Ancient Divine Dragon Transform

C304 Incomplete small space

Hu Xiaofeng raised his rod and shouted: "Ye Suifeng, if you want to hit me, then accompany you. Don't tell laozi that you can't understand what's going on. The younger generation of the demon race are indeed not as good as the Sky Crime Clan, but if they really fight, the Sky Crime Clan could very likely disappear from this world.

The matters of the younger generation will be settled by them. There will be another day before the competition between the two races. If they have the ability, then, they can display it to their heart's content. "

"Hu Xiaofeng, don't think that I don't know what you are planning. This brat is human and not a demon, he wouldn't even participate … "

"Who said I won't participate? "I'm the only one on the demon side. I'll take on the group fight."

Without waiting for Ye Suifeng to finish, Yun Fan shouted loudly. After looking at Hu Xiaofeng for a bit, his gaze shifted towards the surrounding demons, and said indifferently: "Disperse, whoever has an itch can come and find me."

"Really? Haha, laozi has been wanting to fight for a long time now. "Come …"

Just as Xiong Erhei stepped forward, he saw a flash of sword light, and he immediately sent his fist out to meet it.


His sturdy body was directly sent flying, breaking a large tree in half, then he sat down on the ground. He grinned and stretched out his hand, blood spurting out.

"Who else? "Next time, die!"

An ice-cold voice echoed in the air. The demon clan members who were surrounding Qing Shui earlier immediately dispersed and quickly disappeared into the forest.

They were very clear on Xiong Erhei's strength. In the younger generation of the entire demon clan, there were no less than five people who could fight him. He didn't even receive a single blow, so how could he fight back!

Yun Fan glanced at Xiong Erhei, then turned and left.

He was quite satisfied with the previous strike as the addition of his Intention of Gold allowed him to quickly break through Xiong Erhei's defenses.

If it was a battle of life or death, he definitely wouldn't give Xiong Erhei a chance to counterattack. As long as he followed up with another sword strike, he would be able to cut off one of his opponent's arms.

How did this brat become so strong?

Hu Xiaofeng was also surprised, he knew that Yun Fan had increased a lot, but he never expected his attack power to be so sharp.

What satisfied him the most was Yun Fan's character, which was very similar to his. No, it should be said that it was very similar to the demon clan. If they wanted to fight, they could fight. No matter what the result was, they would fight first.

"Lord, leave that kid to me. When the time comes for the competition, I will be the first one to go up and kill him! "

A youth from the Sky Crime Clan who was the closest to Ye Huan, had a murderous look in his eyes as he glanced towards Ye Huan from time to time.

"Mm, you be careful. That kid isn't simple. For the sake of a single person, the Monster race did not hesitate to start a war with us.

"Father, he's only in Third Level of Essence Accumulation Stage. How could he possibly defeat Brother Yuan Gang?"

Ye Huan looked at Ye Suifeng. Although she was willful, she was not weak. Even amongst the young generation of the Sky Crime Clan, it could still be considered high class. Although Yun Fan's performance was not bad, it was still his Third Level of Essence Accumulation Stage after all, so that sword strike might be his strongest attack.

"Little Huan, remember. Do not look down on anyone, especially opponents and enemies. "Let's go!"

Watching Ye Suifeng leave, Ye Huan stomped his feet, and said angrily: "Hmph, what's there to be proud of, when the time comes I will personally do it, and see exactly how powerful I am."

"Junior Sister, there's no need for you to do this." There are only three matches in total, and we can kill him in the first round. "

Yuan Gang moved closer and extended his hand to grab at Ye Huan's small hand. Ye Huan tilted his body and quickly dodged.

He blinked his eyes as if he was teasing Yuan Gang, causing him to give chase quickly. The two figures quickly disappeared into the night.

In a single day, Yun Fan did not step out of the house. Not only did he fill up the entire Fairy Dragon Qi s, he even skillfully controlled the strength of his body.

Early morning of the day of the competition, Zi Wei and Long Xing had arrived at the same time. Although he didn't know what the two of them had been doing these past few days, Yun Fan could feel that the both of them had improved a lot.

Both were of the demon race, so the two of them were more suitable to be here than him.

"Big brother, you be careful. I heard that the three Heavenly Sin Tribe members have already been decided. The first one was Yuan Gang. It was said that among the younger generation of the demon clan, no one was his match.

The second was the woman who framed Big Brother. She was called Ye Huan, and was ranked in the top four of the Heavenly Sin Tribe. The third person was even more powerful, rumored to be the number one person in the Heavenly Sin Tribe's younger generation.

Yuanbao, even the Sky Crime Race rarely saw him. He had been immersed in his training all day, and was a complete cultivation madman. Rumor has it that he already has the strength of the seventh stage of the Fusion Stage. "

As fellow demons, Zi Wei had been pretty familiar with the demons over the past few days, so it would be easy for him to scout out out any information.

"Big Brother, I know you're not afraid, but among the three of them, the weakest Ye Huan is at the third level of Fusion Stage. If Big Brother does not have enough Genuine Qi s, it will be very dangerous! "

Long Xing revealed a face full of worry, they knew Yun Fan's strength better than them. Even if it had improved, there was still a big gap between it and the seventh stage of Fusion Stage.

"Hehe, don't worry, I know what I'm doing. By the way, do you know how to get out? "

The two of them shook their heads at the same time. Actually, the two of them were not only trying to increase their strength, they were also trying to probe for Yun Fan.

However, the entire Monster race didn't know how to get out. It was because of this that they were so worried.

They knew Yun Fan's temper very well. If they couldn't get out, they really didn't know what he would do here.

In Long Xing's eyes, the demons were treating Yun Fan like this because of their relationship with him. However, if this matter got out of hand, he might lose face.

"Forget it, let's finish the fight first!"

Yun Fan also knew that the chance was not high, if there really was a way to get out. Ye Suifeng would not stay here forever, even if there was a woman who was interested in him, he would at least go out and take a look.

Hu Xiaofeng and the rest of the demon clan members were already prepared, and were majestically heading towards the east side of the confluence of the two clans.

Up till now, Yun Fan had never gone to the Heavenly Sin Tribe, and only to the east.

The further east they headed, the better the light was, and the trees were sparser.

As he walked further and further away, Yun Fan finally realized that the only thing to the east was a place without a cliff. Although there were no cliffs, there were half a mountain.

This half of the mountain was similar to the half of the mountain within the Holy Land of Fox Clan, but much shorter. It seemed that anyone could easily climb it. Just as they were about to leave the mountain, Hu Xiaofeng and the rest stopped.

"Little brother, you can go up yourself! There were powerful Inhibition in front of them, so they couldn't even pass through Elemental Pill Stage. This layer of Inhibition is the same as the other three, they are all for the sake of sealing the experts above the Elemental Pill Stage. "

"Doesn't that mean I can leave this place?"

Climbing half a mountain, one could naturally go down from the other side. Since he was not under the Inhibition's Elemental Pill Stage, he was not under the seal.

"You think too much. The Broken Mountain is an incomplete small space, it's equivalent to another prison. Unless you can break that little space, no one can go out. "

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