A huge claw appeared out of thin air, without any power fluctuation, and quickly photographed the three people.

Seeing that they were about to hit their backs, a sword light suddenly lit up, and the huge claws fell from their bodies and disappeared.

At this time, a knife suddenly appeared on the other arm and cut down.

The knife awn broke another claw, and Yang Lian turned and stabbed out with a sword. The sword pierces the belly of the heavenly beast and kills it with one sword.

Among the three, Yang Lian's strength was the weakest. Therefore, when Yunfan noticed the heavenly beast, he didn't fight immediately, but took a joint attack to give Yang Lian a chance to kill.

"Fool, I really thought we didn't know you came here and sneaked an attack. I let you die in peace!"

Yang Lian tilted her mouth, turned her head and looked at the smiling Yunfan, spit out her tongue, and her face was lovely.

With Yunfan pulling, Yang Lian will not pull away with that force. This is just a seven heavy heavenly beast in the immortal territory. There is really no pressure for Yunfan.

Soon kill two more heavenly beasts, and the three enter the light column to fill the body with aura.

As Yunfan predicted, their strength improved again and entered the immortal realm jiuzhong. Through continuous transformation, the three appeared in the third battle space.

"After this Reiki infusion, you will quit when you get under the sky. Pay attention when Reiki infusion, I will release a genuine Qi in your body. Once I can't bear it, I will take you away.

I think after this Reiki infusion, you can ascend to the nine peaks of the immortal realm in no more time. "

Yunfan has a serious face. It's good to say before that this last time is too dangerous for them. Once there is a deviation, it's easy to explode.

As he spoke, he sent two dragon Qi into their bodies and walked forward.

However, the third floor space is somewhat different from the first two floors. The first two floors were attacked by the heavenly beast without going at all. Here, they didn't find the heavenly beast after walking for a while.

Is it true that the higher the strength and the higher the number, the fewer the number of heavenly beasts?

Yunfan was thinking. Four figures suddenly appeared in front of him, and his steps stopped instantly.

This was the first time he met people here. All four were the nine peaks of the immortal realm. Without saying a word, he rushed towards the three.

"Brother, they are disciples of Beiming villa!" Yang Lian reminded.

"Beiming mountain villa? Look at their posture, they seem to want to kill us. Do Tianjian peak and Beiming mountain villa have a grudge?" Yunfan asked.

"How can it be? Tianjian peak is the largest sect of Jianxing. Because nine peaks are independent, few disciples go out to practice to suppress others.

Besides, even if there is gratitude and resentment, they should find the resentful disciples and attack us so aimlessly, unless Beiming villa really wants to be removed from the sword star. "

Yang Lian was not interested in cultivation before, but she was very keen on these messy things.

Hearing this, Yunfan looked at the four people close and said, "what do you mean, four?"

The four people didn't speak and directly waved their swords. The Four Swords split down. Looking at the strong swords, Yun fan frowned slightly.

All four of them are the immortal realm jiuzhong of Dacheng, which is the mainstay of the younger generation for a sect like Beiming villa. I didn't expect to kill them.

More importantly, the four are all martial arts. With the same martial arts, they can increase their attack power together, and have reached the nine peaks of immortal territory.

Yunfan throws Lengfeng out, takes out a piece of memory crystal, records the picture, and pulls Yang Lian behind her.

The attack power of the immortal's nine peaks is nothing to him and the current cold wind, but Yang Lian can't afford it.

Lingyun sword shot, one sword blocked four swords, and his powerful attack power shook him back more than ten meters.

"The whole body!"

Yunfan suddenly opens his mouth and makes Yang Lian stunned.

This is Dacheng's immortal realm jiuzhong. The attack reached the peak of immortal realm jiuzhong. My brother said the whole body.

Is my brother going to kill these people and keep the whole body?

Just when Yang Lian couldn't understand it, Yunfan's breath suddenly became stronger. He just returned the first weight of immortal human territory and immediately became the second weight of immortal human territory.

A blade came out with the Lingyun sword, and a dozen finger thick blades suddenly appeared around, shooting at the four people.

Yunfan knows that if you want to kill four people quickly and don't expose your cards, the only way is to improve.

Spiritual power has already reached the quadruple of immortal human realm, but he has been suppressing it all the time, and now he has made a direct breakthrough.

Reiki infuses the body, all compressed in the Lingyuan. After refining the original God, the combination of Shenque and Dantian became the source of spirit.

Lingyuan is not comparable between Dantian and Shenque. It's like a small space. Yunfan doesn't know how much aura can be stored.

Before, all the auras in the aura filling body were fused by the dragon's aura, which became pure dragon's aura and was suppressed in the aura source. Finally, that much aura only became a mass of liquid the size of a fist.

When the spiritual power breaks through the four levels of immortals, the Dragon Qi can be naturally improved.

The divine dragon becomes the second floor, which is the second floor of the immortal realm on the surface, but it is actually the triple combat power of the immortal realm.

His spiritual power and dragon Qi were improved at the same time, and the four body marks opened on his right arm were opened. At this moment, his own combat power has reached the nine peaks of immortal realm.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that his demon body has been promoted to the eightfold immortal state. Such a body is hard to break in the immortal realm.

All the swords around were transformed by spiritual force, which interfered with the four people working together. In this way, it is difficult for the four people to send out the attack power of the nine peaks of the immortal realm.

Ling Yunjian tried his best to hit one person's sword with a rolling posture, which directly shocked the other party to bleed and die.

At the same time, Leng Feng's body suddenly appeared behind a person. The short knife didn't have any light, and it stabbed into a person's back heart like lightning.

Just for a moment, two of the four died. Watching the cold wind disappear again, the remaining two changed their faces and turned and ran away.

"It's possible to run when the dead are dead?"

As soon as Yunfan spoke, a dozen swords blocked them. Ling Yunjian disappeared, and two bricks suddenly appeared above their heads.

Even in such a stable space, two bricks fall, still with the whistling wind.


They wielded their swords with all their strength and bombarded the bricks. The powerful impact made their blood roll and opened their mouths to spray blood.

At this time, Leng Feng's figure appeared. The short knife flashed away and didn't enter one's back heart.

The remaining one didn't wait to take a step, and the two bricks blasted down again.

In the deafening noise, a figure flew out and hit the ground without any movement.

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