw that they couldn't return to God for a long time.

"It's better to be a friend than a brother. Don't hesitate, Mo Ziguang. I believe in Yun fan. Why don't we get married?

In truth, in terms of strength, Yun fan is the first, you are the second, and I am the third. We'll sort according to this. "Xia Qingyu smiled.

Although the communication is very short, whether it is a person or strength, Xia Qingyu met such a person for the first time.

The other side is only sublimating now. Once it is improved, its combat power will be unimaginable. If such a person doesn't make friends, he really doesn't know what kind of person to make.

"Ha ha, if you two are willing, I naturally want it!" Yun Fan said with a smile.

"Big brother!" Xia Qingyu arched his hand.

"Big brother!" moziguang opened his mouth and handed the waterfall to Liujing.

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