Dongfang lie thought for a long time. He didn't stand and think, but lay on the ground. Even if the corners of his mouth were bleeding, he didn't care.

He was already belligerent. With Simon Yong's obscene eyes before leaving, his heart was the same as that of a cat.

Although he didn't have a formal fight with Yunfan, Ximen knocked him down with just a few words. He thought with his feet and knew that the strength of the other party was not simple.

If this is a teacher worship, he really doesn't dare to think more. But this is to recognize the boss and do not require to break away from the fire cult. It can be said that it has no harm at all. It made him feel excited.

He ran to the inn in one breath and watched Simon Yong practice constantly, especially the ants on the hot pot. He was so anxious that he kept walking.

The one who wanted to knock directly was stopped by Ximen Yong. He said that Yunfan told him not to disturb, which made him more worried.

It was not easy to see ye Bai coming out of the inside. How could he miss this opportunity and stop it.

Ye Bai's face was slightly red, and his heart was in a hurry.

Although Dongfang lie shouted abruptly, she didn't sound uncomfortable. Instead, she felt closer to Yunfan.

However, she is different from ordinary women. She has been wandering since childhood. She knows her situation very well, especially after leaving the treasure land, she doesn't have too many extravagant hopes.

She knew that Yunfan must be a dragon rising to heaven, and she was just a colorful bird on the earth that couldn't fly.

"Don't talk nonsense. Since you're here to beg the young master, I can help you. But if the young master agrees, you must not have two minds, or I won't help you."

"As long as the boss agrees, I have no second thoughts. I swear..."

From Simon Yong's mouth, he learned that Dongfang lie was ready to become a little brother.

The speed and fluency, like reciting countless times in his heart, made Ye Bai look stunned.

"Isn't this a shot that killed Dongfang lie? What is he doing?"

"I don't know. You can't believe it. He came to recognize Yunfan as the boss. I heard that Yunfan gave Ximen Yong a few words at random, so he beat him down."

"No, it's so magical? How powerful the cloud is!"

"Nonsense, or you'll apply for the test of the mercenary guild? You think the test of the mercenary guild is an expert."

Several passers-by were curious when they saw this scene. This opening could not be stopped immediately, and the news spread quickly in Shahe City.

Ye Bai carefully pushes open the door and looks at Yunfan who closes his eyes and practices. He wants to talk and stop.

"OK, I see. Have a cup of tea first."

Yunfan suddenly opens his mouth. Ye Bai can't help but blush. He quickly lowers his head and doesn't know where to put his hands.

"Young master, I......"

"It's all right. In my heart, you're a little sister. Don't say you didn't make a mistake. Even if you made a mistake, it's hard for me to say anything."

Yunfan smiled and relaxed Ye Bai's uneasy heart. The chicken nodded like rice.

When a cup of tea was finished, Yunfan got up, opened the door and went out.

"Dongfang lie, for my younger sister's sake, I accept you temporarily. But you missed the opportunity before, so you still have to be punished.

Do you see that stone? You stand in the street and raise the stone above your head with both hands. When can I come out and put it down? Of course, if you don't want to do it or don't do well in the middle, go yourself! "

Yunfan finished and turned back to the room.

Dongfang lie bit his teeth, picked up the stone, stood in the street, raised the stone with both hands, looked at the curious eyes in the street, and was so angry that he really wanted to turn and leave.

However, seeing Simon Yong wielding a big knife not far away, he finally endured it.

The longer you stand, the more people will watch. Soon the day passed, and there was no movement at the door of Yunfan's room.

Another day passed, and even Yunfan's figure was not seen.

The street was full of people. All kinds of eyes swept around Dongfang lie's body unscrupulously.

Suddenly, dongfanglie felt calm.

In the past, in the face of so many contempt, disdain and sarcasm, he would kill. But now, he has no such impulse. It seems that everything around him has nothing to do with him except the stone in his hand.

"You are the meaning of the three evil spirits of the fire sect. You killed Dongfang lie? In order to recognize a hairy boy as the boss, you actually trampled on yourself. It seems that I thought highly of you before."

A beautiful woman appeared in front of Dongfang lie, her face showing disdain.

A snow-white dress, hair falls down like a waterfall and falls on the snow-white dress, just like a fairy in the sky.

"Listen to the snow in Beishan?"

Dongfang lie looked at it and was surprised.

Although he hasn't seen each other, he can feel a little pressure. At this age, there seems to be no other woman in this area except Beishan listening to snow.

"Yes, my eyesight is OK!"

Beishan listened to the snow and looked at Dongfang lie coldly. Although she did not participate in the affairs between Tiangang sword sect and Agni sect, it did not affect the dissemination of the news.

When she heard that Yunfan accepted Ximen Yong and instructed Ximen Yong to defeat Dongfang lie, she couldn't help it anymore.

Although Cao Zhan is good, he is a little older than her, but Yun fan is different.

Yunfan is younger than her. If the news is true, it means that Yunfan's strength is stronger than her.

She has always been the favored child of Tiangang sword sect. Now she is pressed down by a young man. Where is she still in mind to practice in isolation.

From Tiangang sword sect, he rushed to see Dongfang lie holding a stone as soon as he arrived.

Through the words of the people around her, she despised Yunfan. The real strong man disdains to do such humiliating things. Yunfan's actions make her feel that she is not as strong as rumors.

"OK, don't make a fool of yourself here. Go and ask your boss to come out and let me see it, or I won't have a chance when I join the mercenary guild."

Beishan listened to Xue's words. It was obvious that Yunfan could not pass the test of the mercenary guild.

But Dongfang lie didn't move, still holding the stone, as if he didn't hear each other's words. On the contrary, Simon Yong in the inn rushed out.

"Why is it embarrassing? Shouldn't the boss punish the younger brother? In other words, you don't have the qualification to recognize the boss."

In the north mountain, the snow frowned, and her cold eyes twinkled with killing intention. When he wanted to speak again, a voice came out of the room.

"Brother, she's from Tiangang sword sect. If you don't care, I won't care if you cry later."

Although Yunfan is in the room, he knows everything outside. Not only did he know that the snow was coming in Beishan, but also that Cao Zhan and the disciples of Tiangang sword sect followed him, but they didn't show up.

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