Initial star domain, 9981 stars. Besides 9981, there is an abandoned star.

The reason why it is an abandoned star is that the star has no aura, and its volume is only one tenth of that of an ordinary star, which is pitifully small.

The abandoned star has no name, but it is named after the initial Dojo and is named Tao star.

At this moment, Yunfan falls on the Tao star, but he is not what he was before.

According to Sweet's message, if you want to enter the initial ashram, you can't be older than 40. So he changed into a thin man of about thirty.

"The front should be the assessment place of the initial dojo. Only after passing the assessment can we enter the initial dojo."

Yunfan speeds up and soon sees a huge castle.

The castle was broken, all the walls collapsed, most of the buildings inside had been damaged, and only one castle like a sword was still complete.

Seeing the castle, Yunfan was stunned. The more he looked, the more familiar he became, as if he had seen this sword shaped Castle somewhere.

At this time, outside the gate of the castle, there was a long line, at least hundreds of people.

In charge of registration at the door is an old man. According to sweet news, people who have been here call him crazy old man.

No one has ever seen the crazy old hand, but even the three sect leaders come in person and respect the crazy old man.

Crazy old man has a strange character. Some talented disciples have never had the opportunity to enter the initial Dojo just because he doesn't like it.

Before entering the initial Dojo, such a person Yun fan didn't want to offend. He lined up behind the team honestly.

"Brother, which star? I'm a disciple of Lanyuan xingdusheng island. My name is Jing ranxu."

The young man in front looked back at Yun fan with a smile on his face. He is only twenty-eight or nine years younger than Yunfan.

Just like his name, like the rising sun, full of sunshine.

"Fan Yun, scattered practice." Yun Fan said with a smile.

"Casual repair is difficult to pass the examination. This is the third time I've come, and I didn't pass the first two times." Jing ranxu said with a bitter smile.

"Is it difficult?" Yunfan asked again.

"It's hard to say. If you're lucky, you may be able to pass with lower strength. If you're unlucky, you may not be strong enough.

Every assessment is different. No one knows what the assessment is. Because the assessment is determined by the crazy old man. When it comes to the assessment, the crazy old man will come to whatever he thinks, and he can't prepare in advance. "Jing ran Xu shook his head.

This kind of assessment makes all the geniuses tremble and walk on thin ice. No genius is all-round and powerful.

If the content of the assessment is a weak aspect of itself, it may be eliminated.

The most important thing is that this is a temporary assessment. It is estimated that crazy old people don't know what the assessment is.

"That's really not easy!" Yun fan smiled.

If it is another assessment, he is still a little sure, but he is not a little sure of this assessment. But now that you're here, even if you try a few more times, you have to enter the initial dojo.

The registration here is different from that in other places. It's the turn of the person to say his name, age, realm and sect door.

Crazy, close your eyes, no one knows if he wrote it down. Anyway, the people who said it left, and the people behind continued.

In this way, the speed of the level is very fast, and hundreds of people turn to Yunfan in an hour.

"Fanyun, thirty-two, the double state of the venerable, scattered cultivation!"

Crazy old man didn't open his eyes. Then there was the next person. When everyone registered, Yunfan was pulled by Jing ranxu as soon as he wanted to come forward.

"Don't worry. If you want to assess, crazy old man will talk. Whoever goes up at this time will be disqualified by crazy old man for this assessment."

Yunfan looked at him with his eyes closed, like a sleeping crazy old man, and shook his head helplessly.

He came here for promotion. Others can wait, but he doesn't want to wait. If you are disqualified, you will be disqualified. The big deal is to re register for assessment.

"Senior, it's time to assess!" Yun Fan said loudly.

For a time, hundreds of people looked at Yun fan as if they were looking at an idiot.

"Well, you can wait for the next time." crazy old eyes are too lazy to open.

"Yes, I'll sign up now. I'll take the examination before you close your eyes." Yunfan continued.

"You just closed your eyes, your whole family closed their eyes. Your boy is disqualified, forever!"

Crazy old man jumped up from his chair and shouted at Yun fan. It's like Yunfan guessed his tail, excited and angry.

Yunfan was stunned. People around him wanted to laugh, but they didn't dare to laugh.

Permanent, that is, there is no chance to enter the initial dojo.

Yunfan thought, turned and left. Now that you know the crazy old character, it's dead.

He doesn't want to waste time here. If he has a chance, he will wait. There is no need to wait without a chance. As for the petitioner, there is no door.

"Brother fan, don't hurry. Maybe you'll change your mind when you're crazy." Jing ran Xu came forward.

"I don't have time to wait for him to change his mind. I don't want to waste my time on such boring things. Wait for the assessment!"

As soon as Yunfan was about to take a step, a figure appeared in front of him. It was crazy old man.

"You're crazy. It's boring for me to change my mind. I think I'm wasting your time?"

Yunfan didn't speak. He flashed and flew to one side.

He was telling the truth, but he didn't mean to be mad. However, as soon as he flew out, crazy old man stopped him again.

Yunfan frowned and appeared in the sky. Just as he wanted to leave, the crazy old figure blocked him again.

"Elder, what does this mean? Since I have been disqualified, why are you blocking my way?" Yunfan is a little angry.

"I'm happy. Don't let me stop you if you have the ability." the crazy old man curled his lips.

"Although I don't know what the elder is, I think the elder is much higher than me. If the elder has to stop me, I really can't leave. But if the elder is in the same realm as me, the elder can't stop me."

Yunfan frowned, and the strength of the other party was unfathomable.

He released the power of space rules and left. The other party used the same power of space rules, but there was not even a trace of space fluctuation.

Not to mention the realm, it is not comparable to him in terms of space rules alone.

"Interesting, you're the third arrogant person I've ever seen. I'll give you this chance. If I can't stop you, you can go in now." the crazy old man smiled.

Yunfan didn't speak and tried his best to release the power of space rules. At the same time, the power of wind rules was also released.

His body shape disappeared again. This time he released the perception of the yuan God. He must perceive the spatial fluctuation of the other party, or he can't escape the obstruction of the other party.

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