Six figures in the air flew rapidly, and many people followed behind them.

"Hurry up. I don't think the four elders can stop them."

"It's impossible. The four elders are almost as fast as them. As long as they dare to attack Wanshu sect, the four elders can display the four library library library array. They can't live."

"It's hard to say. Didn't they rush out of the four library library array before?"

There were people watching the battle behind. Some stayed on the scene to watch the battle between Yun fan and Shujin, and some followed Yun liangyunxin to see the results here.

Everyone talked about it, but few thought Yun liangyunxin had a chance.

Four to two, one side has array blessing, and the other side not only has to deal with the four people, but also has to kill the disciples of wanshuzong. In contrast, the four elders have a higher chance of winning.

Seeing Wan shuzong at his feet, Yunliang waved his hand and more than 100 people rushed down.

In addition to the clouds, these people are all little brothers of blood demons, including a dragon servant with six levels of respect.

Suddenly, Wan shuzong was caught off guard.

Many disciples were killed before they reacted. These more than 100 people are all in the realm of venerable beings.

According to Yunfan's words, we should have killed those under the territory of the venerable, but with the clouds in the sky, we can kill people when we see them. The little brother of blood devil naturally has no scruples.

They themselves are blood demons and have a bloodthirsty character. They are naturally happy when the clouds let go.

While killing, they devour blood and gas, and everyone's momentum rises madly.


As soon as the four elders were about to rush down, they saw two swords coming out.

"Your opponent is us. Come up with four. Don't give these four old things down." Yun Liang said coldly.

Blood one, blood two, blood three and blood four flew up, and the four people burst out together to block the two elders who just wanted to go down.

Although they are all three levels of zunzhe territory, their attack power has reached the peak of the four levels of zunzhe territory.

As soon as the two elders of wanshuzong wanted to fight, their blood rushed up, and their breath soared.

The two elders of wanshuzong immediately stopped. The other party was breaking through. At this time, they would kill the other party, otherwise they would be bombarded by Tianlei.

With yunliangyunxin nearby, they had no chance to kill Xueyi and gave up decisively.

However, blood one is just the beginning. With the breakthrough of blood one, blood two, blood three and blood four follow.

Hundreds of people were slaughtering, and their blood gas was consumed crazily. Yun Liang didn't need to speak at all. The blood devil younger brother left half of his blood gas to be swallowed by Xueyi and others.

The venerable realm is four fold!

After Tianlei, the four men all rose to the fourth level of zunzhe territory. Together again, the attack has reached the fifth level of zunzhe territory.

Even the four elders of wanshuzong dare not be careless about such an attack.

"Join hands to kill them first, and then go down!" the leader shouted.

The four were divided into two groups. They fought against Yun liangyunxin and rushed to the blood four.

"Awesome! Fun!" Yunliang stopped the other party's attack and stepped back slightly.

"Very powerful, very enjoyable!" Yunxin also retreated.

They retreated to Xueyi and others. Xueyi and others quickly stood behind them and hit them on the back.

Two on one side, Yunliang and Yunxin were blown out directly. When the four elders were stunned, the two swords were blown down.

"The old man is really powerful. Do you really think our brother can't fight!"

Yunliang roared, and the two swords merged together, like an angry dragon, and went to kill one of the elders.

"Get out of the way!" the chief elder shouted, but it was too late.

The angry dragon smashed the sword and hit the other party, falling a bloody rain.

The body shape was not stable yet, and the storm suddenly appeared and blew the whole body to pieces.

The clouds split out several swords and said loudly, "kill these old things first!"

Yunxiao was just the fourth level of the venerable realm, but with his attack, his momentum increased rapidly. The leader of the elder was shocked and said, "another breakthrough!"

With the pure aura of Sanpin Lingshi, there is no bottleneck in Yunxiao cultivation.

The rule of the wind he understood was one, and it was much deeper than the cloud. The most important thing is that the two little guys in the dragon field know that Yunxiao is Yunfan's father. White ball will refine his aura to Yunxiao if he has nothing to do.

In fact, not only the clouds, but also the women in the dragon field. If Yunfan didn't come out together for fear of accidents among the women, he could also block a venerable Jing Liuzhong.

With Yun Liangyun's faith in Dharma protection, the thunder robbery in the sky will soon end and enter the five levels of zunzhe territory.

The clouds with deeper and deeper understanding of the rules of the wind erupted into strong combat power.

Although it is heavier than the other party, it is too late for the other party to dodge whether it is a storm or a sword.

"Summon quickly. This is their conspiracy to drag the patriarch and destroy the wanshuzong." an elder shouted.

There are many elders in wanshuzong, but there are too many deaths and injuries under the attack of the little brother of the blood devil.

The most important thing is that there is also a dragon servant of the sixth level of zunzhe territory, which has restrained more than ten elders of the fifth level of zunzhe territory at once.

As a result, countless disciples of Wanshu sect were slaughtered and fled everywhere.

"I felt uneasy before. It turned out that they had already planned. They have been practicing with us." another elder thought that Yun liangyunxin always said powerful, and suddenly realized the Tao.

The chief elder quickly summoned the two people. They didn't join hands with so many people before. Now it broke out. It was obviously a conspiracy.

If there is no wanshuzong, even if they and Shujin get the inheritance of the emperor's cave, it is useless.

They are all old, and Shujin doesn't need the inheritance of the emperor's cave at all. It's enlightenment at most. Because if Shujin wanted to make a breakthrough, he would have made a breakthrough long ago.

"What a sinister calculation!"

On the other side, Shujin roared with anger when he received the summons. One punch smashed Yunfan out.

Although Yunfan's strength is not as strong as him, the devil's body is strong, coupled with immunity to the holy light and entering the strongest fighting state, it's too difficult to kill him.

If time goes on, the whole ten thousand books will disappear. Ignoring Yunfan, Shujin suddenly disappeared.

Yunfan took a breath and sent a message to Yunxiao, looking coldly at the dozens of people who had participated in the war before.

"Wait, your sect gate and Yunyan gate will visit one by one!"

Yunfan turned and left. Dozens of people didn't even have the courage to chase. Even the leader of Wanshu sect can't kill Yun fan. They are likely to be killed when they go up.

"Let's go, in case of the Cloud Gate sneak attack." one person opened his mouth, and the people rushed out in an instant.

They are all elders of various sects, but some of them can't represent the sects at all. Some rushed back to the Pope's door to report, and some ran away directly.

At this time, the people who fought in wanshuzong were collected into Lingjie and left quickly, which made Shujin empty.

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