Ling Xinyue winked at fate, and the women pushed Yunfan into the palace of fate.

Destiny sat cross legged. When Yunfan sat down, he immediately felt the spiritual power of destiny.

Because it is dominated by destiny, Yunfan releases his mind and spiritual power. Soon, the two spiritual forces intertwined.

At this time, Yunfan suddenly felt the spiritual power of Ling Xinyue and other women, and couldn't help being surprised.

Fortunately, the spiritual power of the women did not participate in the cultivation. However, Yunfan felt the thoughts of Ling Xinyue's women.

"Brother fan, you must remember that destiny is our sister and your wife. You can't hurt her."

"The elder sister said that the destiny sister will pay a lot for brother fan. Brother fan should cherish her."

"Sister Huihan arranged an array in the palace. In order to let sister destiny break through, we all participated in it.

Brother fan must be careful in his cultivation. If there is a slight difference, not only will the destiny sister worry about her life, but also our sisters will suffer heavy losses. "

Information came one by one, and Yunfan was a little confused.

He has not practiced the combination of yin and Yang for once, and he leads them all. Only once with Mei Yingxue is passive.

But so many times, plus Mei Yingxue, it was not as serious as the girls imagined.

What did destiny pay for this breakthrough? Otherwise, why is it so dangerous?

Yunfan dare not have the slightest distraction, wholeheartedly intertwined with the spiritual power of destiny. But just then, his mouth was blocked by cold red lips, and a smooth tongue went into his mouth.

"No!" Yunfan's spirit was shocked.

Just when he wanted to give up cultivation, the whole person was hugged. Not only that, almost in an instant, all his clothes were torn by Zhenqi.

Yunfan didn't feel so much. The clearest thing for him was to feel the bloody smell in his mouth.

When his mind was cold, Yunfan dared not move. He knew that because of his reaction, destiny had been hurt.

Although he didn't know how many injuries he had suffered, he really didn't dare to resist at this moment.

Suddenly he thought of Ling Xinyue and others, and sighed in his heart, "why bother? Why do you have to use such means to make me and destiny like this?"

"Husband, don't think so much. Just once, this life is enough. Don't let me leave regrets, will you?"

A wave of mental power was sent into Yunfan's brain, and Yunfan's heart trembled. What can he do except accept such words?

Refusing is not to hurt, but now refusing is the real harm.

Giving up resistance, their spirit slowly relaxed and really blended together.

Different from the original women practicing the combination of yin and Yang, Yunfan feels that the whole person seems to be tolerated by each other. That feeling is very wonderful, as if he no longer exists.

Not only that, the cool feeling, the feeling of blending with each other, made him suddenly have a different feeling.

Yin Yang law power!

Yes, the feeling now is really the same as having the power of the law of yin and Yang for the first time.

Although Yunfan has realized the power of the law of yin and Yang, he doesn't have a deep understanding. It's like being forced out. He can only use it. I don't know its origin.

It's like eating every day, but you can't cook. Just eat, there is always time to eat up, can do is different, eat up can be done again.

In the past, Yunfan only knew the power of the law of yin and Yang. Yin is the law of Yang, and Yang is the law of Yang.

But now, he suddenly found that yin and Yang, like the five elements, can be born together.

For a moment, he entered a mysterious realm.

He saw the alternation of the sun and the moon, the changes of the four seasons, the dry and hot rain, and the cold and warm sun.

All these contain the principle of yin and Yang. Yin and yang are not only opposite, but also not isolated.

Yin and Yang exist relatively, and cannot appear alone. Cathode Yang appears, anode Yin appears, there is Yin, there is Yang, there is Yang, there is Yin

When Yunfan forgot everything and entered the perception of yin and Yang, the momentum of destiny continued to improve, and then a magnificent picture appeared in her eyes.

With the separation of heaven and earth, there is space. After countless years of evolution, there are yin and Yang, five elements and creatures.

After countless years, a hazy intelligence appeared, which represents both heaven and earth.

Its appearance makes all kinds of spirits surrender. It is the embodiment of the will of heaven and earth, and its existence is to control this space.

With the continuous improvement of intelligence, there are practitioners after countless years, and with practitioners, there is thunder robbery.

Its existence seems to maintain the operation of this space, Reiki circulation, space destruction, it will also die.

Finally one day, the powerful blood demons appeared, attacked this space and made it suffer heavy losses.

So it opened the space and let the cultivators in the space resist the blood devil, but even so, countless battles made it weaker and weaker.

I don't know how long it took, it was tired, it wanted to sleep. So it divided two wills, landed in space and became a cultivator.

Destiny looked at the scenes with shock. With the momentum rising, it seemed to really attract the world. A strange force appeared in the space and fell on her through the dragon field.


She didn't know where a slight sound came from. She easily broke through the imperial realm jiuzhong, which was difficult for others to break through.

Not only that, she actually saw it and saw the controller of this space. At the same time, she also saw another beautiful woman with the same perfect appearance as her.

As if she was induced, she suddenly felt that the same force had entered her body, and there was an extra memory in her brain.

Destiny could not help but smile at the corners of his mouth. He made slight efforts with his arms, hugged Yunfan and enjoyed the moment.

However, at the moment, Yunfan is still in the mystery and has no perception of everything outside.

In front of his eyes, there were two clouds of gas, one cold and condensed, and the other hot and burst.

These are two opposite gases that cannot blend with each other. But when the cold gas gradually becomes larger and covers the periphery, as if to swallow the hot gas, the hot gas suddenly soars.

With the sharp rise of hot gas, the cold gas gradually shrinks. When the hot gas covers the surrounding space and wants to swallow the cold gas, the cold gas becomes larger again.

The two gases are like fighting, but they are more like alternating operation with each other. Like a seesaw, there is an invisible tacit understanding between them, in coordination and balance.

Yunfan stretched out his hand and waved, and the two gases rotated alternately. At this moment, Yunfan clearly felt that the two gases were moving with each other, gradually becoming larger and stronger.

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