The sudden outbreak of Yunfan immediately caused the follow of the surrounding blood demons. Under the full impact, there was a gap in the defense line.

The blood devil behind him surged out. Just when Yunfan wanted to rush out with the blood devil, a white figure blocked in front of him.

The knife awn didn't wait to fall. A cold chill spread around. Yunfan felt as if his body was frozen.

Looking at Mei Yingxue who suddenly rushed over, Yunfan waved a knife up. The swords and awns bombarded each other. Yunfan even made several swords and forced Mei Yingxue back.

Just wanted to leave, but saw Mei Yingxue rush up again, and the threatening cold was going to freeze him in an instant.

"In the same realm, you are the first blood devil who can shake me away. Don't want to leave today regardless of birth or death." Mei Yingxue said coldly.

Yunfan was stunned and waved a knife to block the other party's attack. Just when she wanted to leave, Deng Lingyan rushed up again.

If it's someone else, just get out of it, but he really can't do it.

The most troublesome thing is that you can't get rid of Mei Yingxue without being cruel. Mei Yingxue pursues martial arts and has a higher understanding of combat than him.

In the case of melee, if you don't want to be exposed, you're really not Mei Yingxue's opponent.

Not only could not get away, but was defeated, from attack to defense.

Although Yunfan is entangled by Mei Yingxue, the gap has been opened, and other blood demons rush frantically towards the northern region.

Because of this change, the focus of the war suddenly shifted to Yunfan. It's impossible not to be noticed.

After Yunfan sends Ling Xinyue and others away, Ling Xinyue and others quickly run towards the big battlefield. Fortunately, this distance is not very far.

Ling Xinyue and others are all emperors. They soon came to the holy Hall of fighting. Wenyajing came forward and said loudly, "my name is wenyajing, a disciple of the southern region's wind valley. Let's go in."

The prohibition of the fighting temple was opened, and all the women rushed in.

"Please send us to the northern battlefield quickly!" Wenya said anxiously.

"Yes, but can you tell me who they are?" Yuming spider looked at Ling Xinyue and others.

"They are all my Shiniang, the wife of my Shifu Yunfan. Shifu risked his life to send us out, and we must stop the blood demon." she said quietly.

"Yunfan's wife!"

Yuming spider stared at the women. At the beginning, Yunfan almost didn't destroy the demon king hall because of a purple smoke.

Now there are so many wives all at once. What are you doing?

Most importantly, what does Yunfan mean by risking his life to send them out? Is Yunfan really dead?

"Gentle and quiet, tell me honestly whether Yunfan is dead or alive?" said the jade dark spider.

"Deacon Yu, we don't know that. Master sent us out and was badly hurt by the blood emperor." wenyajing said, lowering his head.

"Well, I'll take you there now."

Yuming spider didn't ask again. He directly opened the transmission array. When the people disappeared, he collapsed in his chair.

"Even his wife and disciples were sent out. Did he really fight to the death? But did he have a chance?"

Yuming spider said to himself, if there is anyone else in the intermediate initial star domain who can solve the strength of attacking the blood emperor and benefiting the blood emperor, there are only three people.

One is Gu you, one is the deacon of the dragon of the fighting temple, and the other is her.

Because they are not simply the four peaks of the imperial realm, but the five peaks of the imperial realm. They were also suppressing the realm, but even she felt that she was not the opponent to defeat the blood emperor.

Yun fan is a demon again. After all, he is the second level of the emperor's territory. No matter how many means, he can't escape from the blood emperor under serious injury.

She passed the information to Gu you. At this time, Ling Xinyue and others had rushed to the battlefield.

It's not the speed of the women, but the war of two million blood demons. The scale is too large. They just came out of the transmission array and saw the fight in less than a moment.

Overlooking, yimanyin just wanted to rush down to fight, but was pulled by Ling Xinyue.

"See there? Yingxue and Lingyan besiege a blood demon. If you guess right, it should be brother fan." Ling Xinyue preached.

The crowd saw that countless blood demons rushed in the direction of Yunfan and rushed to the north from the gap.

Yunfan looks like a blood devil and deliberately blocks Mei Yingxue and Deng Lingyan, but Ling Xinyue and others know.

It is almost impossible for a blood devil to block Mei Yingxue and Deng Lingyan. Mei Yingxue's fighting power is obvious to all. Except Yun fan, they have never heard of anyone who can block Mei Yingxue in the same realm.

And not only Mei Yingxue, but also Deng Lingyan. So there is only one explanation. The blood devil is Yun fan.

"Shiniang, I'll go!" Wenya said quietly.

"No, it's more doubtful that we went. Go to your patriarch and say that because brother fan destroyed the void channel, now the blood devil is ready to kill the people around brother fan with all his strength.

Let Lord Lin persuade Yingxue to quit the fight. I'll ask Gu you to persuade him, otherwise it's hard for brother fan to get away. "Ling Xinyue said.

Wen Yajing and Ling Xinyue separated and rushed down at the same time.

"Lord, let Mei Yingxue stop quickly, or it will be too late. The blood devil will kill the people around Shifu." Wen Yajing passed the message as soon as she arrived at Lin Xun.

Lin Xun was so surprised that he quickly sent a message to Kong Yu, who quickly flew to Mei Yingxue.

At the same time, Ling Xinyue fell beside Gu you. Without waiting to speak, Gu you said, "please watch the war with me."

"Let's not talk about this first. Let Mei Yingxue leave the battlefield quickly. Because of brother fan's affairs, the blood devil will try his best to kill the people around brother fan, so..."

Ling Xinyue's words haven't finished yet. Gu you's face changed greatly and rushed out quickly.

The two figures fell on Mei Yingxue and Deng Lingyan almost at the same time. Gu you and Kong Yu looked at each other and took Mei Yingxue and Deng Lingyan away at the same time.

Yunfan took a look at them, and then took another look at Ling Xinyue and others. He turned around and rushed into the northern region with other blood demons and disappeared.

"What are you doing? Why don't you let us fight?" Mei Yingxue shouted.

"There will be battles in the future, but not now. It's too chaotic now. If the triple and quadruple blood demons in the imperial territory suddenly sneak attack, we won't have time to stop it." Gu Youzheng said.

Mei Yingxue watched Yunfan disappear, then her eyes fell on Ling Xinyue and others, and whispered, "how's brother fan?"

Ling Xinyue didn't speak, and the women behind her didn't speak.

When Yunfan asked Mei Yingxue and Deng Lingyan to leave, they naturally understood what Yunfan meant. Since Yunfan wants to have a relationship with Mei Yingxue, they don't say much.

"Say, I know you think I'm cold-blooded, but I really don't love fange.

But now, Xiaoyan and I have married brother fan. Even if you don't treat us as sisters, you should tell us the news of brother fan. "Mei Yingxue said loudly.

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