On such a big field, everyone looked at Yun fan with shock. No one thought that Yunfan's first was to respect his teachers.

Yan Zhen, who was still a little lost, brightened her eyes and looked at Yun fan with a look of satisfaction.

"Second, within half a year, students who have not even improved a small realm should be expelled from the sword academy immediately, no matter who he is or what his strength is.

Later, in the supreme sword academy, there was no breakthrough in the seven aspects of the imperial realm, and no student was qualified to stop. "Yun Fan said loudly.

There was an uproar around. In this way, as long as you don't practice or delay, you will be expelled from the sword Academy.

"Brother Yun, it's just to break through the small realm, but if it's to break through the five and Seven Realms of the imperial realm, isn't the half day impact time too short?" a student said.

"That's good. Since you can put it forward, it means you really want to improve. If you encounter this situation, you can report to your mentor in advance.

I can give you a year to make a breakthrough. If you can't make a breakthrough in a year, pack up and go by yourself. "Yun Fan said.

Everyone nodded. One year is really enough. Although the supreme sword academy has declined, the standard of recruiting students has not been reduced.

The students here are all geniuses. If they can't break through the bottleneck for a year, they can't blame others.

"Third, no matter the students or tutors of the supreme sword academy, they should not make trouble outside. But if you are reasonable, you don't have to be afraid even when facing the disciples and elders of the imperial palace.

I will bear the responsibility of fighting and killing whenever necessary. The honor of the supreme sword academy is yours as well as mine. "Yun Fan said loudly.

"What? As long as it's reasonable, even the disciples of the imperial palace can beat them?"

"Oh, my God, it's awesome! If it's not hard to practice, is it not even a chance to pretend to be forced?"

There was an uproar around, and an invisible momentum was slowly breeding and spreading.

Looking at such a scene, Yan Zhen and Xu higher tutors smiled one by one.

Yunfan's three rules, like a big stone, completely activate the calm lake. As long as time is given, the rise of supreme sword academy has become inevitable.

"Finally, there's another personal suggestion. It's not a rule. It needs to be discussed by all tutors before making a decision.

You can open the gate of the supreme sword Academy. No matter who meets the age requirements, you can enter the sword academy to practice. "Yun fan smiled.

Everyone was stunned. In this way, the supreme sword academy will add many students.

The most important thing is that even if you just come in with low strength, you can have the regulations that you must break through in half a year. As long as you can stay in the sword academy, no matter how low your strength is, you will become stronger one day.

Yan Zhen and others looked at each other and nodded at the same time. This is really a good way to solve the decline of the supreme sword Academy.

"Just do as you say!" Yan Zhen smiled.

"Thank you for your support and understanding. Although I have a heart, I can't. I have to rely on your mentors in the future." Yun fan arched his hand.

"What is this? Since we are the mentors of the sword academy, we should be so.

What should you do? Let's say hello. As long as it's good for the sword academy, we all support it. "Xu Gao smiled.

Yunfan nodded, waved to let the people disperse, looked at Shiyuan and other humanitarians: "don't go. Before I leave, each of you must improve a small realm."

"Is it dark again?" cried the eagle.

With Yunfan, it's a nightmare every night!

"Not this time, because Yingxue is not here. I'll help you myself." Yunfan said with a smile.

"Great, I tremble when I see my sister-in-law's legs!" Yan yue'er said with a smile.

All of them felt the same and had lingering palpitations.

"In that case, let's start." Yun fan smiled.

"Now?" Shiyun said in amazement.

"Of course, I don't rest these days to practice with you. You should be happy.

There is no day or night. You can fight without death. You can rest assured, because I am also a spiritual cultivator. I don't have enough Qi, so I need spiritual strength. "

Yunfan said, and a sword appeared around them, and quickly split down.


"Brother Yun, if you don't play like this, you will die."

"God, I miss my sister-in-law so much now! Or is my sister-in-law more gentle!"

All kinds of cries spread out, and the students and tutors who had just left nearby were shaking one by one.

"Come on, shut up now!"

"Before, I thought they were very happy and could be taught by Brother Yun himself. Now I know that happiness is also painful!"

For a moment, the surrounding students immediately disappeared, leaving no one left, which made all the tutors laugh.

"Lao Yan, why do I think he has your teaching style?" Xu Gao smiled.

"Ah, generation by generation is stronger than generation. If you don't obey the old, this guy is tougher than me!" Yan Zhen shook and suddenly laughed.

He likes this atmosphere very much now, so that the college seems to live and is no longer a backwater.

For five days, you can hear shouting, fighting and pain almost all the time.

This seems to have become the habit of all students and tutors. With this voice, they dare not relax and practice hard one by one.

In the early morning of the fifth day, figures fell to the ground, black and blue, gray, and everyone's face was full of fatigue.

"Brother Yun, you are just a piece of wood. Even if you hit them so hard, Shiyun and I are both women, and you don't know how to be merciful." Yan Yue's son tooted his mouth and looked depressed.

"Come on, if Brother Yun were really wood, your chest would have been burst." You Ying curled his mouth and said.


Yan yue'er waited for you Ying. As soon as he spoke, he heard Yun fan say, "yes, quarrel when it's all right. I'll make a rule for you. In the future, you can only quarrel two words. You must start in the third inning until one side falls."

"Good rules, this should be popularized in an all-round way." Yan Zhen smiled.

Yan yue'er quickly shut up. Now she can barely stand up, let alone start. She is very tired walking.

"Why are you all here? I'm just going to participate in the diving dragon selection, not to die. It's like seeing off." Yun Fan said with a smile.

"We're not seeing you off. We're cheering you on. The selection of diving dragons is not easy. You can participate under the age of 60.

And not only our sword domain, all nine domains participated, and only three people were left in the end.

At that time, you will meet not only the seventh emperor realm, but also the eighth emperor realm. We will add pressure to you. There is at least one of the three, "Yan Zhen said with a smile.

"Don't you guys rush the ducks to the shelves? I'm still a little sure under the eight aspects of the imperial realm. I'm not sure about the eight aspects of the imperial realm." Yun Fan said with a smile.

"So, we all cheer you up. Now you are the image of our supreme sword Academy." Xu Gao smiled.

"Image? Don't pull it. Nine domain demons are also images? Let's go!" Yun Fan said.

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