Poison green silk just stood up, her legs shook, and she sat on the ground.

If Gu Fucheng is the most powerful thing in no man's land, then the most dangerous place is not Luan City, but devil's cave.

As far as he knows, so far, none of the people who entered the devil's cave can come out alive.

No, either alive or not even a bone.

It's like a devil who eats people and doesn't spit bones. It has long become a no man's land. It turns pale at the smell of the wind and doesn't dare to set foot in the forbidden area.

"Sir, please forgive me. I really can't go this time. Going there is tantamount to death!"

"Hehe, I didn't ask you to go with me. You just need to help me with two things, and these ten thousand spirit stones are yours. Don't worry, these two things are not dangerous, and they can be regarded as your reward for helping me."

Yunfan threw out a storage ring and said, "first, tell me how to get to the devil's cave as soon as possible. Second, my two younger brothers should pass through your territory soon. You tell them how to get to the devil's cave."

After listening to Yunfan tell Dongfang lie and Ximen Yong about their bodies, poison Qingsi couldn't believe it. He really didn't want to believe it.

In this world of strength, it is natural for the strong to let the weak do things.

In front of us, not only do we not need to be strong, but we also pay such a high reward. Is this still a strong man? It seems that you don't take advantage of it at all!

People live a lifetime, plants and trees in autumn. If they can do this, they have to be admired by poison green silk.

"OK, I'll help you! If adults don't dislike my weak strength and can use me in the future, just say hello!"

Seeing that poison green silk was so simple, he said the route without reservation and said something that needed attention on the way, Beishan couldn't help sighing softly.

She finally understood why she believed that Yunfan could make her break through, and finally understood why she had so much courage to destroy her proud face. All kinds of things were not because of strength, but because of personal charm.

Yunfan is not very handsome; In the initial impression, the strength is not very strong; But his low-key, always give people a chance; The posture of not bullying the weak is the biggest reason to attract people to follow, and it is also the charm.

The reason why Yunfan went to the devil's cave, where people heard that the wind had changed, was also because he kept his promise.

Although she didn't wake up before, her brain was clear. She knew everything Yunfan did to her. Including what Yun Fan said to Fan Li and others.

Originally, Fan Li was summoned. He could leave the no man's land directly. When things were done, he didn't need to go to the devil's cave again, but he decided to go. Such a person deserves the trust of the people around him.

They ran all the way. Two hours later, they found some traces left by mercenaries.

Mercenaries are very cautious when they go out of duty, especially in unfamiliar areas, they will leave special marks. Yunfan is also a mercenary. Naturally, he knows these. He doesn't understand what the marks of Fanshan mercenary regiment mean, but he knows that they left these marks along the way.

"Let's go. I'm afraid many of them have met an accident!"

The information received is very short. I don't know whether Fan Li has no time or whether Yun fan will come.

There are only a few words: "danger, devil's cave!"

"Boss, that should be the devil's cave."

Looking at a natural stalactite cave that suddenly appeared not far away, Yunfan nodded, released her mental power and rushed in quickly.

"Many caves!"

Under the cover of mental power, there are forward caves around. These caves are connected to each other and extend in all directions. If he hadn't cultivated his spiritual power, he would have been lost.

One picture after another flipped in my mind, and Yunfan suddenly ran to the cave on one side.

When the body stopped, there were two bodies lying on the ground. To Beishan's horror, the two bodies were only skin and bones, and their faces were frightened, as if they had been swallowed alive.

"Brother, this seems to be..."

"Blood devil!"

Before Yunliang finished, Yunfan's face became heavy.

He didn't expect to meet the blood devil here after fighting Purgatory and treasure land.

What does this exist and why does it always appear frequently?


A scream came from the surrounding caves, and Yunfan rushed out quickly.

There are too many caves and the sound has echoes, but this can't affect Yunfan. Seeing a blood devil devouring a mercenary, Yunfan cleaved out with a sword.

Looking at the dead body, Yunfan's speed is faster.

A fight came, and the cave suddenly opened up, like a small square, where hundreds of blood demons were besieging Fan Li and others.

At this time, more than ten people had fallen on the ground, and less than fifteen were left. Everyone is bleeding and tired physically and mentally.

Fortunately, there was no blood demon general among these blood demons, otherwise Fan Li and others would have died.

"Beishan, cover their withdrawal."

After leaving Luan City, Yunfan still didn't stop to input her dragon Qi. Under the conditioning of the dragon spirit, Beishan listening to the snow still recovers 80%. Such strength is more than enough to stop these blood demons.

With a soft drink, Beishan heard the snow rush out. A Sword Pierced out and shouted, "go!"

Fan Li and others gathered together and quickly evacuated towards the cave on one side.

"Beishan, block the hole!"

After entering the cave with more than a dozen people, Yunfan said, "I didn't want to ask this. But I didn't expect there was a blood demon here, so I had to ask. What's your task?"

"Blood dew, we don't know what this thing is. As long as we get blood dew, we'll finish this task.

Originally, when I came in, I didn't encounter that monster at all, but when we found the blood dew, that monster appeared. "

Fan Li took out a jade box, in which a blood red bead like dew lay. Liquid, can flow freely.

"Brother, I feel this thing can make me break through!"

Yunliang suddenly opened his mouth, which made Yunfan's face more dignified.

Yunliang is now a fusion realm jiuzhong, third-class blood demon general. In Baodi before, so much blood and gas could not break through. Now this drop of blood dew can make him break through. There must be something in it.

It's weird that the third class blood devil can find and carry the blood dew that can break through so easily by Fan Li and others.

"Boss, let's go. There are more and more monsters and they can't be killed. If you don't go again, you'll die here alive even if you don't get killed."

Through the hole, I saw a piece of blood red, and countless blood demons rushed frantically towards the cave.

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