Everyone looked at Yunfan one by one. No one started, but no one could ask.

Baton said coldly, "since you want to give it, Ba should know what gift it is?"

Yunfan nodded, then stretched out his hand and pointed to Bashan River: "they are the first. Although they can't go on the table, after all, on the surface, he is the protagonist today."

Bashan river was trembling with anger. Although he had long known why such a ceremony was held today, he could not accept it if he was exposed in public.

The key is that the two people were beaten in the face together before. This protagonist is really embarrassing.

He can't get on the table. Compared with xinyuanxing trying to kill yunyanmen, he really can't get on the table.

No matter how talented he is, he is just a young generation. How can he compare with the interests of the sect.

Yunfan looked at the crowd indifferently and said with a smile, "I think the second gift will be delivered soon!"

Barton looked gloomy and said coldly, "do you want to delay time? You should understand that Barton won't give you this opportunity..."

A scream interrupted Barton's words. The valley master of Tianming Valley stared at Yun fan and shouted, "despicable, you let someone destroy Tianming Valley!"

"Why? If you're allowed to kill me, I can't kill you? Don't worry, the first gift is a little small, so the second gift naturally needs to be taken. Don't worry, you'll be surprised if you want to deal with the sect of Yunyan gate!" Yun Fan said with a smile.

"The sect door is gone?" the Lord of Tianding sect looked at Yunfan absently, as if he didn't believe it.

All the people were anxious. Tianming Valley and Tianding sect were destroyed. What about their sect door?

Since we started, how could Yunfan miss them?

"It's really a cruel means. Ba wants to see with his own eyes how you can leave alive when you send someone to destroy all the sects." baton's face was cold and a powerful momentum spread out.

They suddenly felt that the sky was falling and they were under great pressure. The space was like mercury, which made it difficult for them to move.

The venerable realm is six fold. It is one step away from the third level of the venerable realm. Its power is so terrible!

Linghu Zishan just wanted to get up and was pulled by Liu Shangzhi.

"Elder Liu, don't let Batong do it, or master can't stop it!" Linghu's purple shirt preached.

"Wait a minute. This is not the time to talk. Tianming Valley and Tianding sect, who first joined the four Tongjiao, were the first to be destroyed. I think he had made arrangements long ago.

He came alone. It's impossible that he didn't expect such a scene. He's still calm and wants to have a back hand.

We don't know what he thinks now. If you destroy his plan again, you will have no hope at all. "Liu Shangzhi preached.

Linghu Zishan was silent. Last time she was at fengyuanxing, she broke Yunfan's plan.

If it's really the same this time, let alone Yunfan, no one will accept such disciples.

One mistake once is called ignorance, and one mistake twice is stupid. All disciples are talented and savvy. No one is willing to accept fools.

"The speed of his growth is really terrible. Now he has respected the territory of the double. According to his situation, I'm afraid the territory of the double has the triple combat power of the territory of the double. It's really terrible!" Liu Shangzhi sighed.

"But even so, he can't stop Batong. Batong is the sixth level of the venerable realm." Linghu Zishan preached.

"Ha ha, it depends on whether Batong dares to do it. The second level of zunzhe territory starts at the first level, unless the four general teachings don't want to have a foothold in the initial star domain." Liu Shangzhi smiled.

While they were talking, Baton said coldly, "do you think Ba can't do it without fear?

Unfortunately, although Ba can't do it, he can give you pressure and kill you! "

The leader of Tianming Valley rushed up one by one, and the sect door was destroyed. Now they just want to kill each other.

One shot is full of strength. The power of rules and martial arts are released at the same time. The true Qi condenses into the light all over the sky, raises its claws and tears it off towards Yunfan.

When the leader of Tianding sect made a move, a huge handprint wanted to suppress everything, mixed with the pressure of baton. It didn't wait to fall. The space seemed unbearable and sent out a shocking gas explosion.

Other sect leaders attack one by one from around. At this level, a large number of people does not affect the attack.

They are well aware of the position and strength of the attack ahead. Various attacks are divided into several batches and fall towards Yunfan from different directions.

You can't fight above the four levels of the zunzhe realm, so the three levels of the zunzhe realm are all shot. With such powerful attack power, no one in the same realm can survive.

"It's cheap for you. It's glorious to die under the joint efforts of so many patriarchs of Xinyuan star."

Bashanhe curled his lips. He wanted to defeat the other party himself, but the situation did not allow this.

Not only him, but also Wu Buwei next to him was a general idea. He looked at the attack all over the sky and clenched his fists.

He knew that no matter he or Bashan River, in such an attack, he could only block two attacks at most. Death was doomed.

Yunfan looks at the attack all over the sky. Lingyun sword is in his hand and shoots out one sword after another.

Yijian town mountain and river!

He had a deeper understanding of the same martial arts, but his power was not comparable to that before.

The sword awn splits the sharp claw. Yunfan is connected with the sword awn, and the continuous number of swords are shot in one direction.

With powerful martial arts, the leader of Tianming valley was blown away, and more than a dozen figures behind him were blown away.

Rushed into the crowd, the previous attack failed, and the sword light kept flying in the crowd.

Group war, Yunfan is never afraid!

With the continuous Reiki in the Dragon Qi as the bottom card and the powerful and deep dragon Qi as the backing, unless he dies, he can fight all the time.

On the surface, it is the dual state of respect, but in fact, the two layers of heaven and earth change are equivalent to the triple state of respect of ordinary practitioners.

Now he didn't use any means. He just wanted to fight so many patriarchs.

Whether it's martial arts or rule power, it can be improved faster only in battle.

For others, this is a dead battle. For him, it is indeed an opportunity for promotion.

The sword moves in all directions. Although the figure walking in the middle of countless attacks is very common, it gives people the illusion of being very tall and great.

You long plays with Feng. Although the people are still attacking, it is impossible to join hands like the first time.

Looking at the figure of sword light Youlong in front of him, Bashan River and Wu Buwei were stupid.

It is also the triple combat power of zunzhe territory, but compared with the other side, they are too much, too much.

If they were in the crowd, they had no choice but to fight.

However, Yunfan is not only able to handle so many attacks, but can hurt his opponent from time to time. If there are no other attacks, he can even be killed in one hit.

The author Yue Huo said: flowers are nearly 150. We should be ready to add more

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