The initial ashram is called the graveyard of genius, because anyone in it is a genius in the initial star domain, not an ordinary genius.

The other side can win more than 20 victories, which is naturally superior.

This strange attack can't be defended until it falls after the most waiting.

However, Yun fan is not an ordinary person, and he doesn't need defense. If he doesn't have to, he never wants to defend.

Like many weapons, the least he uses is the nine turn magic clock. Although the nine turn magic bell is not a simple defensive weapon, Yunfan rarely uses it.

Ling Yun's sword moves, and the wind and cloud rise with one sword!

The rules of the wind surged, and under the perfusion of the dragon's Qi, a sword cloud appeared in front of the other party's sword.

The strong wind surged, and the clouds pressed each other's sword. The other party didn't continue to exert force, but suddenly changed his move. The strange sword crossed a beautiful arc and stabbed behind Yunfan.

Yunfan didn't move. He turned his back on a sword and started the wind and cloud with another sword.

The sudden clouds blocked the sword again. Several times in a row, the other party's attacks failed.

"Which sect disciple can only do this? This is the most boring scene I've ever seen."

"It's disgusting. Kill him quickly. I'm still waiting for the money."

"It's too simple. You can't win by breaking this move."

There was a great deal of noise on the watching table. Even Zhu SA Luo looked contemptuous and said, "let you go down to Diao Luoling with me. You have to go down to him. I think you have lost a thousand spirit stones."

"But I think brother fan can win, but it's you. You dropped 10000 spirit stones at once, and you'll cry later." Jing ran Xu smiled.

"I'll go, he still wants to win?" Zhu SA Luo didn't believe it. If Jing ranxu hadn't shot, he would have sent this guy to the initial star domain at that time.

On the stage, Diao Luoling was unable to attack repeatedly. He said coldly, "your martial arts are good, so I dare not fight hard. But you want to win with this move. It's naive."

The voice fell, and Diao Luoling's figure ran around Yunfan quickly. It was very fast, looming and appearing from time to time, like a ghost.

Yunfan hasn't figured out what rule power the other party understands up to now, but every time he touches it, the other party's power always slides like a loach.

With the speed of the other party getting faster and faster, someone in the viewing seat shouted with excitement.

"Like a shadow, Diao Luoling showed his martial arts."

"Diao Luoling's martial arts are so weird that it's impossible to guard against it. It seems that the next move is coming to an end."

Many people know Diao Luoling better. They can easily attack a guy who only knows one move by using such martial arts.

They seemed to have seen a lot of spirit stones piled up in front of them, and everyone's face showed a smile.

Kuang Guangyin also smiled. Diao Luoling's odds are not high, and the big fight battlefield can't accompany much. Compared with Yunfan's ten three grade spirit stones, he can get a lot of spirit stones this time.

As the figure gets closer and closer, Yunfan still doesn't move.

From the stage to now, he hasn't moved his steps from beginning to end. His eyes can't keep up with each other's figure. Yunfan perceives it with the yuan God.

He came to fight not for simple results, but to experience different fighting styles, different rule forces, and different rule applications.

Because his path to promotion is multiple rules, the more he sees and contacts, the more helpful it is to his promotion and perception.

This is the sword!

The yuan God sensed the oblique shot of a sword, and Yunfan shot again, and the wind and cloud began with a sword.

The other party's sword hit the cloud and exploded immediately. Unexpectedly, Diao Luoling, who could be blocked by Yunfan, was caught off guard and was directly blown out by the regular power of the wind.

Just as Diao Luoling wanted to continue, he saw Yunfan calmly say, "did you lose when you went out of the battle platform?"

It's not Yunfan's modesty, but he really doesn't know whether it's a loss or not. He forgot to ask the rules of battle before.


Diao Luoling trembled with anger, but his feet were really outside the battle platform.

Lost, lost to a guy who can only do one move, he is not reconciled!

The crowd was in an uproar, and there was constant shouting and swearing on the watching table. They all hated Diao Luoling for losing their money.

Everyone thinks that Yunfan's victory is a fluke. At their level, they have never seen anyone who can always use one move to defeat people.

"I'll go, what ghost? You can win this?" Zhu SA Luo jumped up.

Ten thousand spirit stones, that's all his possessions. It's completely up to the sky.

Looking at Yunfan walking towards the battle platform, he wanted to cut off this guy's head with a sickle.

"Can we announce the result?" Yunfan looked at Kuang Guangyin.

Kuang Guangyin said blankly, "fan Yunsheng, next game..."

Kuang Guangyin was a little confused. This guy actually won. Ten third grade spirit stones, three for one, thirty third grade spirit stones. Even if it's a big fight battlefield, it will hurt!

Looking at Yunfan in front of him, he turned his eyes and said loudly, "next time, Fanyun will fight Yu Kaiyang!"

Since you've always been under yourself, as long as you lose, you'll still make money in the big fight battlefield.

Kuang Guang Yinxin thinks Yu Kaiyang is nearly 40 years old. He has rich combat experience and understands the rules of light, which focuses on speed. He can't still win.

Yunfan doesn't care. Anyway, he plays with anyone three times a day.

He turned and walked onto the stage, watching Kuang Guangyin yell at everyone to bet again.

"Are there any spirit stones? Why don't you join me this time?" Jing ran Xu said with a smile.

"No, I don't even have the money to get the money. Why don't you lend me a thousand?" Zhu SA Luo said sadly.

"Well, a small bet will make you happy, and a big bet will hurt you. I'll pay a thousand."

Jing ranxu said and went down to Yunfan again. Turning his head, he saw that Zhu Saluo went down to Yu Kaiyang.

"I think you really don't have a chance to look back. The thousand are gone again. I tell you, I won't lend you the next game." Jing ran Xu shook his head and said.

"I'll go. Do you really think he can win? Although Yu Kaiyang won a few times, he never lost.

Whether it's combat experience or rule strength, Diao Luoling is more stable than Diao Luoling. He can't win this time. "Zhu SA Luo said confidently.

In fact, it's not just him. The people who bet again basically bet on Yu Kaiyang.

I have been in the initial Dojo for a long time and know too much. This made them too familiar with Yu Kaiyang and thought that Yunfan had no chance to win.

In fact, everyone would think so. After all, Yunfan comes and goes like that. If Jing ran Xu hadn't seen Yunfan's confrontation with crazy old man outside, he wouldn't bet decisively.

"You have a good grasp of the fighter, but I won't give you this opportunity, so you are likely to lose." Yu Kaiyang walked steadily and stepped onto the stage step by step.

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