"Disciple Linghu Zishan pays a visit to master!"

Just falling down and entering the sandstorm River, Linghu Zishan knelt down to Yunfan.

Yunfan took a look and stepped into the Yunyan gate.

"You are so happy that you can follow master!"

Bashan river just wanted to go in. Behind him came Linghu Zishan's words. He couldn't help stopping and said, "I lost, but I'm just fulfilling my promise. How can I talk about happiness?"

"Isn't it happy to follow after losing? I've been kneeling for nearly three months. Shifu just doesn't accept me as a disciple." Linghu Zishan said with a bitter smile.

"Three months!"

Bashanhe looked at Linghu's purple shirt in surprise. He knelt for three months without saying the other party's identity and status. In contrast, he was really happy.

"Why?" bashanhe wondered.

"Why? You are really ignorant. Only by following master can you reach the peak of the initial star domain, surpass my father and surpass the nine levels of the venerable realm." Linghu Zishan said.

"It's impossible. He's just the second level of zunzhe territory! Although he has the combat power of the peak of zunzhe territory, how can he reach the peak of the initial star domain." Bashan River doesn't believe it.

"So you are ignorant. You are the genius of Xinyuan star. I know you practice in seclusion all day and go out to practice occasionally. But you really don't care about the initial star domain.

I ask you, how long did it take you from the Ninth level of sage to the second level of venerable? "Asked Linghu Zishan.

"Three years!" when it comes to this, Bashan River raises his head.

In three years, he broke through the realm of veneration and was promoted to the dual realm of veneration. He is definitely a genius among geniuses.

Even if the initial star domain is shaken, there is absolutely not much.

Linghu Zishan glanced and said, "it's very powerful, but compared with my master, you're scum.

Do you understand slag? It's what kind of debris without shape. I don't know. It took more time for master to break through from the Ninth level of the sage realm to the second level of the venerable realm, but it was only half a year at most. "


Bashan River screamed and broke through the venerable realm in half a year. It was impossible to improve it.

He knew very well how difficult it was to break through the realm of the venerable. At the beginning, he bought a lot of pills in order to break through the zunzhe state. In this way, he spent three years.

"Forget it, I won't talk to you. With your eyes, you can't be at the same height as me in the future." Linghu Zishan tilted his mouth, posed and knelt sincerely.

Just then, a figure came out of the Yunyan gate.

Long Tu took a look at Bashan River and slowly pulled out his sword. "Defeat me!" he said solemnly

"Defeat you? Are you kidding me? You're just the sixth level of Saint territory!" Bashan River disdained.

After returning from the treasure land, Longtu has been practicing and his realm has been improved again.

"Stop talking nonsense. Shifu asked you to defeat me. You are Shifu's entourage. Don't tell me you don't even listen to Shifu!" Longtu posed.

"Well, since you don't want to beat me, I happen to be angry. I'll take it out on you!"

Bashan River iron bar smashed down, a flash of sparks scattered from the sword, and Longtu retreated more than ten steps.

"Hum, I can't even stop 30% of my strength. I really deserve beating!" bashanhe stepped forward.

Long Tu looked at the long sword in his hand, shook his head and said, "it seems that master wants me to change weapons, but master uses a sword. As a disciple, I don't use a sword. What's the matter.

This sword has followed me since I practiced. It seems that I can only give it up now. "

Long Tu threw away his sword, took out a broad, non fronted heavy sword and waved it to Bashan river.


Longtu's body retreated again, but this time he only retreated three steps and waved his sword again.

Bashan river was stunned. He was still 30% powerful, but he just took three steps back from the Dragon map.

He is the triple peak of the venerable realm, while the Dragon map is not the sixth level of the sage realm. If there is such a big gap, any sage can be killed with one stick.

"Shifu is abnormal. Are disciples abnormal? I only use 30% of my strength to see when you can hold on." bashanhe said coldly.

Long Tu didn't speak and waved his epee. He was inspired by the magic dragon in the treasure land, and his strength became stronger.

After cultivating "burst pulse bully body skill", the dragon blood has a more powerful influence on him. Not only the cultivation speed has been improved, but also his strength has become greater and greater.

The power of the dragon clan is strong!

After a series of roars, Longtu gradually adapted to the Epee, and the attack not only did not weaken, but became stronger.

Bashan River looked at the Dragon map and became more and more brave, unconsciously increasing its strength to 40%.

Long Tu felt the strong pressure and fell down beside Linghu's purple shirt.

"What are you looking at? You won't come with me!" Longtu shouted.

"Why? I'm not stupid. I won't do it!" Linghu Zishan skimmed his lips.

"That's what you said, master said. As long as he doesn't exceed 40% of his strength, you and I will join hands to hold on until the three ethnic war platform is opened and accept you as a disciple. Since you quit..."

"Who doesn't want to? Elder martial brother said, how can a younger martial sister not listen. Elder martial brother is not stupid, but the younger martial sister has long hair and short insight!"

Before long Tu finished, Linghu's purple shirt rushed up, and the seven heavy combat power of the sage territory made every effort to fight, and the sword awned.

But no matter how gorgeous the moves were, they couldn't stop the real stick of Bashan River, and they were immediately beaten out.

The three fought frantically, which led to the disciples in Yunyan gate rushing out one by one.

Naturally, they did not fight with Bashan River, but with Ling Chen. Because whoever can win or draw can become the inner disciple of Yunyan sect.

Bashan River uses only 40% of its power, so it naturally has time to do something else. Looking at the fighting between the disciples of Yunyan sect, my heart shook fiercely.

This is not a competition with the same school at all. It's a fight between life and death.

Many times, life and death are in the slightest. However, he could not see the hatred in the eyes of both sides, and there was only an elevated sense of war and madness.

Bashan Hexin is crazy. No wonder the disciples of Yunyan sect are so powerful.

Outside the gate of Yunyan, the world was turned upside down, but the original Star domain about Yunfan's four-way teaching spread all over the world.

Not only these, but also the three ethnic war platforms. If there were not another Chihai sect, yunyanmen would have to open the sects of four Tongjiao, fengyuanxing and lieyuanxing together.

When did this event happen in the initial star domain, let alone the three clan battle platform, that is, the battle seen by zongmen has not been seen for many years.

For a time, countless sects were looking forward to the three clan war platform, the sudden emergence of Yunfan and the Yunyan gate established by Yunfan.

The three clan battle platform has not been opened, and the initial star domain has been filled with smoke.

Is yunyanmen a flash in the pan or continues to rise?

The author Yue Huo said: Thank you, little baby Sasha, for your reward!

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