Groups of people gathered in the sky of juefeng mountain. These were all patriarchs and elders from Qingyuan star.

They have increased their speed to the limit, but now they only see the devastated juefeng mountain, which is not seen by a wanshuzong.

"It's over?"

"Not so fast?"

Everyone looked at each other. On the way, they inquired about the news from the news building. The strength of wanshuzong's alliance was enough to destroy yunyanmen.

I thought I would see a fierce battle, but I didn't want the battle to be over.

But now there is no news, and they don't know how the war is going.

Jingji looked at the vanity in the air, as if Yunfan waiting for them to come, and wanted to go up and kick them hard.

This guy is such an asshole. Neither of the two women wants to refuse Linghu Zhenghe face to face. This guy is such an asshole.

If you agree to get married, even if you don't get married first, yunyanmen won't be like this.

Yunfan glanced coldly, and her eyebrows sank slightly.

Although not every sect door came, only some of them came, but he didn't see Shang Zhi.

Did I guess wrong? Isn't dawuzong playing tricks behind his back?

Such an opportunity will not be missed by dawuzong, and it is impossible for Shang Zhi not to watch jokes.

Just then, the messenger jade card came a message.

"Cloud Gate master, if you can, hurry to the glacier gate. Miss is in danger!" Deng Lingyan said anxiously.

"What's the matter? What happened to Yingxue?" Yunfan asked.

"Fortunately, the sect leader came back and tried his best to suppress the problem of Miss Kung Fu. But Dawu sect attacked the sect and now many disciples have been killed and injured.

The outside array has been broken. If you break the inside array, you will disturb the sect leader, miss, I'm afraid... "

"I'll go right away!"

Yunfan suddenly disappeared without waiting for Deng Lingyan to finish.

I didn't understand before. Now all the results have been achieved. The noise made by xiaqingzong has attracted people from all sects. Wan shuzong's attack on Yunyan gate is just a cover to take down the glacier gate.

Glacier gate is one of the few gates that can keep pace with Dawu sect. If we win, dawuzong will become the largest sect under the three major sects.

Dawuzong's plot is really big. I'm afraid he hasn't regarded yunyanmen as an opponent all the time.

Yunfan's speed is very fast. Not only that, he also informed the original.

Since we stopped him from doing it, we will certainly stop dawuzong.

"Where is he going? Won't he kill?" the patriarch of a small sect whispered as he watched Yunfan disappear suddenly.

"It's possible. He was forced to get married and his family was attacked. Now he can really do anything."

"What are you doing here? Let's go. God, don't attack us!"

Many patriarchs and elders left quickly. Jing Ji thought about it and disappeared.


Snow source star is in the north of the initial star domain, which is somewhat similar to wind source star. Wind source star is perennial strong wind, while snow source star is perennial heavy snow.

The whole star is like a world of snow. The ground is rarely seen. Everything is covered by heavy snow.

General mountains have vegetation, but all the mountains here are white snow, and some are even frozen, reflecting dazzling light in the sun.

There are not many sects of Xueyuan star. The glacier gate is the holy land of all sects of Xueyuan star. Everyone wants to enter it.

Wannian glacier, which is the coldest place in Xueyuan star, and the gate of glacier is above Wannian glacier.

There are no red bricks and green tiles here. Even the houses are made of ice, which is stronger than bluestone.

If xueyuanxing gives Yunfan the feeling of cold, then Wannian glacier gives him the feeling of cold. It feels that the cold will freeze his body.

On the wide glacier, there is a huge palace corridor. On the bank are all icebergs up to kilometers high, glittering with terrible array patterns.

If you want to enter the glacier gate, you can only enter from the huge palace corridor. If you only bombard icebergs and arrays from both sides, you don't know how long it will take.

At this time, the figure in the huge palace flickered, and countless people fought during the period. The palace built of ice can be seen at a glance outside.

Cloud fan just wanted to enter, two figures rushed up.

"Mind your own business, or not only you, but also the door behind you will be destroyed."

One of the them thought Yunfan was a disciple of the Xiaozong sect of the Xueyuan star. He waved his hand at his command with theout direct action.

Two swords suddenly appeared. Yunfan's figure passed through them and entered the palace. At the moment he entered the palace, the two figures fell down.

"Asshole, I'll mess around without me."

The original figure suddenly appeared in the space, turned into a streamer and rushed into the palace.

"Stop it all!" he shouted.

The voice echoed in the palace corridor, and the fighting didn't stop. Thousands of people looked at her coldly and fought harder.

Yunfan stopped, not that he was afraid of the original, but that he saw two people attacking the array in front of the palace corridor. One of these two people is actually the seventh level of zunzhe Jing.

He can't beat each other alone. If he uses a dragon servant, he will know at first.

Seeing whether the big array would be broken for a while and a half, Yun fan asked, "Xiao Chu, I don't understand. Why don't you let me do it?

If you are kind-hearted, I don't think it's necessary. If you are for the stability of the initial star domain, I think you should kill. "

"Nonsense, people are dead. How can the initial star domain be stable.

Stability needs someone. If there is only one sect left in a star, what's the use of such stability? "The original said coldly.

"But if you don't kill, where can you get stability? Do you think you are an emperor? In a word, you are the rule?

Forget it. Only when they really kill these people will they be safe. "

Yunfan shook his head and pointed to the people fighting in front: "do you see? At this time, no matter what you say, they won't stop.

There is only one way to stop them. That is to destroy one side. In this way, they can't fight if they want to. "

"No, this is not the stability I imagined, I..."

"Xiao Chu, stop it. How about this? If you don't do it, you can make them stop. I'll listen to you in the future.

If you can't make them stop, you'll listen to me whatever I say in the future, "Yun fan interrupted.

In the beginning, he ignored Yunfan, and his voice had a strong force of space rules. "Stop it all, don't force me to kill you."

The space vibrated, and everyone felt squeezed by the space, and the attacks were distorted.

"Kill this psycho first!" roared a plump woman.

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