"Immortal territory is seven, how is this possible!" Sha Wujiang exclaimed.

Sha Wujiang quickly waved his sword to block the attack. The strong meaning of earth was released. The sword was like a wall and forcibly blocked Tang Wenlei's attack.

Sha Wujiang has a dignified face and seven immortals. Although he is famous for his defense, it's really not easy to block Tang Wenlei alone.

There are thousands of people around. Even if the two elders behind fight together, it is impossible to block so many people.

As long as a few enter the depths of the five elements mountain and interfere with the old hall Lord and others, the guardian star array must fluctuate.

Originally, it was very difficult for the guardian array to resist the attack of blood demons. A little fluctuation might let some blood demons in. At that time, they didn't even have a chance to make up for it.

"Elder Sha, can we have a good talk now? You should know that you can't stop me.

As long as I forcibly attack, even if you can draw out your hands, a large number of blood demons will enter the bright moon star. "

Tang Wenlei didn't continue to attack. He looked at Sha Wujiang and smiled coldly.

Although he promised Yunfan's three-day war, he knew that once Tang Baichao intervened, he would die.

But he can't help fighting. He must create opportunities for the blood devil. Only when the blood devil enters the bright moon star and each sect is tired of dealing with the blood devil, can he survive in the gap.

In these three days, he didn't want to ascend, but to let the blood devil enter the bright moon star.

There is a feud between the five elements hall and Yunfan, which is a good breakthrough. More importantly, he can now threaten the five elements hall, and Yunfan will not come to the five elements hall.

"What are you talking about? You want to destroy the guardian array. It's impossible!" Sha Wujiang shouted coldly.

"Elder Sha, why don't you understand? The blood devil army is unstoppable. If Jiutian star domain is the opponent of blood devil, it won't seal the channel.

Now the blood devil has entered the nine sky star domain. The collapse of the nine sky star domain will happen sooner or later. If you want to live at that time, don't even think about it without the realm of saints.

You can think about it carefully. Do you want to die for this doomed outcome, or do you want to become a strong man? "

Tang Wenlei is not in a hurry. He doesn't believe that the other party doesn't want to join the saint.

It can be said that the nine sky star region is a great temptation for any immortal realm to become a saint.

The most important thing is that Sha Wujiang can't stop him now. He doesn't agree. As a result, the blood devil enters the bright moon star.

Tang Wenlei believes that Sha Wujiang knows how to choose in order to give up the opportunity to become a saint for a purpose that cannot be achieved at all.

Sha Wujiang was silent. The facts were in front of him. He was really powerless.

Even if it is a desperate battle, there will still be blood demons entering the bright moon star in the end. At that time, even if other sects do not investigate, his life will not be easy.

"Tang Wenlei, even if I promise you, you can't destroy the guardian array.

Really, when it comes to the critical moment, the general hall leader will certainly do it. With the strength of the general hall leader, no one can stop it. "Sha Wujiang said in a deep voice.

"Hehe, you think too much. I don't want to fight him. Just let the protector array fluctuate and let the blood devil come in. That's enough.

Once blood demons enter the bright moon star, can they continue to operate the star protection array? If they can't operate the star protection array, the star protection array has no meaning.

At that time, the blood demons will invade in an all-round way. They are too busy to deal with the blood demons and have no time to pay attention to us.

The most important thing is that you and I have practiced the kung fu. At that time, we can devour both human beings and blood demons. Transcendental holiness is just around the corner. "

Tang Wenlei said with a smile, "think about it. When you and I become saints, will we still be afraid of the general hall leader?"

Sha Wujiang was moved. Tang Wenlei's coercion and inducement made him give up his original idea.

No one doesn't want to stand out. This is really a great opportunity for shawujiang, who is determined to become stronger.

"OK, show me the skill first. If you can, I'll help you!" Sha Wujiang said in a deep voice.

"Of course!"

Tang Wenlei did not hesitate to throw away the crystal stone that recorded the skill. Sha Wujiang looked at it and showed a cruel color.

"They're right down there. We don't have to go down. Otherwise, the Lord of the main hall will take action and none of us can run away.

Now you and I join hands to attack. I dare not say that we can certainly destroy the connection between the spirit pulse and the array, and at least make the guardian array loose for a few minutes. "

As Sha Wujiang said this, he turned to look at the two elders behind him and said in a deep voice, "Lin Yuqing and Hong Pozhu, what do you say?"

"Now that you have decided, we have nothing to say. But after that, Yunfan must die!" Lin Yuqing said in a deep voice.

Lin Yuqing is Lin Ye's father and Hong Pozhu is hongshanshu's father. When they heard the news, they wanted to kill Yunfan.

However, the Lord of the general hall forcibly stopped it in order to protect the star array. Therefore, they never put it down in their hearts.

Because of this, after Sha Wujiang promised Tang Wenlei, they both didn't think about it and agreed directly.

"Well, look at the skill first, and then we'll do it together. In this way, the attack power will be stronger, and more blood demons will enter the bright moon star."

Sha Wujiang threw away the skill crystal stone. After they saw it, they crushed it.

Several people looked at each other and bombarded their feet at the same time.

With a loud noise, Wuxing mountain shook, and huge cracks spread from the top of the mountain.

Countless rubble fell, like an earthquake, as if the whole mountain would collapse at any time.

"Asshole, who is it?"

A roar came from the bottom of the mountain, and then a figure rushed up with all the gravel. Looking at the people who were running quickly, they waved their swords and awns.

The knife broke through the air, and some people behind were cut off before they could dodge.


Sha Wujiang and Tang Wenlei joined hands to block a blade. With their strong attack power, they quickly shot into the distance.

"Sha Wujiang, Lin Yuqing and Hong Pozhu all betrayed the five elements hall and the bright moon star. Today you ran away. I will kill you on the day of goodbye!"

An Zhengyuan, the former head of the general Hall of the five elements hall, roared angrily. He was afraid that Lin Yuqing and Hong Pozhu would leave the five elements mountain without authorization to find Yunfan for revenge, which left shawujiang outside.

I didn't expect that Sha Wujiang, a seemingly righteous guy, would do such a rebellious thing at this time.

An Zhengyuan was thinking about whether to catch up and kill the three people. Suddenly, a red cloud appeared in the sky.

"Damn it, there are so many blood demons coming in!"

An Zhengyuan didn't dare to neglect. He rushed down immediately and quickly mobilized the aura of the spirit pulse to communicate with the star protector array.

At this time, a red cloud also fell in the air of meditation.

The faces of Jin Chan and Mu Chan changed greatly. Without waiting to speak, their spiritual strength turned into swords and went towards the red cloud.

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