"You're welcome, sir, but after this time, the blood devil will be on guard and the battle behind will be more cruel." Ling Xinyue said.

"Yes, it's a pity that the time is too short, otherwise they could bring more people." Huang Qian shook his head and said.

Compared with the fighting of others, the team of Bai Mufeng and others is extremely prominent.

Not only attack power, but also defense. In the previous rush, only a few people died in each team, and no team had more than ten people.

For such a large-scale battle, such damage is extremely rare.

"I think we should pay attention to the blood devil who rushed out from behind today. Last time, he took the lead to break through the defense line and let the blood devil enter the northern region." a Lord said.

"That's right. The blood devil is not only powerful, but also smart.

If it weren't for him this time, the trapped 100000 blood demons would die at least 10000. "Another patriarch nodded.

Ling Xinyue blinked and said indifferently, "predecessors, don't stare at a blood devil in such a war.

Dear predecessors, please prepare more array stones. We're going to arrange a kill array on the left. "

"Left? Why not in front?" Huang Qian asked.

Other people also looked confused. The blood demons fought in front, not from both sides.

"I can't say more about this. Now we don't know when the blood devil will attack, so we should hurry up.

Even if the position is wrong, it can be regarded as a defense, and there is no loss for us. "Ling Xinyue said positively.

They nodded. They had seen the power of the array. Naturally, they would not stop Ling Xinyue and others.

Half a day later, the blood devil army came to destroy the demon sect again. All three teams attacked except the forward team.

The left front chooses to attack the right side, and the right front attacks from the front with two teams.

Yunfan follows the left front and takes the lead in attacking.

Wield the broadsword and chop recklessly. Don't ask to kill, just shake the other party back. In this way, the left front team followed Yun fan and went straight all the way, far faster than the attack speed of the right front.

Looking at such a scene, the right front suddenly shouted: "leave one team to attack directly, and the other team to attack the left with me."

Yunfan turned his head and looked at the left forward and said, "didn't you tell him there was an array there? Why did he attack?"

"Fan Yun, don't ask about it. Don't worry, I treat you as a brother." Zuo Feng smiled.

Yunfan didn't speak again and bombarded with all his strength.

Just then, a pattern suddenly lit up. A white figure rushed past with thousands of emperors and made every effort to bombard the array.

In the huge roar, nearly 5000 blood demons turned into blood gas. The right forward was in a mess. As soon as he wanted to turn around, he was blocked by Mei Yingxue.

Cut out with a big knife and freeze the space. A breeze blew, and the gentle and quiet sword bombarded the right front's back.

Before the right front fell, a hot sword wrapped it into nothingness.

"Kill!" Mei Yingxue shouted and rushed down with thousands of people.

These people are the hundred and ten teams of baimufeng. Under the leadership of Mei Yingxue and Wen Yajing, the blood demons who killed them fled everywhere.

The right forward was killed, there was no command, and the attack team on the left was in chaos.

Yunfan slowly swallowed up the blood gas while paying attention to the victory and attack of the blood emperor in the air.

In this battle, the right front was killed and the team was in chaos. It was impossible to achieve results.

But Shenggong blood Emperor didn't have any expression and didn't order the evacuation.

It can be said that there was only one time that Yunfan withdrew directly before winning the order of the blood emperor.

If Zuo Feng wants to command the whole army, he will not advocate at this time.

The battle continued. Yunfan rushed forward all the way and was about to rush to the first mountain on the right. Shenggong blood emperor suddenly said, "withdraw!"

Yunfan was stunned and turned to evacuate.

The practice of winning and attacking the blood emperor made him feel unfathomable, but at this time, he was not good to be independent, and retreated thousands of miles away with the army again.

When the team stopped, Yunfan just thought of going behind the team and saw Shenggong blood emperor waving.

"From now on, in addition to the team led by the striker, you will be in charge of everything else." Shenggong Xuedi said.

Yun fan was stunned, turned his head and looked at the left front next to him. He said positively: "my Lord, the left front is more suitable than me."

"My Lord, if I..."

As soon as the left front opened his mouth, he was interrupted by the victory attacking blood emperor. He looked at Yunfan and said, "if the emperor asks you to command, you will command. Do you want to resist?"

"Subordinates dare not!" Yun fan hurriedly said.

"In that case, go and prepare. If you command the next war, the emperor will not go." Sheng attacked the blood emperor.

Yun fan takes the order to leave, and a trace of resentment appears in the left front's eyes.

Yunfan ignored each other, and he was very confused. The decision to win and attack the blood emperor made him a little confused.

Do you really want to train him?

Yunfan thought for a long time and didn't come up with a clue.

"Well, go to war!" Shenggong blood emperor suddenly said.

Yunfan nodded and led the army to destroy the demon sect. He was surprised to find that the vanguard team didn't keep up.

Yunfan was surprised and said secretly, "no, is the pioneer going to the western regions!"

However, it was too late to summon. He could only hope that the western regions would be ready.

"The three teams fight in turn and kill!" when they reach the demon sect, Yunfan orders.

The left front took the lead and rushed up. The hundred and ten teams of Mei Yingxue and Bai Mufeng met each other. The battle began, like lighting an explosive barrel.

There was a strong roar, and the left forward seemed crazy. He was more fierce than the previous two battles, even regardless of his men's lives.

With all his strength, he broke Mei Yingxue and others and killed them inside.

There were only more than 100 teams like baimufeng. After being broken through, the battle inside turned into a scuffle again.

The battle was extremely fierce. Although the number of people in each case was more than that of the blood devil, they gradually retreated under the crazy attack of the left front.

Moreover, the blood demons in the imperial realm began to devour blood gas crazily, broke through recklessly, and their combat power soared again.

Yun fan was shocked. Generally, the blood devil didn't dare to do so without an order. The only explanation is that Shenggong Xuedi gave orders to the left forward.

He is the commander. Avoid him and give orders to the left forward. Yunfan feels that things are becoming more and more abnormal.

However, at the moment, he was difficult to ride a tiger. When he was considering whether to kill and expose his identity, a large number of blood demons appeared behind the miemo clan.

Yunfan's pupils were tiny because he saw the pioneers among the blood demons. These blood demons were the team led by the pioneers.

Now that the vanguard has come, is Shenggong the blood emperor always there?

Yunfan couldn't help but sweat.

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