Hundreds of third-class blood demon generals, Yun fan is not crazy enough to take charge of everything.

Now we should first block the attack of the third-class blood devil in front of us, and then look at the development of the situation. As long as you stick to it for one day, you can leave.

The blood devil here obviously can't go out. Since he can't go out, it has nothing to do with him.

Pass the examination, become a student of the college, and then open the transmission array. He can't even touch the side of things here.


A huge fist fell and seven or eight figures flew out. This punch was more like the assembly number, and countless blood demons around rushed towards this side.

"Go back!"

"All together!"


All kinds of voices mixed together, and the scene was chaotic.

At this time, there is only one thought in everyone's mind, that is to live. By any means, we must live.

As one figure fell down and the blood stained the lake, living has become the instinctive reaction of everyone.

There are only two exceptions in the field. One is Yun fan. After all, they have cooperated skillfully for a long time. They are all in one group, and there is no suspicion.

The other surprised Yunfan, because it was not others, but some people led by Yue Linhai.

These people are not all, but only some of them who followed. They obeyed Yue Linhai's command, but also persisted in the attack of the blood devil.

Both sides were decreasing. Suddenly, the third-class blood devil would roar, which shocked everyone's mind.

With the roar of the third-class blood devil, the same roar suddenly sounded around.

Everyone's face has changed. A third-class blood devil will work so hard. How can he live if there are more?

The most terrible thing is that listening to this sound is not a few at all, but dozens or even hundreds.

"Chief, I'm afraid we can't go on like this. If we have a few more, even if we take turns to defend, we can't last until tomorrow. It seems that these monsters won't stop tonight."

Huo zunlai looked at the fading sky and looked dignified.

"As long as you work together and have no selfishness, we can stick to it. No one is better than us. With your back against the mountains, the range of attack is not large. In this way, let's take out the spirit stone."

Except Yun fan, all the others took out the spirit stone and piled it on the ground. Looking at Yunfan one by one, they didn't know what he was going to do.

"Don't say I'm cheap with you. You took out these spirit stones and I won't use one. But whoever uses them, find a way to return them to others after going out.

Now it's to tide over the difficulties together, so don't worry so much about your personal opinions. Those who are about to break through from the world will come to me, and the rest will go behind the puppet. "

All of a sudden, more than 20 people from the world sat down next to Yunfan.

"I'll help you break through, but you should remember that this is the opportunity everyone gives you. So after the breakthrough, you should try your best to fight. Let's start!"

More than 20 people quickly began to work their own skills. Yunfan pressed one hand on the Lingshi pile and bent his fingers to pop up.

With the true Qi of dragon spirit, they rushed into the Dantian of more than 20 people like swords.

The breath of more than 20 people suddenly soared, and the real Qi flowed wildly in their bodies.

Bang Bang

One by one, they are like punctured balloons, breaking through shackles one after another and breaking through success. After the breakthrough, a little more stable, he got up, stood behind the puppet and began the battle.

When more than 20 people broke through, there were more than 70 people in ten groups.

Yunfan looked at more than ten people in Juyuan territory and reached out for a move.

In the shocked eyes of the people, the breakthrough continued again.

"That's great. Even the fusion environment can't do this?"

"I didn't expect to break through the second weight one month in advance."

"What's the matter? I broke through the realm of detachment. According to my cultivation speed, it will take at least half a year."

"It's worth consuming more Lingshi. It's really lucky to follow such a leader!"

After the promotion, the overall strength increased greatly. In addition, Xueyi blocked the strongest attack in front, and everyone's mood relaxed.

Although Yunfan didn't produce a spirit stone, now, people not only don't feel uncomfortable, but feel a little sorry.

It's good not to charge money to help people improve. Where else can people pay.

What character is this?

sacrifice oneself to protect others!


You know, it takes real Qi to help people improve. In this dangerous situation, it is commendable to be able to do so.

From the puppet in the beginning to helping people improve now, people feel that they can't do anything with Yunfan.

With the increase of the third-class blood devil, the number of people around decreased rapidly, and even there were people falling down in the forest sea.

Gradually, someone found Yunfan's situation and couldn't help running over.

"Help me, I'll give you everything!"

"As long as you save me, I will listen to you. Really, I will follow you when I enter the college."


With more and more people, Huo zunlai couldn't help looking at Yunfan. Tan Lu just opened her mouth and was stared back by the nearby Jiang Liu.

Everyone knows that once you promise at this time, there will be more and more people behind you. In the end, it will evolve into a confrontation with all blood demons.

With other people sharing, the pressure is naturally small, but once concentrated, so many third-class blood demons will bring unimaginable damage.

"Save you, but you must obey my command. Here, even if I want you to die, you must go. Otherwise, where should you go?"

The face of the people who came here was extremely ugly.

Such conditions are too harsh. If you promise to let them stand in front and make cannon fodder, it's really better to go out and work hard.

But this is an opportunity. If they lose this opportunity, they will die.

"Can you guarantee that we are the same as them? As long as it is fair, we will promise."

"Fair? Are you a three-year-old? Is there real fairness in this world? They have fought until now, but you have done nothing.

Besides, why didn't you stand up when I was pointed at by the nose? Now to be fair, you might as well go to him! "

Looking at Yunfan pointing to Yue Linhai, they stopped talking.

Yue Linhai is really powerful, but following him will also die. No matter how you choose, it seems that the result is no different.

"I'll stay and I'll listen to you. But I hope I can die to understand. If you really use me as a shield, please tell me."

One man stood out and stood beside Huo zunlai and others with a firm face.

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