The thunderstorm was in a mess. Countless feathers scattered around him turned into human shape. Looking at Yun fan, he suddenly arched his hands and said, "I lost."

For a time, the surrounding was silent, even the thunderstorm admitted defeat, and other demon families had nothing to say.

Thunderstorm is not the highest state, but its identity is the highest.

This is no longer the scuffle before. So many demon families join hands to fight Yunfan. At this time, thunderstorm does not represent his race, but the whole demon domain.

"It doesn't matter whether you win or lose. You can't improve your level if you don't even have the courage to admit defeat.

The real cultivator doesn't care about fame, profit, but heart.

Just as some people call me a devil, am I a devil? Are there so many races in the demon family all demons? "

Yun Fanyi said the truth, looked up at the surrounding mountains and said loudly, "I know many predecessors are investigating me at this time. After all, to you, I'm just a human being.

In that case, don't bother. My name is Yunfan, the devil in the nine regions in your mouth.

I have no intention to deceive, but I don't want to bring trouble to all ethnic groups. First, I say sorry to the friends of Jinyang Tuxiang ethnic group. "

Yunfan arched his hand, and countless startling voices sounded around him.

"He is Yunfan? He is the devil of the nine regions? How is this different from the rumor!"

"Yes, he has the ability to kill all the demons in the battlefield, but he doesn't. If all these are demons, isn't our demons also demons?"

The previous killing, in the eyes of the demon family, was ordinary.

The demon domain fights endlessly. This kind of killing is just a manifestation of the law of the jungle. With the ability, Yunfan stops. How can it be called a devil?

"Fanyun, Yunfan. Hehe, I didn't expect that he was the heinous devil I said." Xiang Yong said with a bitter smile.

When he was drunk, he said to his face that Yunfan was a devil, but Yunfan not only didn't do it, but made love with wine. Was it the devil?

"It turns out that he is a demon in the nine regions. No wonder he doesn't want us to intervene in his affairs. Great righteousness!" Xiang sighed.

If other human beings could pull on the tiger skin of Jinyang earth elephant family, they would never give up easily.

But Yunfan not only didn't involve them, but also apologized in public and gave great respect to the earth elephant family in Jinyang.

How can such a person be a devil?

"I know there are predecessors of the Cang Yi demon Eagle family here. You can investigate the killing of cangming.

There are many demon races. The strong can bully the weak, but it's shameful for a strong race to kill the weak race. "Yun Fan said coldly.

"Make it clear!" a figure fell on the battlefield, which was the chief Eagle wing of the Cangyi demon Eagle family.

Yunfan waved and released the electric cat. He opened his mouth and said, "tell the elder!"

Eagle wing was stunned. He immediately heard the words of the electric cat in his ears, and his face was uncertain.

When he finished, Yun Fan said positively, "it's my senior's business how to decide, but anyway, since I'm in charge of it, I won't shirk it. You can come to me if you have something."

The eagle wing looked at Yunfan, then rose into the sky and fell on the top of the mountain.

Watching Eagle wing leave silently, many demon families know that it must be the wrong of Cangyi demon Eagle family, otherwise Eagle wing would never be like this.

Yunfan put the electric cat away and said calmly, "I entered the demon domain for the first time, but I was attacked and killed many times.

I don't know each other. I think many people know them. Here, I want to understand. Why do these two people want to kill me again and again? "

Yunfan waved and released the memory crystal stone that Lei Tianyan and uncle Huo killed him for the second time.

Looking at the two merciless hands on the screen, everyone's face changed.

Of course they know these two people, but their identity is not what they can talk about.

"You are from Shenxiao emperor's palace, so do they. If it's my fault, even if you kill me, I will admit it.

But the people of Shenxiao emperor palace, one of the nine great emperor palaces in the high-level initial star domain, secretly attacked and killed me twice, but they didn't even say the reason for killing me. Is it too much? "

Yunfan looked at the thunderstorm with his eyes like a sword. I've attacked and killed many times. I can't figure it out. I won't stop.

