"Second elder martial sister, master contacted you? What did master say?"

Mu Yu Jingtao gate, Linghu Zishan looked at Yao Sijing with envy on his face.

They are all Shifu's disciples. Why did they only contact the second elder martial sister?

"Shifu looked at my sword. Maybe he was afraid of my slackness, and then told me not to smelt Dharma body. I don't understand what happened?" Yao Sijing is still confused now.

"OK, master has master's plan. We'd better practice well!" Wen Yajing said.

As the eldest martial sister, several people next to me nodded. Just about to disperse, a powerful pressure fell down, which made everyone in Jingtao door gasp for breath.

Wei Jingbo, Qiu Xia, Gong Han and Suo Lian all ran out one by one and looked at the empty shadow in the air with trembling.

"Jingtao sect leader Wei Jingbo, bring all the elders and disciples of Jingtao sect to meet the elder!"

"Can you be gentle and quiet?" the empty shadow in the air said.

"Elder, I am. I don't know what elder is looking for me?" Wen Yajing forcibly stood up and looked at Xu Ying firmly.

"Your master asked me to guide you to practice. Come with me." Xu Ying said.

Wen Yajing was stunned and said curiously, "I don't know who the elder is?"

"They call me the morning emperor, let's go!" the virtual shadow waved his hand, and the elegant silence disappeared.

The hearts of everyone in the whole Jingtao door suddenly trembled, the pressure disappeared, and they sat on the ground one by one. Wei Jingbo, the sect leader, was soaked and trembled slightly.

"Lord chendi! God, Lord chendi came to Jingtao gate in person." Wei Jingbo said tremblingly.

"Did I hear you right just now? Lord chendi said it was the elder martial brother who asked me to come. Does the elder martial brother know Lord chendi?" Feng funerary exclaimed.

I know the eldest martial brother is awesome, but I don't have to be so awesome. I can let Lord Chen direct my disciples.

However, the hearts of the people had just stabilized, and two figures came from the air.

The people were startled and bowed to each other. Wei Jingbo said, "Jingtao sect leader Wei Jingbo, bring Jingtao sect elders and disciples to meet your predecessors."

"Don't be polite. We're here to pick up people. Can Linghu's purple shirt be there?" shanwuji said.

"Is Yao Sijing there?" situ Yanyang said.

They came quickly, but unexpectedly they met on the road. Muyu has three emperors and eight levels. It's difficult to fly in the air without paying attention.

When they asked each other, they knew that they both came because of one person's words.

Because Yunfan's words, the two emperors have been running errands for eight times. It is estimated that this is the only time since ancient times.

"Don't know what the elder is?" Yao Sijing and Linghu Zishan stood up at the same time.

"I'm ordered by the sword emperor to take you into the supreme sword palace to practice." shanwuji said.

"I've been ordered by Emperor Yan to take you into Emperor Yan's palace to practice." situ Yanyang said.

The two voices were like thunder, frightening everyone into confusion.

Emperor Chen has just left. Now emperor Jian and Emperor Yan send people to pick them up. What's the matter?

"Sorry, sir. We have a master." Yao Sijing said.

"Hehe, I knew you would say so. Your master asked Lord Jiandi and Lord Yandi to give you advice. Don't worry, your master knows." shanwuji smiled.

Before they could speak, shanwuji and situ Yanyang waved them away.

The whole Jingtao gate was quiet, and everyone's heart was hard to calm for a long time.

It's Yunfan again. A morning emperor is not enough. Even the sword emperor and Yan Emperor invited them out.

How long has it been? How did you know all three emperors? It seems that this relationship is not common to instruct disciples!

"This smelly boy, it seems that it's hard for Jingtao door to be famous." Qiuxia said with a bitter smile.

Wei Jingbo, Gong Han and others shook their heads. The more famous Yunfan was, the greater their pressure was. They turned and left one by one.

Suo Lian was stunned for a moment and whispered, "I wanted to do it at the beginning. Now, I'm afraid I don't have the qualification to meet."

"I didn't expect him to be promoted so fast. I'm afraid I can't remember me." ??? Ni shook her head, a little bitter.

Many disciples dispersed. At this moment, the eldest martial brother has become a God in their hearts. For a time, all the disciples of Jingtao gate closed, and there was no one in the whole Jingtao gate.

"Third Elder martial sister, master won't forget us?" Longtu whispered.

Among the disciples, he has the lowest self-esteem. In his opinion, Yunfan accepted him just to save him.

All along, he has been practicing hard, that is, his qualification is not as good as other elder martial sisters. More importantly, he is the only male disciple with the greatest pressure.

Now even one of the elder martial sisters has left, and they are still instructed by the great emperor. Naturally, they have fantasies.

"Don't think about it. Master treats us the same. Maybe he hasn't met anyone who is suitable to guide us.

But remember what the second elder martial sister said. Since Shifu said she wouldn't let the second elder martial sister smelt Dharma, I think she also said it to us. Practice well! "Xiao Ruo said positively.

She, wenyajing and Yao Sijing followed Yunfan first. They knew Yunfan very well and naturally didn't think much.

Longtu nodded, looked at the sky and said, "master, I will try my best."

Yunfan's footsteps were a meal, and a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

He realized his own heart and sword heart. He suddenly felt several disciples.

He didn't know that only the eight peaks of the imperial realm could have such a realm, and now he is just the six peaks of the imperial realm.

"Brother, you're not thinking about Yanmei girl? This smile is a little obscene!" a voice suddenly sounded, making Yunfan come back to his senses.

Looking at the handsome youth around him, Yunfan said in amazement: "who is Yanmei?"

"Hehe, we are all the same people. Don't pretend with me, brother.

In a few days, it will be the day when Yan meizong, the shadow meizong of the Western devil Kingdom, succeeds the patriarch. Yan meizong is recognized as the first beauty in the devil kingdom. He is a man who doesn't want to see Fang Yan.

However, it's not good to look back and think deeply. It's suspected of blasphemy! "

The handsome young man showed a frivolous smile around his mouth. He said it was bad. He probably didn't think less in his heart.

"What brother said is, just look and don't want to, let's go!" Yun Fan said with a smile.

It's so noisy in the fire area that it's no longer appropriate to stay and travel at will. In that case, it's better to go to the devil's land.

Anyway, as soon as the sword wants him to take back the killing sword of the supreme sword court from the shadow meizong, he can take this opportunity to see the strength of the shadow meizong.

If it was just an ordinary sect, he wouldn't take it to heart, but since he could be called a sect, there must be eight strong emperors.

Even though he has improved in all aspects, the gap between the realm can not be crossed. He is not strong enough to resist the eight attacks of the imperial realm.

Even if Zhisha sword belongs to the supreme sword academy, after so long, it must be impossible to ask for it head-on.

To plan and move, the first thing is to understand the situation of yingmeizong. Only in this way can we find opportunities and regain the killing sword.

"Yes, just look and don't want to. Even if you want to, you can't show it. Men can call women men if you don't want to?"

The handsome young man smiled cunningly and said, "meet me, my name is Yushu."

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