The spirit is scattered and nothing can be found.

The yuan God was released and was blocked back without waiting for detective. It seems like an endless dark space, which can only walk aimlessly.

Yunfan walked slowly. He didn't know when it would end, but he didn't want to stop.

He has too much to do. He doesn't want to be trapped here.

I don't know. Today, Yunfan suddenly stopped and looked at the dark space around him. His brain turned quickly.

Before, he thought that since it was the holy mansion, he would always go out.

The sage of Castle Peak said that there is no danger and no test in the holy mansion. Now it seems that it's pure nonsense!

Maybe there is no danger or test for the disciples from other places, but for him, it is definitely a test and full of danger.

If he can't go out, he may die aimlessly.

"Endless darkness, what if you release the meaning of darkness?"

His secret meaning has been the dual meaning of emptiness. With the improvement of his strength, he has never used it again.

If you want to attack and kill immortals with a dark meaning, it's ridiculous to say. After all, the immortal realm has been able to feel the power of heaven and earth, and it is impossible for the other party to be unaware.

Yunfan thought of it and did it. The dark meaning was released quickly. Suddenly, there was a certain force echoing around. Yunfan rushed in the direction of echoing.

While releasing the meaning of darkness, Yunfan runs fast. Yunfan feels tired after running for more than ten days.

Whenever he wanted to stop, the echoing force became stronger and made him dare not stop.

After a long time, it seemed to be a month, it seemed to be a year, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of Yun fan.

Like a fantasy, suddenly appeared.

The shadow was in the dark and should have seen nothing, but Yunfan could see it.

The figure holds a long sword and emits a cold smell. When the sword is waved, the surrounding space is shrouded in darkness.

Not only that, the original surrounding space is broken, and darkness and emptiness are connected together.

The seemingly simple sword did not attack his body, but Yunfan felt that his body was constantly pulled and fell down by a force.

He kept falling, his body didn't move, but his feet were like a bottomless abyss, falling all the time.

The darkness at this time is not only darkness, but more like a force that slowly devours him.

"What the hell is this? Reality? Illusion?"

Yun fan stares at the figure and wants to see something, but he can't see anything. Even the sword moves of the other party can't be simulated.

Shit, is it true or false?

Yunfan desperately wants to get close to the figure, but no matter how he runs, the distance between them has not changed.

Except for the shadow practicing sword, everything around is still dark.

"I don't believe it. The sword can produce this power. Whether you are true or false, I want you to show your original shape."

Yunfan's persistence also came out, sat cross legged, no longer looked at the figure, and felt the meaning of darkness crazily.

Since it is the induction of the meaning of darkness, if you want to solve the mystery, you can only rely on the meaning of darkness.

It has to be said that this is indeed the best environment for understanding the meaning of darkness. The double meaning of emptiness soon rose to the triple meaning of emptiness.

Yunfan didn't stop. For him, there was no difference between the double and triple of virtual environment, especially at this time.

Just as Yunfan was trying to understand the meaning of darkness, in a humble hut, the sage of the green mountain looked at a statue in front of him and looked respectful.

The statue is not a man, but a sword, three or four people tall. There is a black rock at the head of the sword, which is different.

"I've been in for five days, and I don't know whether it has been passed on. It's said that inheritance is a set of heaven level martial arts, and I don't know whether it's true or false."

The green mountain sage murmured to himself. He came with Yunfan and didn't give Yunfan time to react. He sent Yunfan in directly.

This is the ancestral shrine of the Xu family and the Xu family. If he didn't bring Yun fan, even if the four elders of the house came in person, they wouldn't want to come in.

He didn't believe Yunfan, but it was too much involved to let Yunfan know the specific location.

Just then, pictures appeared in the jade card. The sage of the green mountain frowned and got up to put away the jade card.

"Things have indeed changed. In order to prevent accidents, I can't stay here. I hope you can inherit it!"

The body shape of the green mountain sage disappeared and soon appeared in the main hall of xuchengnei mansion.

Xu Zhengfeng, the elder of the inner house, stood with his hands tied and his face dignified. On the throne, there was a white haired old man with a wrinkled face and a trace of sadness.

This man is another sage of the Xu family, Cangshan sage. He is not only a sage in the direct line of the Xu family, but also a sage in Dacheng. His strength is still above the sage in Qingshan.

"Xu Zhengfeng has seen the green mountain sage. The blood devil suddenly attacks Xu Chengyu and Xu Chengyu. There is a first-class blood devil emperor sitting in the town. The younger generation has no choice but to disturb them." Xu Zhengfeng said in a deep voice.

The sage of Castle Peak didn't speak and sat in a chair beside him, as if these had nothing to do with him.

"Go on!" Cangshan sage said in a deep voice.

"Before, there were some contradictions between the outer house and the inner house because of some things. But these are all contradictions within the Xu family. Now the blood demons are attacking on a large scale, so I hope..."

"Do you want the outside house to obey the orders of the inside house? Resist the blood devil together?"

The sage of Qingshan interrupted Xu Zhengfeng's words, with a sneer on his mouth and said, "Xu Zhengfeng, what do you think of the foreign house?

It's good that the outer house is composed of collateral disciples, but don't forget that the disciples of the outer house are also Xu's disciples.

When you have nothing to do, you regard the outer house as a servant. When you have something to do, you want the outer house as cannon fodder. Let me ask you, when the inner house has been doing this for a hundred years, does Cangshan know? "

Xu Zhengfeng trembled and looked at the Cangshan Saint next to him with palpitation. He whispered, "this... I don't dare to disturb, so..."

"Well, you don't have to say more. Xu Chengyu is your inner house's Xu Chengyu, not my outer house's Xu Chengyu.

At present, most of the disciples of the outer house are in Gaocheng. What Xu Chengyu looks like in the end has nothing to do with our outer house. "The green mountain sage shouted coldly.

Cangshan sage frowned and said, "Castle Peak, we shouldn't ask more about how the younger generation manages the family.

Now the family is facing life and death. It is said that tianwaifu is also a member of the Xu family. It is better to work together at this time. "

"Cangshan, if you let me come here for this matter, I can definitely tell you now that I have no right to decide.

As you said, we shouldn't ask how to manage the younger generation. Now the outer house is under the control of elder Yun. You should consult him. "The green mountain sage said.

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