Yunfan wanted to calm down and practice, but jiuchongtian, that powerful figure, appeared in his mind from time to time.

He didn't know whether it was the other party's intention or whether he was powerful. He really felt that the other party gave him a deep look.

That kind of feeling is very wonderful, as if there is a deep meaning at that glance, which can only be understood but not expressed in words.

Since cultivating his spiritual power, he can write down the breath of people he has seen, no matter which nationality it is.

Like the reclusive blood emperor at the beginning, he can find it even among thousands of blood demons. But when facing the man, he can't remember the other person's breath.

Yunfan can be sure that the other party's realm can at least be called holy, otherwise it is impossible for two of the Four Saints to stay.

He doesn't know whether the Four Saints of Optimus are all saints. Since the four can be called saints, the combat effectiveness of the four together must be seven saints.

Although there are two people, there are at least six peaks in the sage realm. In this way, they can't keep each other. We can imagine the horror of each other.

But why did he look at me? Why on earth?

Is it dad?

Just thinking of this, I couldn't help shaking my head. If it's really my father, it's impossible not to recognize me.

Although there are two people behind him, they can never threaten dad. If it is inconvenient, it can also be transmitted.

Yun fan is more and more annoyed. Since he can't practice, he wants to ask Liu Qingshi about the nine ancient stars.

Just then, his arm was suddenly caught by Liu Qingshi, the flying boat at his feet disappeared, and a sword flashed past him, which was very dangerous.

Turning around, I saw two masked men in the air, holding long swords and emitting a threatening momentum.


The sword that we avoided before fell and bombarded the mountain at our feet, blowing up an open space.

Trees flying, rocks flying, strong wind blowing hundreds of meters of dust and smoke.

"It seems that several major departments have joined hands, but I don't understand the significance of your doing so."

Liu Qingshi frowned. Although several sects joined hands to surpass tianjianfeng in comprehensive strength, tianjianfeng has a sword saint, and no one can shake its position.

Most importantly, at the time of the blood demon invasion, even if all the sects of the sword star unite to kill the sword saint, other ancient stars will not agree.

If you want to stop the blood devil in the nine sky star domain, the most important thing is to rely on the eleven most powerful saints.

Although these saints are in the star field battlefield now, if Tianjian peak has an accident, the sword saint will know that the whole sword star will not be able to bear the anger of the eleven saints at that time.

"Is it useful to say so much? Since we came with our faces covered, no one will believe it even if you guess who we are.

As for whether it is meaningful or not, it seems that people at your or my level can't know. We act under orders, so there's no need to waste our words. "

One of them finished, and the two masked men waved their swords at the same time.

Looking at the rapid shooting of the two swords, Liu Qingshi took Yunfan and shot at the ground.

Since the other party is well prepared, it's good to calculate Liu Qingshi's strength so early. Once they fight, it's difficult to go.

Yunfan also understood this truth, but he didn't understand why Liu Qingshi took him to the ground.

"Elder, isn't it faster to fly? As long as we get to Tianjian peak, they naturally don't dare to catch up."

"Yun fan, remember, if you want to get rid of your opponent in the air after entering the saint's territory, don't even think about it unless you have an absolute speed advantage."

Liu Qingshi pulled Yunfan, raised the speed to the limit, shuttled through the mountains and forests, and did science popularization in a low voice.

"Why?" cloud fan doesn't understand a way.

"The sage realm can shuttle through the void, which seems to be the easiest way to escape, but if the opponent is also the sage realm, it is no different from looking for death.

Once the other party attacks the void you shuttle when you shuttle, you will be crushed by the distorted void.

If you fly, no matter where you fly, traces will be left in the air. The saint's realm is easy to track and can't get rid of.

So the only way to get rid of the sage realm or escape from the sage realm is to return to nature and use the most primitive way, "Liu Qingshi said.

Yun fan understood that although the saint's territory attack is very strong, it is impossible to make a random move aimlessly.

In that way, let alone hurt the innocent, we don't know how many places will be destroyed and how many forces will be involved.

If you don't want to catch up, you should return to the origin. The sage realm chases on the ground like ordinary people.

This sounds ironic, but if the opponent is reckless and unscrupulous, he will pursue in the air.

No matter how you run down there, you'll find a trace as long as you shoot. You should know the scope of the saint's territory attack, which is quite terrible.

"Elder, it's not a way to run like this. We'll be stopped soon. Why don't we run separately!" Yun Fan said.

Although the other party is also two people, it can be divided from two directions and two lines.

If they separate, it will be more difficult for each other to chase one-on-one. More importantly, if the other party is separated, Liu Qingshi doesn't have to run at all and can play directly with the other party.

"No, I said that even if you die, you should be brought back to the door safely." Liu Qingshi's tone was firm and could not be refuted.

Yunfan didn't speak. He ran all the way with Liu Qingshi, thinking about how to get out of trouble.

The other party obviously has the same strength as Liu Qingshi. Liu Qingshi is a sage, so the other party is also a saint.

Sage Jing Erzhong is not what he can deal with. Unless he stealthily attacks the other party with dark and empty sword, he doesn't know how long he can be trapped.

This move is too risky. If he can only be trapped for a moment, once he gets out of the trap, he will die.


A sword fell on one side, rocks were flying all over the sky, the surrounding trees turned into powder in an instant, and a gap of several meters was exposed on the ground.

The powerful Qi force made Yunfan angry. If it wasn't for Liu Qingshi, it seemed that he could fly out.

Another sword fell from the air. The sword was so big that Liu Qingshi could only wave his sword to meet him. Resisting the huge impact, they turned and rushed out from one side.

The other party is obviously smarter than Yunfan thought, one on the ground and one in the sky. In this way, they can't escape the other party's sight.

"Listen, I'll try to hold them down later. You run from the ground."

Liu Qingshi also knew that it was difficult to get rid of the two and rushed to Yunfan.

"Elder, if one-on-one, can you beat them?" Yunfan didn't promise and asked.

"What if I can play well? They won't give me this chance at all. Besides, even if I can beat one person, it's too difficult to kill." Liu Qingshi said.

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