"Ha ha, good killing. If you want to kill the disciples of Tianjian peak, you'll kill you first."

Yunfan kills below, but it is difficult to escape the people fighting in the air. Changsun leisurely looked at Yunfan and couldn't help laughing.

He was dragged by the other party and watched the disciples below be killed, but there was no way.

Now it's finally the other party's turn to bear this pain. It's the guy he appreciates who caused this situation. How can he be unhappy.

Not only him, but also Huo Zhen and Liu Qingshi laughed.

They've been fighting for so long and they've been holding on. I hope more disciples can escape. Now Tianjian peak disciples are all right. Yunfan is alive again. There is no better result than this.

"Kill all these bastards!" Liu Qingshi shouted.

"Die! Kill him!"

Yuan Jinghua, who fought with Chang sun leisurely, looked cold in his eyes and looked at the two masked men who fought with Huo Zhen.

As the commander of the ambush and the highest level, he originally wanted to kill the elders of tianjianfeng, but he didn't expect the accident of changsunxian.

Three saints, Jing Erzhong, were killed by surprise. However, they had to change their plans and entangle the elders of tianjianfeng and kill the disciples of tianjianfeng.

Now there is Yunfan's accident again, and the situation is out of control. Although it's too shabby to let a sage Jing Erzhong kill Tianjian peak disciple, he doesn't want to be on the verge of success.

"It's shameless not to even have the last blush!" Liu Qingshi said angrily.

"Stop talking nonsense. From now on, keep an eye on your opponent. If anyone lets him go on, even if he returns to zongmen, I will kill him."

Chang sun Xian's attack suddenly became more ferocious. He saw with his own eyes that a saint Jing duo was isolated by the field and then disappeared.

He doesn't know if Yunfan will display his field at this time, but he must not let other saints go down. Otherwise, let alone the sect disciples can't live, even Yunfan can't live.

Xing ruthless, Liu Qingshi and Huo Zhen were stunned and immediately launched a fierce attack.

Although they don't know why Chang Sunxian should strengthen the attack, they know that if someone goes down again, the remaining disciples of the sect will really be lost.

"Hum, is it useful to work hard? If a saint goes down in two ways, none of them can live." Yuan Jinghua showed a shadow of disdain.

Chang sun Xian didn't speak. He was waiting for Yunfan to surprise everyone.

Yunfan is still killing and doesn't stop because of the arrival of shengshengjing Erzhong. He wants to kill more people who want to save jiuzhong before fighting with each other.

Only in this way, when he fights with the other party, can tianjianfeng's disciples take advantage and completely change the war situation.

A masked man just stabbed out the long sword in his hand. He fell down without waiting for the sword to bloom.

A masked man just hit Tianjian peak's disciple and was about to kill him. A cold wind blew and his head suddenly fell to the ground.

Sage territory double is very fast, but Yunfan is faster. In the twinkling of an eye, he killed two immortal territory double.

This doesn't mean that Yunfan's speed is really faster than the holy man's territory, but his sword speed, because he can attack as long as he moves a little.

Seeing the masked man in the Holy Land waving his sword, Yunfan turned into a streamer and rushed into the mountains.

He wanted to kill each other, but he didn't want others to see him, let alone the surrounding Tianjian peak disciples died because of his battle.

"Run, just because you want to escape in my hands!"

Watching Yunfan stop, the masked man smiled coldly and pointed his long sword at a distance, as if he could cut off the other party's head as long as he waved it.

An immortal has two levels. Even if his combat power is comparable to that of a saint, it is an insult to let him do it.

"I want to say that I didn't want to run, and you're not qualified to let me run, so..."

Yunfan suddenly waved his long sword. At the same time, the dragon field fell.

"Mole ants are mole ants. Even if you have the fighting power of saints, you are also mole ants in my eyes. You think sneak attacks can hurt me. I don't know heaven and earth..."

Looking at the sword, the masked man waved his sword.

His action seemed like a command. A golden ring appeared in the air, dotted with silver spears.

The two blades fell instantly and merged into a blade in the air. The wind roared.


The surrounding space is frozen, and colorful light lingers on the ice crystals, emitting dazzling brilliance.

When the wind and thunder started, the thick thunder of the bucket crashed down, and the last came first hit the sword.

The masked man felt that his body was imprisoned, quickly urged the real Qi in his body, quickly blocked the thunder light and Yunfan's sword.

On one side of the body, the long sword came out and cleaved to the blade. The left fist hit out and met the silver gun.

Sage Jing is a double, and he moves very quickly. Although he shocks the surrounding attacks, he does not affect his attacks.

Continuous explosions sounded, and the masked man's body shook. It was too late to consider, and the surrounding attacks fell again.

The space vibrated, the ice debris flew, the ground trembled, and cracks spread everywhere.

In the face of these attacks with the realm of saints, he had to be dignified. He is a sage, but he consumed a lot in the previous battle.

He knew that if he could not solve his opponent in the shortest time, he would really be consumed in his field.

Just when he wanted to do his best, a dark shadow came.

The two swords bombarded together, and the masked man was shocked back two steps for the first time. He looked at the sudden emergence of the double death attendant of the sage realm in horror.

Although the refining death waiter's combat power has weakened, they are both saints. Masked people still suffer some losses in continuous attacks.

"I didn't expect you to have so many helpers, but unfortunately, these are not your strength. Although these attacks are good, they can't be concentrated, so..."

The masked man wanted to say you couldn't stop me, but just then, a violent drink came.

"It seems that I've lived too long. My head is funny. Look at the sword!"

Yunfan shot. This sword is no different from the previous one. If you have to say something, there are only four more people behind Yunfan.

No, there are more than four people. There are hundreds of people behind them. So many eyes looked at the masked man as if he were looking at a dying man. The sad and lamentable color was very obvious.

Masked people suddenly feel danger. Entering the realm of saints can not only arouse the power of heaven and earth, but also have an instinctive warning of danger.

He didn't know why, because he couldn't see where the danger came from, but he still waved his long sword with all his strength.

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