In the void, the voice of Yunfan kept echoing.

Looking at the invincible figure, the whole person of thunderstorm is stupid. Now Yunfan is different from Yunfan when the demon king competes for hegemony.

Don't run, you have the seed to compete with me!

A single hundred thousand blood demons?

How domineering! What a relief! Even the great emperor dare not say such arrogant words?

Pick alone. For the first time, thunderstorms don't understand the meaning of pick alone. If pick alone refers to a person picking 100000 blood demons, it is estimated that no one will dare to use the word pick alone in the future.

"Death!" the seven blood demons in the imperial realm were angry.

A man who ignored the blood devil army? Where is the blood devil's face?

At once, he rushed up to ten emperors and surrounded Yunfan, and a huge knife came out.

As long as you kill Yunfan, the long sword torrent and iceberg will be captured naturally.

Ten emperors, seven kingdoms, ten bodies outside the law and ten swords divide the void into several pieces. The huge pressure makes the huge rocks shake and seem to break.

"You've become human. Why are you so uneducated? I'm talking about single challenge. Do you understand it?" Yun Fan said loudly.

The light of the sword flickered, and the law of the wind turned into countless sharp swords, forming a huge sword storm, which roared towards one of the emperor's seven blood demons.

He was like the wind and walked with the storm. In the loud noise, Yunfan was blown out and disappeared.

At the same time, xiaoscabbard and Xiaobing flew to the void at the same time. Like Yunfan, they were beaten out of sight.


The thunderstorm was stunned, not only him, but also the ten Empire seven blood demons.

It was so tough before, isn't it?

Just as I wanted to turn around, I just heard Yunfan's voice from the other end of the rock: "have a kind of fight with me!"

Boom, boom

Looking around, not only Yun fan appeared, but also the long sword torrent and iceberg. They killed the blood demons under the seven levels of the venerable realm.

Seeing that hundreds of blood demons were killed without any defense, all the emperor's seven blood demons were angry.

All the seven heavy blood demons in the nearly 300 imperial territory flew up like a big net and slaughtered Yunfan.

Before approaching, more than 300 Dao mans came down. Yunfan's figure disappeared again and appeared again, which was already thousands of miles away from the void.

The thunder ran through the air wing and fanned behind him. Yunfan shook his head and said, "I can't communicate. I don't understand single challenge. I have the ability to chase me!"

Looking at Yunfan's look of being beaten, even the thunderstorm hiding behind the rock can't stand it.

However, these seven heavy blood demons in the imperial realm did not pursue, but returned to the huge rock and stared at Yun fan.

This time, the more than 300 emperors' territory was separated by seven, and Yunfan was not given any chance.

Yunfan shook his head, swaggered to the thunderstorm and sighed, "let's go. They're too timid and not fun."

The thunderstorm looked at Yunfan and said with a bitter smile, "I said, can you stop doing this? Can't you be normal?"

"Am I abnormal? Is it the blood devil?" Yun fan glanced.

These blood demons are not fooled. Otherwise, kill these blood demons under the seventh level of the Empire. Maybe his demon king order has turned white.

"You're still normal? How do I think you meet the blood devil? You're more abnormal than the blood devil?" the thunderstorm said.

When I didn't see the blood devil, it was normal. I spoke and did things in an orderly manner.

It can be seen that the blood devil expands. It seems that he doesn't care about small life at all. As long as he can kill the blood devil, he will be happy to die.

"I can't help it. Who made you people in Shenxiao emperor palace want to kill me? I'm in a hurry to ask for the purple demon king's order?

You see, it hasn't turned white until now. It's going to turn purple. Maybe I've been killed by people in your God Xiaodi palace. "Yunfan shook his head.

Looking at the back of Yunfan's hand, half of the red demon king's order turned white, and the thunderstorm widened his eyes.

It's too fast. Up to now, the person with the highest combat merit of the demon family is just a white demon king order, only a little changed into purple.

Yunfan has just arrived, and half of it has turned white? If you stay a few more days, won't it become a white demon king order?

"What's your look? I know it's slow. If you can't wait, I can only fight with the blood devil on this battlefield." Yun Fan said.

Although he hoped that thunderstorms would be around him, he would know more about the battlefield.

But thunderstorm has no obligation to help him. It's interesting enough to bring him here. How can he delay each other's cultivation.

Thunderstorm looked at Yunfan with disdain, shook his head and said, "can you stop? I won't go. I want to see when your demon king order began to appear purple."

This guy is too publicity. It's too slow to be so fast. What's the matter? Do you want to turn the red demon king order into purple one day?

"Thank you very much. The blood devil here won't fight with me. Do you have any place where I can fight with the blood devil?" Yun Fan said with a smile.

"Go there. Although there may not be a chance to fight with the blood devil, there is a place where people in all domains often fight with the blood devil. There should be a blood devil."

The thunderstorm pointed to the void and the two flew forward quickly.

After that, Yunfan saw countless huge rocks. There are many people on these huge rocks floating in the void.

Not only that, there are blood demons on some huge rocks, scattered, but it seems that two camps confront each other.

Just as the thunderstorm was about to speak, Yunfan pointed to a blood demon on the rock and shouted, "come here and fight with me."

The thunderstorm shook his body and whispered, "can you stop doing this? Do you greet the blood devil like this?"

How do you have to fight alone when you see a blood demon? Under thousands of blood demons, you can kill them without saying a word.

Is it so hard to take care of others? This is a blood devil, not a tujiwa dog.

"What else do you want me to do? Look at their eyes. They look like they don't want to be beaten. No, I can't help it!"

Yunfan rushed to a rock and chopped it with his sword.

However, these blood demons seem different from those encountered before. When these blood demons saw the sword fall, they didn't stop it, but quickly retreated.

The sword light bombards the rock and directly smashes a small half of the rock. Several swords came down like lightning.

Looking at all the seven blood demons in the imperial territory, Yun fan retreated violently, avoided Dao Mang and stood next to the thunderstorm again.

"The blood devil here has a high IQ!" Yun fan sighed.

"Well said, the blood demons here are more shrewd than the blood demons outside. It's also right to say that they have a high IQ."

A tall young man with a smiling face flew slowly and said with a smile, "brother, how about joining our team?"

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