For a moment, everyone looked at Xue Qing in horror. What Xue Qing said, they really never thought about it.

The biggest battle in the intermediate initial star domain is just a fight between sects, or fighting in groups in the big battlefield. Never seen a real war.

Xue Qing looked at the crowd and said with a smile, "if it had been before, I don't think Yunfan would have said this to you.

But now it's different. The blood devil army comes before the northern region prohibition. Once the northern region prohibition is broken, the war you've never seen will break out.

At that time, you will understand what war is and why Yunfan asked you to do so. "

Xue Qing looked at the crowd in silence and went to Mei Yingxue and said, "it's not appropriate for me to call you sister-in-law now. I'll call you sister-in-law.

Sister, I don't know how long you and Yunfan have been together, but I think you really don't know him at all.

Don't say that my sister's strength is not as good as him. Even if my sister's strength is stronger than him, in his eyes, my sister is also a woman.

He will work hard to protect his sister, but he never wants to see something happen to her. She can help him, but she still has to listen to him in a crisis.

This is not to look down on his sister, but that he really has many means. In contrast, he has a greater chance of survival.

Don't talk about sister. Even if they can choose, he doesn't want to see anyone die in front of him. "

After Xue Qing's words, all kinds of the past came to his mind, shook his head and said, "you can never imagine how many hardships he has experienced, and how much pressure and responsibility he has endured.

In your eyes, he is just a sect. In my sister's eyes, maybe he is just a strong and arrogant man.

But in many people's hearts, greatness is not enough to describe him. When he enters the high initial star domain, his life is destined to become a legend.

If one day you know about him, you will find out how lucky you are. "

Xue Qing sat cross legged and began to practice.

He doesn't need people to understand what he means. He just doesn't want people to misunderstand Yunfan. Because Yunfan is his best friend and brother, he would rather give everything for this.

A moment later, a figure appeared in front of everyone.

Yunfan followed Jinshan's income, looked at the people's strange eyes, didn't ask, and said, "let's go!"

The crowd did not speak. More than 100 people were silent all the way and rushed to the top of the mountain without any accident.

Standing on the top of the mountain, I can no longer see the mountain. There is only a void passage.

The entrance of the passage is like the big mouth of a beast, which makes people feel an unknown danger.

"Is this the channel to the high-level initial star domain?" baimufeng startled.

Everyone looked at Yunfan in horror one by one. So far, they all knew that they had broken through the floating mountain ladder.

The rumors of the floating mountain ladder, they know in their hearts, do Yunfan want to take them into the advanced initial star domain?

Yunfan didn't answer. He stared at the void channel and said, "let's go!"

They entered the void passage and flew all the way. Half a day later, they flew out of the void passage and the sun fell in the air.

"This is the advanced initial star region..." Bai Mufeng just wanted to ask. Seeing Yunfan's eyes, he immediately closed his mouth.

Yunfan glanced at the crowd, then fell on Mei Yingxue and Deng Lingyan, and threw a crystal stone at Deng Lingyan.

"Follow this route and you will return to the intermediate initial star domain. If you don't delay all the way, there will be no accidents."

As soon as Deng Lingyan wanted to speak, Mei Yingxue grabbed her and they flew away quickly.

"I know you have a lot of questions. Now I can tell you."

Yunfan looked at the humanity: "this is not the high-level initial star domain you imagined, but the big battlefield you once entered.

Passing through the floating mountain ladder is not the purpose. Our purpose is to enter the hinterland of the big battlefield and destroy the large void channel of the blood devil's nest. "

"What? How is this possible?" baimufeng couldn't help exclaiming.

The crowd looked at Yun fan in shock, and Jian Ruo whispered, "Lord Yun, our strongest is just the double of the imperial realm. Even if Lord Yun has the triple strength of the imperial realm, there are four levels of the imperial realm in the hinterland of the blood devil.

We are only a hundred people. Entering the hinterland, we have to destroy the large void channel protected by the blood devil, which is no different from dying. "

"Lord Yun, I don't want to be discouraged, but what they say is the truth." Ling Xiao said.

Yunfan nodded and said, "yes, according to your statement, we are here to die.

Remember what you said outside the floating mountain ladder? At that time, you said you were going to die, but you are still alive.

In my eyes, there is nothing that must be killed. It depends on how dare you do it?

This is the last time I explain to you. After that, I will only give orders. I don't know how many of you will die, and maybe we will all die here.

I came voluntarily, but you are different, so I will try my best to keep more of you alive. "

Yunfan paused and said in a deep voice, "what else do you want to ask and say? You won't have such a chance after that.

Entering here is tantamount to going to the battlefield. There is no reason on the battlefield. If I don't execute the order, I will kill you. "

The crowd was silent. They didn't expect that the result would be like this.

Finally, they came out of the floating mountain ladder, but they didn't think there were more dangerous things waiting for them.

"Why us?" jianruo said suddenly.

"It's very simple, because only the younger generation under the triple empire can come in here, so they won't attract the attention of the blood devil, and you are the strongest in the initial star domain of the intermediate level." Yun Fan said.

"Because of this, we will come?" Jian Ruo said coldly.

"It's also because you are the cultivator of the intermediate initial star domain." Yunfan replied.

"But there are countless cultivators in the intermediate initial star region. Even if we are the strongest in the north region at this stage, there are other three regions." jianruo said angrily.

"You think so, too?"

Yunfan glances at the crowd coldly. Many people dare not look directly at Yunfan's eyes and lower their heads.

Yunfan nodded and said, "in that case, I'm not forced. We came from the floating mountain ladder together. We were teammates.

If you don't want to go now, stand up and I'll give you a route to leave. But I want to say that whoever leaves, the floating mountain ladder and things here are rotten in my stomach.

Not because I'm afraid you'll betray us, but because you don't deserve to mention it or know the people who stay. "

Yunfan said coldly, "they and I have completely forgotten you, because this is an irreparable shame for us."

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