In the wooden City, a figure stood in the middle, with dull eyes and a sense of sadness all over.

Under the eyes of countless people, the long hair turned white slowly, without a little luster, like white ashes after burning.

There were few people in the wooden City, but many people came because of the blood emperor's departure.

Looking at Yunfan like a shell, countless people shook their heads helplessly.

The heart is like death, nothing like this!

"Brother fan..."

As soon as ziqingyan made a noise, Ling Xinyue put out her hand to stop it.

Looking at the surrounding yimanyin and other girls in tears, Ling Xinyue waved her hand and left with the girls.

The morning emperor took a deep look at Yunfan, sighed softly, and turned away.

At this time, no one can help Yun fan, just like the person who sprouts the meaning of life and death. Even if the body is cured, the heart is dead.

"It's all my fault. Why can't I be like you? I have to wait for my cultivation to improve before I see brother fan, I......"

In the hall, all the women gathered together, and purple smoke cried into tears. Who could have thought that a strong man who was about to break through the eight aspects of the imperial realm was so weak at the moment.

Ziqingyan is different from other women. She has her pride in her bones. Although she follows Yunfan, she has never given up and wants to fight side by side with Yunfan one day.

Before the Tianhuang star was destroyed, she was as lonely as Qin Miaomiao, but Qin Miaomiao also had a grandfather. Even if she was not a pro grandfather, it was better for her to be lonely.

The loneliness since childhood gave her strength and gave her the character of continuous struggle. However, she didn't expect that this character had brought such results.

"Qingyan, come on. It's hard for anyone to make things like this.

You are not wrong, none of us is wrong. If we have the strength to welcome the snow, we will do the same.

Brother fan won't blame you, but welcoming snow has always been the knot in brother fan's heart. Tianhuang star once, this is the second time. It's a great blow to brother fan. "Ling Xinyue took ziqingyan's hand.

"Yes, at the beginning, brother fan refused to welcome snow because he was afraid of this kind of thing happening again. Unexpectedly, he still couldn't get rid of it. Lingyan, don't you blame brother fan?" Ling Xinyue said.

Deng Lingyan and Mei Yingxue have the deepest feelings. Mei Yingxue died and she never said a word again.

She didn't know what to say or what to say.

Mei Yingxue's death is Mei Yingxue's choice. Yunfan is no longer an adult for this. As Ling Xinyue said, no one is wrong about this. It's all fate.

"All right, let's go in. The hardest thing at the moment is brother fan. If you still have brother fan in your heart, don't block him." Ling Xinyue stretched out her hand and put them into the ring.

She wants to go to Yunfan to accompany her, but she knows that what Yunfan needs at the moment is not her, but Mei Yingxue who has left.

This time, Mei Yingxue's death is equivalent to another knife on Yunfan's original wound, which is painful.

Yunfan is really in pain at the moment. All that appears in his mind is the figure of Mei Yingxue.

There are the plum Yingxue of Tianhuang star and the plum Yingxue now. The more he wanted to catch it, the more he couldn't catch it.

If Mei Yingxue hates him and scolds him, he can feel better, but every time he leaves, he leaves the smiling face, which is as bright as a flower, but it makes his heart more painful.

"I've been trying to protect and maintain the initial star domain, but now I can't even protect my wife. It's ridiculous." Yunfan shouted.

The sound echoed in the wooden city. If it wasn't for the array and prohibition, I'm afraid the nine cities could listen to his roar.

"What's the use of responsibility? Why do I have to bear so much and want me to lose you?"

"I can't keep it when the Celestial Star is gone. I can't keep it when you're gone. Is this my way?

Why can't I do what I want? Why should I be tied up? What do you spell? "

A roar made people tremble. Dai Qian, Zhuang Xian and Yue San looked at each other.

"Isn't he going to destroy the heart of Tao? He's going to be possessed by evil!" Dai Qian exclaimed.

"There's no way to do this. I think his wife is his obsession, and he can't let go." Zhuang Xian sighed.

"Yes, everyone has obsession. If there is no obsession, you can't keep practicing.

Obsession is not only the driving force of cultivation, but also the biggest obstacle to cultivation. It can be as easy as going crazy, or as serious as destroying people. "Yue San shook his head.

At the same time, Chen Di frowned and his lips were slightly open. Finally, he shook his head.

"Whether you can survive this disaster depends on yourself. If you help you at this time, the road behind will be more difficult." Chen Di said in his heart.

Yunfan just stood there foolishly. Fortunately, the nine cities have aura, otherwise he could starve to death.

Every few days, ten blood emperors will attack the nine cities once. However, the huge roar and the power of destroying the sky and earth seemed to have nothing to do with Yunfan.

Everything in the world seemed to have nothing to do with him. He stood so silly that no one approached or talked to him.


Ten blood red blades fell again, heaven and earth changed and the earth was torn.

The shaking of the nine cities is more powerful than before. Everyone knows that the nine palaces array can not last much time.

Ten figures were about to leave when they suddenly shook in the void. An invisible blade broke through the sky and came.

At the same time, a sword came from the other direction, cutting into the space with a sound of bareness. It's like cutting thin paper with a sharp knife. It's shocking.


With two loud noises, two figures appeared in front of the ten blood emperors. A young man with empty eyes stepped into the void.

He had no expression, as if the body was just a shell, and the soul had left the body.

Both hands are empty, but the seemingly ordinary hand is like an invisible knife, which can split everything.

On the other side, a stunning woman curled up, light footed and without any momentum, but she was not in this space, beyond time and space.

The stunning woman took a deep look at the white youth in the wooden City, and then turned her eyes to the youth with empty eyes.

"Jiang wunian, you are also here for him?" the wine Niang said calmly.

"If he can't even break through this level, he doesn't deserve to be my opponent. You are qualified, but you have been defeated by me, so you are not my opponent."

Jiang wunian said, turning to look at the ten blood emperors in the air, Muran said: "you are qualified to be my opponent. I want to see how strong the emperor's territory jiuzhong is."

"Interesting, even I can't be your opponent? Well, since you and I have had a war, let him fight for me in the next war.

Today, I also want to see the strength of emperor jiuzhong. Maybe I step into emperor jiuzhong before you. "Wine Niang smiled.

"Looking at all star regions, you are the only one who makes me not resent this. Let's go together!" Jiang wunian said.

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