In the endless darkness, the dark meaning of Yunfan becomes stronger and stronger. A light sound breaks through the reality.

Suddenly, there seemed to be some power around, which made Yunfan see the figure before.

No longer vague, very real, a robe, hair flying, fairy style.

It looks like a middle-aged man, but it also looks like an old monster who has lived for thousands of years. His face is full of smiles, but his smile has a palpitating smell.

"For more than 10000 years, I've finally got one. If you don't come again, I can't wait."

"Elder, are you..."

Yunfan is confused, doesn't he say inheritance? But he didn't get anything. He just raised the dark meaning to reality.

It doesn't seem to have anything to do with inheritance? If he understands the meaning of darkness and breaks through to reality, he doesn't believe that no one will achieve it in ten thousand years.

"What's the matter? Is it different from what you think? Do you also think my inheritance is a heaven level martial art?"

The middle-aged man seemed a little excited and talked more.

"In fact, it's just that I confuse outsiders. What I really leave behind is a sword technique, endless emptiness and darkness."

"One move sword technique, endless emptiness and darkness?"

Yunfan is unbelievable. It's just a sword move. Is it necessary to be so troublesome?

After so many years, no one has got it. It's just a move no matter how difficult it is. For thousands of years, there are many talented disciples in the family who can't learn it.

The middle-aged man guessed Yun fan's idea and said with a smile, "do you think this sword is very simple?"

"If it's the move of the elder, I think it's really very simple!" Yun fan nodded and answered truthfully.

"Hehe, you are very honest. This move is really simple and anyone can learn it, but no one can understand the artistic conception.

No, really speaking, no one is qualified to understand it until now, because they don't have this condition, and you do. "

The middle-aged man did not wait for Yunfan to ask, and then said, "if you want to learn this move, you must meet two basic conditions, that is, the meaning of darkness and the meaning of emptiness must reach the reality.

This move has two abilities. First, as long as there are spatial coordinates, you can use this sword to reach all places in the Jiutian star domain.

Second, attacking others will send them into the dark space, that is, where you were before.

Unless the other party doesn't let you attack, no matter how high the other party's realm is, it will be sent in as long as it doesn't exceed the bearing limit of dark and virtual space. "

Yunfan looked at each other in horror. If so, it would be terrible.

No wonder no one can get it after so many years of inheritance. This move is invincible!

"Hehe, don't think too beautiful. The dark void space is in the dark void sword, which was refined by the original weapon refining master Tianchi.

I don't know what the endurance limit of dark virtual sword is, but if the strength of the other party exceeds you a lot, even if you send people in, the other party can force them out.

Because the dark empty sword is nearby, it will attack as soon as it comes out, which may kill you.

So try to use it in the same realm, otherwise you don't know how to die... "The middle-aged man smiled.

Yunfan was shocked. This was the second time he heard of Tianchi. His tiannu was refined by Tianchi. Unexpectedly, this dark empty sword was also refined by Tianchi.

The middle-aged man is right. It would be fine if he could send the ordinary immortal realm jiuzhong, or even the immortal realm jiuzhong peak, with his current strength.

But if a saint is sent in, once he comes out, he really doesn't know how to die.

"Elder, does it have something to do with my realm, the realm of dark meaning and void meaning when the other party wants to break it by force?"

"Smart, just a little. For example, you are Yizhong in Xianren territory. You can send anyone in Xianren territory, but Qizhong in Xianren territory is likely to force it out.

But if you are promoted to the fourth level of immortal state, or your dark meaning is promoted to the second level of reality, you must at least have the eighth level of immortal state if you want to force it out. "The middle-aged man smiled.

"Elder, what you just said is the realm. What if the combat power exceeds the realm?"

Yunfan asks carefully. It's about life. You can't make any mistakes.

There is a big gap between his realm and combat power. If he only counts by realm, this move will be a bit weak.

"Of course, it's based on combat power. The realm is just a standard for practitioners, and combat power is the real strength. OK, I don't have much time. You can only show it three times!"

The middle-aged man said and slowly waved his sword out.

It's a simple flat spike, but Yunfan finds that the surrounding space is broken with this sword, as if something has been connected.

The meaning of darkness and emptiness filled the space of the sword tip, as if to cross the boundless emptiness, which was very strange.

Then there was a oblique cut, the blade fell, and the broken void had a strong pulling force.

Finally, the sword was picked up, and even the surrounding dark and empty meanings were swallowed up. The pulling force became a swallowing force, which could not be resisted.

"Meeting is fate. You can keep the dark empty sword, but you have to pass it on. When you don't need the dark empty sword one day, send it back..."

Looking at the dissipated middle-aged man, Yunfan is full of helplessness.

This elder is much more reliable. He has said everything he should say, but it's a pity that he doesn't know the other person's name.

"It seems that we should understand this move well here. We should not only combine the meaning of darkness and emptiness, but also connect it with true Qi. It's really not easy."

This move doesn't pay attention to the moves. The important thing is the artistic conception of the moment when the sword is out. If you can't grasp it well, it's not as good as the usual sword.

If you can't fully understand it and use it skillfully, you may die when fighting.

In the hut, people looked at the statues full of cracks, full of anxiety.

"It can't be that they haven't been inherited. It's been ten days. Why haven't they come out?" the sage of Yushu kept walking back and forth.

"I don't know. None of us has accepted inheritance. Now we can only wait." Cangshan sage said.

The green mountain sage stared at the statue like an old monk sitting down. His heart was full of expectation and kept cheering Yunfan.

If you can't inherit this time, this blood demon attack may destroy this place, and you may never have a chance to inherit it in the future. Not only that, the family merger will come to naught.


Several people looked at the statue at the same time. They saw that the statue was broken and the gravel fell, revealing a long dark sword.

The two swords danced around the long sword, and Yunfan's figure slowly appeared in the eyes of everyone.

With the appearance of Yunfan, three swords buzzed around Yunfan.

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