As the disciples of various families came out, many families laughed.

Those who can get out of here can't say that they can become the eight strong empire. At least the seven strong Empire has hope.

The eighth level of imperial realm is the peak combat power, and the seventh level of imperial realm is the pillar of a family. Especially the middle or lower families, it is the mainstay.

"You're all out! How's it going? What's the harvest?" Zhong Qiu couldn't wait.

This is the first time someone in ChiYan area has entered the world to practice in anger. Naturally, he wants to know what the situation is.

"What? I couldn't bear it as soon as I entered the door. I didn't go in at all." ZHUGE Renjie said sadly.

"I have gained a lot. My law of fire has become stronger, and my defense has become stronger. If there is no accident, I can reach the 50% of the imperial territory in three months at most." Shangguan said with a smile.

Speaking of harvest, everyone laughed one by one.

"In three months, I have the confidence to melt into a Dharma body and break through the five aspects of the imperial realm." one person said excitedly.

One by one, he said his harvest, which is much bigger than that of Tianhuo valley.

"OK, that's great. It's worthy of being a genius of all families. Our ChiYan region has the opportunity to stand out." Zhong Qiu laughed.

Not only in ChiYan area, families in other areas laughed excitedly when they saw their disciples coming out.

Hearing the laughter, situ Yanyang burst into a rage and shouted, "keep your voice down."

The voice came out with the eight heavy authority of the emperor's territory. All of a sudden, it stopped everyone and looked at situ Yanyang in horror.

I've been like this before, but I've never seen situ Yanyang get angry. What's the matter this time?

Seeing situ Yanyang staring at the door, someone whispered, "is there anyone else who hasn't come out?"

"Impossible? It's only one day in total. Who doesn't know that there are still people who dare not come out in the whole fire area?"

Hearing the words, Zhong Qiu glanced and said in a surprised voice, "he hasn't come out yet?"

"We don't know. We didn't go forward when we went in. Anyway, Brother Yun went in. We don't know where we are." Shangguan Mingxin whispered.

"Doesn't he know the time?" Zhong Qiu said in consternation.

"It's impossible. Brother Yun must know the time, but it's hard to say whether he will come out." Shangguan Mingxin said.

"Why?" as soon as Zhong Qiu's words were uttered, many people looked over.

Since there are still people who haven't come out, situ Yanyang is obviously waiting for the people inside.

Who let situ Yanyang guard at the door? That's too big, isn't it?

"When we entered the first level, the elders must have seen it, but the elders behind must not know.

The second level is the maze. Brother Yun broke the maze when he went in, then left and arranged a maze again... "

Zhong Qiu stretched out his hand to interrupt Zhuge Renjie's words and said in a surprised voice, "so he is still a matrix mage?"

Zhuge Renjie nodded and said, "yes, the third level is the knife mountain. Brother Yun split the knife mountain in half with a sword.

In the back is the sea of fire. Brother Yun enters it to practice and makes the sea of fire shrink by half. If the elder generation doesn't make a noise, maybe Brother Yun can lose the sea of fire. "

There was silence around. People from all families who were just excited opened their mouths one by one, as if they had dislocated their chin.

Zhong Qiu was too frightened to say anything. He knew that Yun fan was powerful, but he didn't expect to be so powerful.

The array mage stopped talking. The sword mountain and fire sea is the most dangerous pass of Yandi palace. One was split in half and the other was almost lost?

Really? Is there really such a great man?

"He's right. That guy split the knife mountain and I was right next to him."

"Yes, I just wanted to enter the sea of fire. The sea of fire rolled back and disappeared in half."

The people around said it with their own eyes. If it's just people in ChiYan area, it may also be boasting, but now they are talking about people from different regions, it can't be false.

"Good guy, that's great." Zhong Qiu sighed.

In this way, let alone the younger generation, even the older generation can't do it.

Thinking of holding back his anger and talking to Yunfan, I feel it's too dangerous now. If you really annoy Yunfan, the consequences

Thinking of this, Zhong Qiu could not help shivering.

Everyone who was going to leave didn't leave. Everyone wanted to see what the super demon of the young generation looked like.

This is another day.

"Bastard, the anger of heaven and earth is only open for one day. Don't you know? It's two days now. What are you doing in it?" situ Yanyang shouted.

He's had enough. He hasn't stopped since Yunfan appeared. Eight times guarding the gate of the imperial realm for two days, it came out to laugh off his big teeth.

However, no matter how scolded, there was no movement in it.

In the anger of heaven and earth, no one can enter except the opening of this day.

This is Emperor Yan's order, because the anger of heaven and earth was originally used by Emperor Yan for cultivation. It's very generous to be open for one day.

Situ Yanyang can't enter, he can only wait. This is another day.

Watching the sun rise in the East, situ Yanyang shouted, "enough, three days, what else do you want?"

"Three days? I thought it was one day?" a voice came out, and Yunfan came out slowly.

He smiled and went into the central flame. He had been looking for his heart.

Find the heart of the body and the heart of the sword.

An ordinary heart, an unusual person. Yunfan suddenly wakes up. This is his heart.

I walk my way and don't care about anything else. There is a way in my heart. The way is the heart, and the heart is the way.

For a moment, Yunfan seemed to see a broad road, and the whole person seemed to be sublimated and very sober.

It was the next day, but he couldn't feel the time in the fire.

The flame did not disappear. He thought it was the first day, so he continued to understand kendo.

When the heart of the body is found, think about the heart of the sword, and time passes so slowly.

Suddenly, for a moment, there was a flash in his mind. He stretched out his hand and slapped himself in the face.

"Fool, the heart is the Tao, and the Tao is the heart. In that case, isn't this the heart of the Tao? Why isn't the sword in hand just for the Tao? Isn't the heart of the Tao the heart of the sword?"

At that moment, the meaning of his sword soared and turned into the law of the sword. The whole person is like Mingwu. He vaguely touches the next level of kendo, and the sword comes out with the method.

When the sword comes out, the law of sword comes out together to give full play to the power of the sword.

Once you understand clearly, Yunfan's sword heart is clear. He knew that as long as he combined the law of the sword with the Lingyun sword in his hand, he could reach the realm of the sword out of the law.

However, it takes time, and in the anger of heaven and earth, it is no longer suitable.

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