The dark virtual sword was taken away by Yun fan from the affiliated star of the sword star. When Yun fan died, the dark virtual sword actually appeared. Did Yun fan really have an arrangement long ago?

What they saw at that time was that Yunfan was killed by the brave blood emperor. Since it was killed by the blood devil, it had nothing to do with others.

But who is this person? Why did Yunfan give him the dark empty sword?

Xu Lanshan is full of questions, but she knows that if the other party doesn't want to say, she can't ask anything.

"It's not important. The important thing is whether you can use it now. If not, who can use it to whom."

Yunfan waved his hand, fell back on Xu Lanshan's gums and closed his eyes.

The faint fragrance drilled into the nose, and the soft bedding fell asleep unconsciously.

For more than a year, he has been running around, training and cultivating at the same time. He has never really rested.

Especially after the old bone replacement, he never had time to adjust, and his body and keel did not run in completely.

At the moment, it can be regarded as the safest place in the affiliated star of sword star, in the house outside Xu's house and in Xu Lanshan's room.

Watching this guy fall into bed, Xu Lanshan choked back.

A strange middle-aged man fell asleep on her bed. Although it was bad to hear, it was always better to touch her.

Most importantly, the other party gave her the dark empty sword, which is the treasure of the family. She rushed to the dark empty sword. She didn't say anything when people slept here.

Does this person know about our family? Do you know how many of us practice? How else do you know that only I can use the dark empty sword?

The more Xu Lanshan thought about it, the more she couldn't understand it!

At first, Yunfan told them that everyone was working hard, but in the end, only she succeeded.

As the situation changed, others tried to improve, but she was the last to break through the holy land.

However, because she can use the dark virtual sword, she has the highest voice among the younger generation. This is also the reason why the green mountain sage left after asking.

Let you sleep. When you wake up, you can't say nothing, can you?

Xu Lanshan began to practice the dark virtual sword. She really didn't expect that this guy would sleep for two days until the protective star array of the affiliated star of the sword star was burst and the space shock woke up.

"Broke so soon?"

Yunfan stood up, looked at the collapsed bedding behind him, and said, "the bed is good. It's rare to have a good sleep."

Xu Lanshan rolled her eyes. What does that mean? Do you still want to use this as your bed?

"Don't know what to call it? Can you tell me what your relationship with the patriarch is? Oh, Yunfan is the patriarch of our family."

She is older than her, and her realm is not as high as hers. In addition, she has a relationship with Yun fan. Xu Lanshan doesn't know what to call her.

More importantly, the dark virtual sword was sent, but the star protector array was broken. Is there nothing else?

"You are really annoying. Why do you ask so many questions?

The protector array is broken. Do your business. Don't worry, I won't move anything in your room except the bed. "Yun fan waved his hand.

Xu Lanshan was silent for a moment, listened to the fighting outside, shook, turned and opened the door.

"By the way, the dark empty sword can hold many people. If you can't fight, run away!

Although the sword star will be broken sooner or later, it is the last defense line in the nine sky star domain. If you go to the sword star, at least you can participate in the real decisive battle regardless of the result. "

Xu Lanshan turned her head and saw that the other party fell on the bed again. It seemed that there was that bed. The collapse of the sky had nothing to do with the other party.

Xu Lanshan rushed out quickly. The sage of Qingshan and others had already left.

Take the remaining disciples of the family and fly to kill the surrounding blood demons.

"Sister Lanshan, why did you come?" asked Xu Hanbing.

"Something's delayed. Stop these blood demons first." Xu Lanshan waved a sword to repel a blood demon.

She didn't use the dark empty sword. Although she didn't necessarily follow the other party's words, she wouldn't expose the dark empty sword so early.

Even if she did according to the other party's words, she had to ask several family elders for advice.

Perhaps it was because the protector array was broken once. The blood demons who came this time were stronger than the last time. Their figures fell quickly, making the rest more ferocious.

There is no way back, they can only fight to the death.

"Elder, none of us can survive this fight." Xu Hanfeng said to the sage near the green mountain.

"Elder, why don't we retreat to the sword star? Can't all the affiliated stars of the sword star die?" Xu Jinglei said.

"What nonsense! Even if you walk, how many can you walk? It's better to fight with the blood devil here." Gao jianzhuo waved his sword and shouted angrily.

The green mountain sage and the Wufeng sage joined hands to block a blood demon in the sage's territory, shook his head and said, "we said before that it won't work. Let you go alone. What's your meaning?"

Xu Jinglei shook his head. If he hadn't seen Yunfan before, he would choose to go. But now, he really can't afford to lose that man.

Fighting and retreating all the way, bodies were left everywhere on the ground.

The affiliated star of the sword star, which had been attacked and killed once, couldn't resist the blood demon army. Seeing that the number of people decreased rapidly and had reached the outer city wall, Xu Lanshan couldn't help it.

"Elder, if you can't, just go!"

The green mountain Saint opened his mouth and just wanted to speak, his eyes fixed on the dark empty sword in Xu Lanshan's hand and said in a surprised voice, "how can it be in your hand?"

"If I didn't have a dark virtual sword, I wouldn't say so. Make a decision quickly!"

Xu Lanshan can't tell the middle-aged man. After all, she doesn't even know each other's name. There is a great crisis at the moment. If you delay one more moment, more people will die.

"In that case, you go, we'll stop the blood devil!" the green mountain Saint said decisively.

Before, there was no way to fight to the death. Now that we can let more family disciples leave, we will not die.

In fact, there is another reason why the green mountain sage didn't say it. When he saw the brave blood emperor kill Yunfan, he still had a trace of fantasy in his heart, hoping that Yunfan didn't die.

After all, no one has seen Yun fan on the picture. Whether it is brave or not, the attack power of the blood emperor is too strong. There is hope without seeing it with your own eyes.

Xu Lanshan didn't speak. She directly took in the young disciples around. Only she can use the dark virtual sword. Even if she wants to stay, it's impossible.

"Lanshan, why are you still going to the room? Hurry to the martial arts training ground!" the green mountain sage watched Xu Lanshan run towards the room, and couldn't help but be in a hurry.

Since Yunfan left, the three families have been together. In order to prevent accidents, a transmission array leading to the sword star is also arranged in the martial arts practice field of Waifu.

This is something everyone in the house knows. He doesn't understand what Xu Lanshan is doing in her room at this time.

"Come on, leave the affiliated star of sword star with me!" entering the room, Xu Lanshan directly dragged Yun fan up.

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