"It's the tenth level. It's really amazing. Tell him to go down and do it as soon as he returns to the inn. Be fast and don't give Simon Yong a chance to do it."

Jin Qianhong flashed a cold and fierce light in his eyes and quietly retreated out of the crowd.

In the tenth step, only 10% of the speed is left. Even walking seems to deliberately slow down the rhythm, giving people a strong visual impact.

Compared with the attack of hundreds of people around, Yunfan is like a snail, and he doesn't even have the ability to fight back.

Just then, the crowd suddenly saw that the earthy yellow light on Yunfan's fist became brighter. The opponent who could have dodged was caught again.

Smashed each other's head with one punch, which stunned everyone.

"The double meaning of earth in virtual environment is too strong!"

This time either Beishan listened to the snow, or Ximen Yong saw it.

The empty realm is not the dual realm of escaping from the world. The true Qi is promoted and it's OK to practice hard. But the artistic conception may not be improved for ten years or decades.

The two artistic conception are frightening enough. Now the meaning of earth is still the dual meaning of virtual environment. Everyone's eyes are shocked, mixed with envy.

"This boy is good. No wonder he dares to apply for the test?"

An old man in the sky suddenly opened his mouth and showed a bright smile on his face.

Yun fan is a level 4 mercenary and applies for a test in the mercenary guild. In fact, he is also a member of the mercenary guild.

Such a genius, even the mercenary guild, is not many. As members of the Federation, the four are naturally happy to see such an excellent younger generation.

"It's really good. It's not weak compared with those geniuses. I just don't know if he has any other cards."

"What's the matter? Do you still want to try?"

The four looked at each other, and a moment later, they all smiled.

Almost at the same time, the four quickly clapped their hands on the mask. The powerful Qi shocked the whole mask, even if the fighting clouds felt it.

In the astonished eyes of the people, one level extended again above the tenth level.

"Eleven steps? What does that mean?"

"Is this still a test? It clearly wants to kill the boss!"

Dongfang lie and Ximen are brave and angry.

If you don't talk about them, everyone around you can't see them.

This test is too harsh. No one in the whole Shahe City can climb the tenth level except Yunfan.

It's not easy to go up. I see those who work hard have to pass, and there's another level for no reason.

This is not intended to kill Yunfan. What is it?

In full view of the public, what about the face of the mercenary guild? Aren't you afraid of being laughed at by people all over the world?

For a moment, everyone's eyes surrendered to deacon Li, so scared that deacon Li didn't know what to do.

Like others, he didn't know until the formal beginning of the test of life and death. Although he knew that there were ten stone steps in the path of life and death, he also knew that the path of life and death was a test.

This continuation depends on the meaning of the association. He doesn't know how many steps it can continue. He only knows that no one has passed even the tenth step.

But now, obviously, it can pass and suddenly continue, which can't be explained at all.

He looked up slightly and looked at the four old people in the sky. Before he could speak, he heard one of them say, "he can't go up the eleventh step, but he can't pass. If he wants to go out, he has no worries about his life."

"As you have heard, no one has ever left alive in the blood of life and death. This is a bad rule. As for whether to continue, it depends on his decision. Can't we help?"

Deacon Li quickly explained, but he also knew that such an explanation was too reluctant.

"This is intentional. You know that the boss is for the letter of recommendation. As long as you don't pass, the boss will continue." Simon said angrily.

"Yes, isn't this a threat? It's the same as putting a knife on someone's father's neck and asking them if they want to obey!"

"There's no such thing. If it had been like this, don't make it public. I'm not afraid of shame!"

The crowd became noisy, and just then, a strong breath came out of the air.

The whole Shahe City seems to be squeezed by invisible power. I feel that once this power falls, the whole Shahe City will become a piece of dust.

"That's enough. Don't interfere with the test. He will decide whether he wants it or not. It's not your turn to gossip."

A word is like thunder, making everyone's eardrums buzzing. He immediately closed his mouth and respected the strong. For an irrelevant person, they couldn't make a mistake and lose their lives.

"Deacon Li, it's OK to increase the test. After all, it's the business of the mercenary guild. But I want to ask, there's only 10% speed left in the tenth level, and the eleventh level can't even move?"

As soon as Cao Zhan's words came out, everyone calmed down and waited for the answer of Deacon Li.

If you are really suppressed and unable to move, it is killing.

Can't attack, can't defend, that's a test fart!

"The eleventh level is another round. The speed recovery is the same as the first level. Only those who appear in the eleventh level have a higher strength than the tenth level."

Before deacon Li could speak, the old man in the air spoke.

That is to say, in the eleventh stage, Yunfan is facing a hundred four fold opponents who are out of the world.

Hearing this, Cao Zhan and others relaxed. Without the limitation of speed, it is meaningless to get rid of the quadruple environment.

For Yun fan, the eleventh level is not as difficult as the tenth level.

Speed recovery, he did not waste time, directly took out the long sword. Use a quick knife to cut the tangled and kill your opponents one by one.

The sudden change made the four old people in the air a little confused!

Is this still the triple of juyuanjing? It's so big that it's so fierce.

Without saying a word, the four took the palm again, and one more order came after the eleventh order.

Yunfan didn't say anything and waved his sword.

Twelve steps, the first step has reduced the speed by 10%, but the blessing with the meaning of wind has no change from before. A hundred people were quickly solved like a melon, and the four old people quickly took charge again.

Time after time, until the fifteenth step, Yunfan's speed slowed down.

Although it has the meaning of wind and earth, it has been completely suppressed by the other party after subtracting 40% of the speed.

You know, his body is only six times out of the world, and the eight times out of the world attack can hurt him.

Every time an attack falls, there will be an additional wound on his body. The snow is dyed red, but this time it is not someone else's blood, but his own.

"Come on, I want to see how many steps there are!"

Yunfan is also angry. It's endless.

A blood red beam shot out, and four or five figures ran through it in an instant, frightening everyone at once.

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