Yang Lian became more and more angry. Finally, she didn't bother to look at each other. She gushed: "it's a lie to speak so well on weekdays.

You tell him that in the future, he will be him and I will be me. It doesn't matter if we go back to the bridge. In this world, it's enough for me to have a brother. "

Walking to Yunfan and holding Yunfan's hand, Yang Lian said angrily, "brother, I find what you said is right.

No wonder you have to leave here before. What is the biggest sect gate of the sword star? It's unreasonable. Let's leave here! "

Yunfan didn't move. He looked at Yang Lian with an angry face and smiled.

Yang Lian has been talking, but she doesn't know the old man's reaction, but Yunfan can see it clearly as a bystander.

Especially after Yang Lian said his master, the old man seemed a little confused.

Yunfan felt that the old man probably didn't listen to anything behind Yang Lian. I haven't recovered until now.

"Brother, what's the matter with you? Don't you want to go?" Yang Lian looked up at Yun fan with a confused face.

"No, look at him first! He seems to be frightened by you." Yunfan reaches out his hand and points to the old man and whispers.

"At an old age, he can still be frightened. I think he just pretends. Let's go. Whether he lives or dies has nothing to do with us."

As soon as Yang Lian finished her words, she saw the old man rush to the two people and block the road with open arms.

"Little girl, don't be angry. If you are angry, you won't be beautiful."

"What does it matter to you whether I'm beautiful or not? If only my brother didn't dislike me."

"Your brother? By the way, aren't you here to be punished? If you don't go up by yourself, you can forget the little girl."

"What are you talking about, dead old man? If you want to go up, go up together. If you want to go, go together. My brother and I will not be separated."

"I didn't say to separate. He came to be punished. You don't have to!"

"I don't care. Get out of the way..."

Yunfan looked at them and couldn't help laughing like a cockfight.

"Don't laugh!" the old man trembled with anger.

"Don't be cruel to my brother!" Yang Lian stood in front of the old man and glared angrily.

Looking at the helpless old man, Yunfan stepped forward, grabbed Yang Lian's hand and said softly, "Xiaolian, stop making trouble. Since I'm here to be punished, I should comply with the rules of the sect. I'm the one punished, so you don't have to go up."


"What's the matter? I'm not obedient again. I was glad you called my brother, but now I think it's better to forget..."

Yunfan interrupts Yang Lian's words and gently releases the hand she just grabbed. Before she turns around, Yang Lian quickly grabs his hand.

"Brother, can't I be obedient? Don't you don't want me!"

Yunfan looked at Yang Lian with red eyes and wet eyes, reached out and touched her head, and said softly, "you can be naughty, mischievous or mischievous, but you have to listen to me. No sister doesn't listen to her brother."

Yang Lian nodded vigorously and grabbed Yun fan with her small hand. She was getting tighter and tighter for fear that she would never see it again.

"OK, I'll come down after Dabi. Then we'll go to jiuchongtian together."

"Come on, I'll teach you a sword. You practice well here. I'll check it when I come down."

Knowing Yang Lian's temperament, Yunfan thinks she'd better find something for her to do, otherwise she doesn't know what's going on.

Yunfan took out an ordinary long sword, smiled at Yang Lian and said, "watch it!"

The long sword stabbed out slowly, as if there was something blocking in front. When the arm straightened, it was as if something had been pierced in front, making a hissing sound.

Take back the long sword. Yunfan stabs the same sword again, but this time it's faster. After a sword was stabbed, a small whirlwind appeared in front of the sword tip.

Yang Lian is a seven fold immortal. Naturally, it can be seen that these two swords are actually one sword, but the first sword is slow.

"Brother, how did you do it?"

Yang Lian's eyes widened. Naturally, she knew the power of this sword. Yunfan doesn't use Qi. It's just an ordinary sword. It can have such power when stabbed with pure strength. If you cooperate with Qi, you can't believe it.

She has many martial arts skills, but such an ordinary sword has never thought it would be so powerful.

"Draw the sword and run the Qi!"

Yunfan puts away his long sword and looks at Yang Lian. Yang Lian didn't even think about it, so she took it out and turned Zhenqi onto the long sword.

From behind, Yunfan stretched out his hand and gently pressed it on Yang Lian's lower abdomen Dantian, and said softly, "stab it out slowly!"

Yang Lian stabbed the long sword out slowly according to Yunfan's words, and at this time, a small genuine Qi entered the body through Yunfan's palm.

"Don't resist, feel it carefully!"

Yunfan drives the Qi in Yang Lian's body. Yang Lian immediately feels that the Qi on the long sword seems to be limited by something. She can't rush out dead or alive.

When the arm straightened and the long sword stabbed to the end, the tip of the sword suddenly burst and was blasted away, and the real Qi spewed out like a high-pressure water flow.


A towering tree ten meters away fell down with a bang. The sword awned through the trunk, and the remaining potential did not decrease. It pierced a towering tree behind, revealing a hole with a big fist in the middle.

Looking at everything in front of her, Yang Lian rubbed her eyes in disbelief and said in surprise, "brother, did I do this?"

Yunfan nodded and said with a smile, "remember the feeling just now. If you can skillfully control it, your attack will be stronger with the acceleration of the sword.

You must work hard, or I will be very disappointed when I come down and see that you have not made progress. "

"Well, I will never let my brother down." Yang Lian nodded heavily.

Yunfan turned and walked towards the mountain road, his heart full of expectation.

He suffered heavy damage before. If he can walk up in the case of serious injury, he is likely to take this to open up the next body brand and have a better chance to promote the demon body to the eightfold immortal realm.

You know, Huo Zhen is a double saint. The impact of two consecutive palms is the most powerful in history.

That's why he doesn't want to go. Maybe that's why he came here.

One step out, his body shook violently, but Yunfan didn't stop. What he wanted was such pressure.

Looking at Yunfan's difficult step by step, Yang Lian clenched the sword in her hand and whispered to herself, "my brother is working hard, and I want to work hard."

"Little girl, your brother is very powerful. What's his name? Which peak? Is there a master?"

The old man suddenly walked up to Yang Lian, which made Yang Lian tremble.

Yang Lian stepped back and said with a wary face, "what do you want to do? Are you jealous of my brother? I tell you, if you dare to do bad things, I'll work hard with you."

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