"Pioneer, are you in front or behind?"

Half an hour later, Yunfan turned and looked at the pioneer. Since the pioneer didn't make a statement before, now the command is still in his hands.

"When I'm here, you should know that I can't fight without the command of adults." the pioneer said.

Yunfan nodded, glanced at the army and said, "let's go!"

Just as the sound sounded, there was a loud noise in the direction of the demon sect.

Even thousands of miles apart, clouds can feel the vibration of the earth and the vibration of space. Such a terrible force can not be achieved in other realms except the four levels of imperial realm.

And it is not a four fold imperial territory, at least a dozen four fold imperial territory.

"Come on, it should be adults. We just take this opportunity to win the northern region!" Yun Fan said loudly.

Two million troops flew towards the demon sect like a sea of blood. As soon as they approached, they saw dozens of figures fighting over the demon sect.

These dozens of figures are all the four aspects of the imperial realm, and you can't even see one of the three aspects of the imperial realm.

The blood devil is led by the victorious attacking blood emperor, and the northern region is led by some Huang Qian Li Chen. They work together to contain the victorious attacking blood emperor.

Others fought fiercely with blood demons. Although the number of each case occupied a certain advantage, on the whole, they were pressed by the victorious attacking blood emperor and more than 20 blood demons.

Each attack is earth shaking, as if the space will be broken at any time. The powerful momentum and power will cover the whole demon sect.

"Kill!" Yun Fan said loudly.

The vanguard team did not move, and nearly 1.5 million blood demons rushed up with Yunfan.

Just a kilometer away from the demon sect, a large area of brilliance lit up, and countless array patterns covered Yunfan and the army.

At the same time, Yunfan immediately released the dragon field, and countless little golden dragons soared in the array pattern.


Yunfan shouted, many blood demons had not reacted, and the small scabbard came out like a torrent, and hundreds of blood demons were killed into blood gas.

"Look at me."

Xiaobing suddenly smashed down, and more than a hundred blood demons were all pressed under it.

Jue Tianjian took the initiative to attack for the first time. It didn't need Yun fan to dance and kill the blood devil quickly.

"Ha ha, I finally have a chance to use it, crush!"

The nine turn magic clock whirled rapidly, like a large grinding plate, and the blood demon was instantly extinguished.

The Dragon demons split and killed at the same time. Yun liangyunxin and a group of blood demons also rushed out. A cloud knife splits out, and under the fusion, it kills a large area.

"A lot of blood demons. It's really fun this time."

Xiao Huo is very excited. Not only he, but also other little guys are excited.

After having their own territory, the small forces have improved rapidly. Now they have formed a five element array, and the whole space is covered by various attacks.

Fireballs, meteorites, earth spears, storms, roots and fallen leaves. Among the five elements, only unexpected and invisible attacks emerge one after another.

The sky thunder came down from the air, and the first heavy blood devil in the imperial territory would be killed far. Even the second heavy blood devil in the imperial territory would disappear after being bombarded three times in a row.

Yunfan turns into Jackie Chan. Where the Golden Dragon passes, all the blood demons are torn to pieces.

After all the four body marks are opened, Yunfan's strength of turning into Jackie Chan has improved a lot, and now he shows the spirit of dragon.

Heaven and earth changed into eight layers, which is equivalent to the triple existence of the imperial realm. No blood demon can block his claw.

Not only that, the spirit turned into countless swords and shot everywhere.

All the blood demons disappeared, and the endless blood gas was swallowed up by yunliangyunxin and other blood demons. In less than a quarter of an hour, 500000 blood demons were killed.

"Come on, come on!" Yunfan shouted.

Such a speed, once transmitted, is enough to make the intermediate initial star domain tremble. But Yunfan thinks it's still too slow.

Such a large array can wrap up 1.5 million troops. It's hard not to make a sensation.

Now he is not only worried about winning the blood emperor, but also worried about the pioneers outside. If the pioneer leads 500000 blood demons to bombard the dragon field at the same time, he is also difficult to support.

Seeing hundreds of thousands of blood demons were killed, a loud noise shocked Yunfan's body and sprayed out his blood.

"Damn it, do it so soon. Hurry up!" Yun fan shouted.

Boom, boom

For more than ten times in a row, every cloud will be shocked to spit blood. Attacking the dragon field is equivalent to attacking his body. He doesn't know who is attacking now, but he can't bear this power several times.

"Brother fan, take it!" said anxiously at the dawn of a dream.

"No, hold on for a while. Every second you hold on, you can kill more blood demons." Yun fan's face is white.

"There are plenty of opportunities to kill blood demons. Do you want to die? Even if you want to die, do you think about me? Do you think about our children?" cried Rumeng at dawn.

Yun fan was stunned and said blankly, "child?"

Just thinking, the dragon field suddenly closed, and the remaining 300000 blood demons rushed out.

Yunfan stood in the air with a surprised face.

He never thought that he would have a child at dawn. That's his child. He's going to be a father in less than thirty.

Such a surprise made him forget that it was strange like a dream. At dawn, he privately put away the dragon field, made him forget that he was still in the battlefield, and made him forget that countless eyes were staring at him.

"My Lord, van Yun is crazy. He killed many of our brothers." a blood demon shouted with horror on his face.

Shenggong blood emperor looked at Yunfan coldly and said, "I have suspected that you have a problem for a long time. I didn't expect it to be a problem.

Your field is very strong. Although the emperor could not attack with all his strength before, you can block it. Your strength is at least three times that of the emperor. Who are you? "

The sudden change stopped all the four aspects of the imperial realm in the air. Li Sheng and others looked at Yun fan in horror and were full of doubts.

They saw Yunfan break through the northern defense line with their own eyes and watched Yunfan lead the blood devil to kill. Now the victorious attacking blood emperor said that Yunfan had a problem.

The most shocking thing is that 1.5 million blood demons entered the field, and now there are more than 300000 left, which is equivalent to more than 1 million killed in such a short time.

They fought countless times since the northern region's prohibition was broken, and they didn't kill so many blood demons.


Yunfan hasn't recovered from the shock yet. He talks about it in his mouth, but his mind is on him like a dream Breaking Dawn.


Shenggong blood emperor was so angry that he trembled. This bastard called him his son. He was Shenggong blood emperor, the leader of the intermediate initial star blood devil.

The blade cuts down and vows to break Yunfan into pieces.

Seeing the sword awn fall, a beautiful shadow suddenly appeared in front of Yunfan, and a sword awn greeted each other.

The sword awn and knife awn dissipated in the loud noise. Gu you said coldly, "with me, you can't hurt him."

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