"They are indeed from Shenxiao emperor palace, but we don't know why they did it. And since the matter has been settled, it's not something we can decide.

If you really want to find out, you should first get the demon king order. There are three kinds of demon king orders, red, white and purple, and purple has the highest level. Only when you get the purple demon king order can you visit Lord Lei.

No one has the right to investigate this matter except Lord Leidi. And no one dares to disturb Lord Leidi for such a small matter. "Thunderstorm said.

"How to get the purple demon king order?" Yunfan asked.

Thunderstorm is reasonable and reasonable. It involves Shenxiao emperor palace, which is really beyond the control of all ethnic groups.

The people who deal with Shenxiao emperor palace, except Lord Lei, don't have the courage and strength.

"You are the demon king of this year. You will soon enter the battlefield to fight the blood demon. As long as you get enough fighting achievements on the battlefield, you can get the demon king order.

The more fighting achievements, the higher the level of the demon king order, but this is difficult. So far, there is no purple demon king order in our demon domain. "Thunderstorm said.

"In that case, you go to the battlefield with me. Now in Shenxiao emperor's palace, I only believe in you. I don't think I can ask too much?" Yun Fan said with a smile.

At this time, an old voice came from the northernmost mountain: "thunderstorm, you enter the battlefield with him. They are scattered!"

Many demon families dispersed. Xiang Yong and Xiang Meng came forward and said with a smile: "Brother Yun, we're going back now. Goodbye!"

"Thank the clan leader for me. If the Jinyang Tuxiang clan doesn't dislike me as a devil, we will always be friends." Yun Fan said with a smile.

"I'll go. You haven't mentioned demons to me. Who made this trouble? If I know, I'll smash him." Xiang Meng said fiercely.

Yunfan smiled, separated from them and followed the thunderstorm towards the mountain in the north.

Standing on the mountain, Yunfan saw an ethereal palace, which was wrapped in thunder in the air.

"That's Shenxiao emperor's palace, but we don't have to go to Shenxiao emperor's palace when we go to the battlefield. This is the transmission array leading to the battlefield."

The thunderstorm said, reaching out to shoot at a smooth rock. The surrounding array lines flickered and changed in space.

When Yunfan's figure stabilized, he had reached a void. It was strange that he could fly here.

"After the high-level initial star domain is divided by the Nine Emperors, only the eight levels of the empire can fly, which is the same not only for us, but also for the blood devil.

This is outside the nine regions. There is no such prohibition. Let's go and get the demon king's order first. "

The thunderstorm said and flew to one side with Yunfan.

There is a circular platform suspended, on which array patterns flow, with layers of prohibitions.

In the middle of the platform sat an old man with his eyes closed. If he didn't know, he thought he would have died long ago.

"Yunfan and thunderstorm are coming to the battlefield for the first time. Please give the demon king order." Thunderstorm came forward and said respectfully.

"Blood to confirm identity!" the old man's voice sounded, and two red flaming Thunderbird shaped tokens fell into Yunfan's hands.

Watching the thunderstorm cut open his wrist and drop blood on the demon king's order, Yunfan also did it.

I saw the demon king order in the thunderstorm's hand melt into the blood and turn into a red mark on the back of the hand.

Looking at the demon king's order in his hand, Yun fan not only did not turn into a red mark, but trembled violently. He had no time to control it. He exploded and turned into nothingness.

"What's going on?" Yun Fan said in consternation.

Just then, Yunfan felt two swords passing through his body. He saw the old man suddenly open his eyes and look at him in surprise.

"You are human, but how can there be such a level of demon flavor in your blood?" the old man said coldly.

"I used the demon skeleton associated with the dragon clan when reshaping the muscles and bones in other star domains," Yunfan explained.

He can't say the dragon's blood, and for so many years, that drop of dragon's blood has long disappeared.

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